Wedding Etiquette Forum

Cousins tried to come uninvited

My wedding was a few weeks ago, we had a small wedding. No cousins, just aunts/uncles and a few friends. One of my aunts is frail enough that I addressed her invitation to 'and guest', knowing someone would have to drive her, IF she came. Her RSVP was late being returned, but I waited and didn't call her about it. Eventually, a week later it showed up, the rsvp card read that she would not be coming. I figured this because of her advanced age. I wrote her a small note saying I would miss her and would visit her after the wedding.

So now I hear this story:

My number is unlisted and I rarely use public social media, so my cousins (A few of my aunts children) had no way of getting a hold of me, they called my sister.

One cousin wanted to come in her mom's place, and another cousin would be the 'and guest' and 2 more cousins were going to write their names in with their spouses names, and three adult children. My sister said they 'figured we'd tell someone so that there would be plenty of seating'. My sister told them a very big, absolutely not. I'm so glad she did. I'm not going to call them, but it is something I just felt bothered by so I posted here instead. All these cousins had weddings, very big weddings.

By the way I have 22 first cousins, so I'm glad they didn't all do this. I think it is terribly rude.

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