Wedding Etiquette Forum

Trying to avoid Family Drama

My Fiance and I are interested in having a small, intimate ceremony and dinner with our guests for our wedding. Ideally I would love to say it could be that easy. He has a very small family, his parents are divorced, he has no cousins and only three uncles and two aunts total, but with his broken family there are people he doesn't want there. I have a very large family (aunts, uncles, cousins only at 87 people). To add to it there is a lot of animosity between my mother, and some of her sisters--who haven't been involved with me for the last 17 years. Would it be wrong to have a small intimate wedding and only invite a few of my aunts and uncles because they were the ones that have been there in my life? We are hoping to keep the wedding around 50 people. What is the best way to handle the invitations, guest list and the announcement of our wedding to those that we aren't overly excited about including in our day?

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Re: Trying to avoid Family Drama

  • Now, in this situation would it be inappropriate to invite two of my mother's friends that are much closer than my aunts and have been very involved in my life for the last ten years while I was graduating from high school, college and getting my professional licenses. I would much rather have them involved. But I have read in several other posts it can be rude to invite friends over family members.
  • I never thought of the gift-grabby, thank you for that insight.
  • Thank you all for your input, I just want to have the small intimate wedding that we want without stepping on too many toes. I know that people are going to be hurt by my decision, but I feel that the line has to be drawn somewhere. Both my parents and his mother are very supportive, I feel that it will work itself out--I hope positively.
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