
PSA: Be the Match Bone Marrow Registry Opportunity

Hi, ladies,

The Knot has been acting up for me all day and I haven't been able to get on. I guess that's a signal to me that I need to be doing housework and chores, not hanging out :)

Anyway, I have been on the bone marrow registry since 2005. This month (they do it one month every year), they are waiving the fees to join. The fees usually cover the testing of a possible bone marrow donor.

If you go to

 and sign up before the end of January, you will be asked for a donation but don't have to give anything. They send you a simple kit and you swab your cheek and send it back. (Back when I signed up, we had to give blood to be tested, so this is way better).

DH just signed up. Minorities are especially needed on the registry as well.

It is something free and super easy to do if you have time and are so inclined.

Just thought I'd spread the word!

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