Wedding Etiquette Forum

Inviting officemates...?

Hi everyone,

So my wedding is about 5 weeks away, and I've decided I want to invite some of my office mates to my wedding. Originally, we didn't plan on inviting anyone from our offices because of budget constraints, but because of our budgeting efforts, we do have room to add the 12 or so people that I'd like to invite. 

All of them are obviously aware that I'm getting married and I never gave indication that anyone from the office would be invited (kept emphasizing that it's a small wedding - which it is). I've gotten a lot closer to my office mates in the past few months, so I would like them there.

Is it too late? The last thing I want to be is rude!

I'd appreciate your input :)

Re: Inviting officemates...?

  • When did you send out your original invites??

  • Yeah, when did you send out your invites? I'm sending mine at 6 weeks, so I don't think it would be absurd. Plus, they're probably aware that you've gotten close more recently. I think I would add them, if I could afford it. 
  • I'm a big advocate of the separation of personal and professional. You're not b listing are you?

  • @Winstonsgirl@misssunshine17: I sent the original invites 7-8 weeks before.

    @southernbell0915: No, not B-listing. More a matter of growing closer to each of them individually in the past few months. But I do agree with you about keeping personal and professional verrrry separate... So kind of on the fence, but if I decide to invite them, it needs to be this week.
  • If by 7-8 weeks you meant 7-8 weeks before the wedding, then I think you're probably ok to get them out now.  If you mean 7-8 weeks ago from now, then in my mind you're B listing, even if you're not actually replacing people who couldn't make it.  

    As for professional versus personal, I only invited 1 person for work, but we knew each other before we worked together and we hang out too outside of work.  No one else got an invite.

  • I'm a big advocate of the separation of personal and professional. You're not b listing are you?
    I second this!
  • I'm not a fan of B listing, but I've found that this is somewhat common in work environments. And you aren't I guess technically B listing them, just last minute inviting? But either way, sure if you want to invite them, invite them.
  • I didn't invite anyone from work, because even though there were a few that I would have liked there, I felt like it would be rude to invite some but not only. 

    I also work for a very small company, so there would be no secret who was actually invited and who wasn't. For the sake of being fair, not hurting feelings, and keeping within my budget I nixed all work related invitees. 
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