Hi you guys. I got engaged about a month ago, and our wedding is August of next year. I started planning our wedding the night I got engaged. And the more me and my fiancee plan, the smaller we want it. Our guest list went from 50 to a little over 20. We have 10 guests each besides our bridal party.
We want to have the wedding in her backyard and then have the reception at a country club down the street from her house. We are going to my aunts house this Saturday to dogsit and there is a huge park behind her house, so i'm thinking we could have it behind there, and the reception on her deck (she has a nice sized deck). But it would have to go through my grandfather and he's kind of homophobic and he doesn't even know i'm with a female yet, but thats another story. If we have the reception at my aunts house, I may ask, and pay, my aunt to cook, and I could help because I love helping her cook. But I don't know if we should have actual meals or appetizers or what.
So thats one question, if we have it at my aunts, should we have meals or appetizers? If we have it at the country club, they cater so we wouldn't have to worry about that.
Also, if neither of those ideas pan out, are there any cute parks or outside setting that are cheap for weddings?
And I want to do as much of it myself as possible. Any DIY ideas? Our colors red, orange, and yellow, but more red and orange. And the reception is gonna be rainbow, if that matters. Lol.