
"Not-Quite a Reception" Party Location

Hi Ladies!

My fiance and I just started planning for an October wedding. We're trying to keep costs low and we're digging down into our creative selves.

We've having a private family wedding and private family dinner (<20 people).

But we'd like to have a much bigger "party" close to downtown Pittsburgh - no big tables, no head table, no dj..... just, friends, heavy hors d'oeuvres, beers, wine, etc.  Not very picky about indoor vs. outdoor.

We're looking for a low cost creative space.... we're not concerned that it "looks" like a wedding reception...more like it looks like a party, and we just happen to be celebrating the fact that we just got married. It would be ideal if we could set up our own caterer and alcohol.

Any suggestions or places that have worked for you?

Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions!

Re: &amp;quot;Not-Quite a Reception&amp;quot; Party Location

  • edited December 2011
    Welcome! Congrats on your engagement!

    Honestly, this question has been asked A LOT lately. If you scroll down through this page, you will see 2 other brides seeking a BYOB/catering space.

    I have a friend looking for that as well.

    Basically, it doesn't exist anymore. Well, I shouldn't say that, but it has become increasingly hard to find.

    The 20th and 21st Floors of the Enterprise Tower fit the bill. Local halls may allow it as well. But even many VFW's and the like are now requiring you to use their caterer.

    I don't even know if you are going to be able to get a caterer to come out and do just heavy apps. They still would need a lot of staff and prep time.

    Also, any inexpensive venue has been booked for awhile now, as October is extremely popular.

    I suggest it all the time, but I got married at Heinz Field. You are not required to have a full meal there, so that may be an option for you. I had stations, but you could have passed apps or app tables and cocktails there. The price is reasonable, but it may be hard to book October.

    I think you should at least plan on renting a tent if you do outdoor. It can be very cold or rainy in Pittsburgh in October.

  • edited December 2011
    No advice but just wanted to say welcome!


  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Welcome and congratulations! 

    Kwynn gave you great advice, and her Heinz Field wedding was gorgeous.  What you are looking for is hard to find.  Jay Verno Studios, the Circuit Center, and the Mattress Factory are all good quirky venues, but I don't believe any of them let you bring in any caterer that you want.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for the suggestions!! You girls are great!

    I figured it was a tall order to try to get all of that in one.... I'm totally open to a site that has their own catering, so I'll start to run down the ideas that you ladies have suggested. 

    I'll let you know what I find out. 

    The Morning Glory Inn was suggested by a friend - they have caterers that they use, but you supply the alcohol, etc. I'll search through the posts for info on them. 

    Thanks so much!

  • edited December 2011
    Avoid the Morning Glory Inn. If you Google search, they have terrible reviews.
  • edited December 2011
    The James Centre in the West End has their own caterer, but will let you bring your own alcohol.  I thought it was a pretty cool venue with the two levels and opening to look down below.
  • edited December 2011
    Welcome and congrats!

    How many people are you looking to host?  I've been to meetings at the Urban Mountain Gathering Place - if it was a smaller number, that might work for you.  We had a really nice event there, but I've heard they can be hard to get on the phone too.  I'm pretty sure you can bring both your own food and alcohol and it has beautiful views of the city from Mt. Washington.  

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  • edited December 2011
    Thank you all so much!  I've got emails and phone messages out to many of these places. I'm also checking with the Engineer's Society downtown. 

    @ kwynn, thanks for the note on Morning Glory. The reviews are awful. That such a shame because the space looks awesome.
  • edited December 2011
    I know it's October, but what about North Park or South Park, depending on where you are?

    They have enclosed houses and such for parties, and you could bring your own caterer and alcohol. Just a thought!


    Dave & Jennifer 10.18.08
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  • amn2152amn2152 member
    edited December 2011

    I am not sure if you are aware but depending on your guest list size The Grey box theather in Lawrencville is an open slate. I have been to several events there and they are already set up with lighting, dressing rooms, kitchenette. outside catering is allowed and it is byob. It's at the corner of 36th and Butler st. I thought about it for my reception because all the FI and I want is a party but it isn't enought room for us to have the ceremony there too.

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