
What's for dinner?

I'm going to steal Nicole's job :)  Anything good this week?

Re: What's for dinner?

  • edited December 2011
    I told FI its not my priority to cook this week, so we'll either be eating out, or making sandwitches/breakfast for dinner.  I bought lunchmeat yesterday so he can't complain that there is nothing to eat.  My guess is we'll be ordering out by Wednesday.
  • edited December 2011
    I don't do the whole week planning thing (I'm no where near that organized to know ahead of time) however... I do know that: 
    1) tonite we will be eating a lean meat and veggies.  We loaded up on carbs last night for dinner and afterwards decided we want to keep it healthy tonite (we were in a pasta coma last nite).  
    2) we are picking up our veggies from the CSA today, which means we will have all the needed ingredients for DH's famous beef stew.. So that will be cooking in the crock pot at some point this week and eaten most likely 2x for dinner afterwards. 
    3) also from the CSA is eggplant, which DH and I don't normally really know what to do with besides screw up eggplant parm.. so I will be giving this to my mom to make her famous eggplant casserole, which she will give us a piece or two of for dinner at some point this week as well.

    So actually.. I guess thats almost a week of food after all.   Who knew.
  • edited December 2011
    Good job ooodsie! I really need to learn how to meal plan, I end up going every day with Audrey (the kid) to Giant, and while it is nice to get out every day with her, it is a little annoying. I need to learn how to plan a week of meals!
  • edited December 2011
    Ooodsie - not too long ago I posted a really easy eggplant parm recipe if you want it.  Also, one of my cookbooks has a honey eggplant recipe that I'm dying to try.

    I overindulged yesterday and this coming weekend will be a boozy foodfest, so I'm going to try and be healthy this week.  No menu planned yet though.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I think I tried your recipe - my problem is that our eggplants from the farm are VERY skinny.. so they don't cut well into the pieces needed.   :/
  • edited December 2011
    We have a zillion eggplants from our garden right now as well.  I also carted a bunch to my mom and told her to bring us eggplant parm.  She has a recipe where she cuts the eggplant into small cubes, coats them with butter, breadcrumbs, and a few spices (need to figure out which ones since she doesn't understand I don't improvise well) and just sautees them for a few minutes.  I'm going to try this sometime this week.

    We also have a whole freezer full of fish and DH is off this week, so I'm forcing him to handle all the cooking and burn through some fish -- hopefully garlic grilled striper tonight, beer battered cod later this week, and parmesan fluke sometime also!  If I'm forced to cook it'll be tacos.
  • edited December 2011
    Since you are all mentioning eggplant (one of my fave veggies), I thought I'd share an article I found a few weeks back.  It has info on eggplant and a bunch of recipe links:

    And here's a few of my all time favorite eggplant recipes (vegetarian):

    I have no meals planned this week.  Major fail.
  • edited December 2011
    ahh tonight, tomorrow and I believe Wednesday will be spent at job #2 so greek salads all around.

    Thursday starts my vacation and I will be at KOL concert, so liquid dinner ;)

    Friday - shore bound early.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm about to make dinner- salad with goats cheese, yum.

    Tomorrow leftsovers becuase we're going to Spain on Wed morning very early.  
    So seafood the rest of the week I think.  
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