Ok so my bf and I have been together for 2 years and we live together. He is a great guy and treats me wonderfully. we have a great relationship and we are happy. We have been talking about getting married for our whole relationship and now i am ready to get married. He know this and we have talked about it many times. I really would like to get married April or may of next year. Anyway every month that will pass is less time to plan. We are going to go to see his family in Minnesota in July and i would really like to be engaged this time. His family is having a huge family reunion and This time seeing all these people i would like to be his fiance not his gf anymore. His family is traditional and they make us sleep in separate beds when we visit, and they also treat me like the girlfriend. Dont get me wrong they treat me good but there is just something missing. I know that if we got engaged before or during our vacation it would really bring his family and i closer together and they would get a chance to celebrate with us considering they dont get to see us very often. I mean i could go on forever about my reasoning but its already to long. but anyway i am wondering if i should mention how important it would be to me to be engaged when we visit his family or not. I am afraid that if he was already planning to do that he might get upset because i ruined it or maybe he wouldn't do it because i was hoping for it. I really want him to know but i also know he knows how bad i wanna get engaged. what do you think i should do???