New York-New York City

Black tie wedding, what to wear?

What would you wear to an all-out black tie wedding?  (as a guest)  Do you think that a knee length gown is OK as long as it's in a formal fabric?  Or is floor length the only way to go? 

Re: Black tie wedding, what to wear?

  • edited December 2011
    I think knee-length is fine... especially if it is black.  Curious to see how others weigh in though.
  • edited December 2011
    Personally- it depends where it is to me. Pretty much every wedding I have been to (including mine) was black tie. I normally wear a long dress but it depends on the venue. At City venues I always wear a gown but some long Island , NJ black tie wedding I wear dressy cocktail dresses. About 75% of the women at my wedding wore long gowns but soem wore cocktail dresses.  I am sure you will be fine in the knee length dress.
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto, also is the wedding coming up or later in the year.  Given the weather, I'd go with the tea length and as long as it's in a very nice formal fabric, you'd be okay.  Otherwise, I'd go with all-out floor length.Sounds lovely, hope it winds up being so.
  • edited December 2011
    Long Island, Labor day weekend, Peach silk
  • susjon08susjon08 member
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I think it should be a black formal gown.  Men wear tuxedo
  • edited December 2011
    I usually wear a long gown to black tie weddings.  Then again, it is Labor Day weekend, so you could get away with wearing your shorter, peach dress.  As long as it is pretty formal, I think you'll be ok.  Don't think your dress has to be black though...
  • kriserinkriserin member
    edited December 2011
    I think a cocktail dress, if formal is fine. I went to a black tie wedding this past weekend and I wore a navy knee length dress and felt more than appropriate. Most of the girls had on short dresses.
  • edited December 2011
    I would say for labor day on Long Island a short dress is ok but I would have to see your dress.... I def do not think you have to stick to only black!
  • edited December 2011
    I think a short dress is totally appropriate. I've been to several black tie weddings (not black tie optional) and for the first few wore a long dress but then noticed that a lot of the younger (under 40 crowd) were wearing cocktail dresses and started doing the same. Another advantage to a shorter dress is that you can dance in a short dress!
  • peanut701peanut701 member
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    My black tie wedding is in a couple of weeks and the dress you described would fit in just fine!
    DD born 11/20/11
  • edited December 2011
    i have been to a number of black tie affairs (not black tie optional) in Manhattan and LI, one last year in LI on labor day... most of the women, as well as myself, were wearing shorter/knee length dresses.  as long as the fabric is formal, you'll be fine!
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