AMY PALMA ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. I cant believe i can finally say my hair and make up look FLAWLESS. Soooooooooooooooooooooo happy. My MOH took about 1,000 pictures lol - and she will send them to me tonight! i took a few but hers are better. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok so im done screaming. Seriously amazing. She is awesome. SO SO funny, and soooooooooo easy to talk to. Im PICKY PICKERSON and my first eye shadow i did not like - she asked me exactly what i wanted, and listented to every word i said. Second time around, JACKPOT. and my hair - ugh., Im just so happy. PS - Alissa, whos hair flower is this??? I want to use it. If i cant, tell me where to buy it!!! YAHOOOOOO