Wedding Etiquette Forum

Fake diamonds??

Since it's slowwwwSo a girl I know just found out that her center stone is a CZ.  She had been asking for the paper work so she could add her ring to her insurance.  After many many excuses DH admitted to her it's a CZ.  He said that she wanted a ring so bad that he had to get her "something".P.S  They got married in JuneSoooo would you be mad if FI/DH passed a CZ off as a diamond??

Re: Fake diamonds??

  • I'd be pissed if he lied.  I would have been fine with a CZ, or any other stone for that matter, as long as DH was upfront about it. 
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  • If you ever read the book The heartless Stone, you wouldn't want a diamond.  I didn't for awhile after I read it.  But I got over it. I agree if he lied I would be uber-pissed
  • I'd be more upset about him lying, not that it was a CZ. If he was upfront and honest, then I wouldn't see the big issues. If someone is more focused on their center stone than their marriage, then they have some issues.
  • I would be angry at the lie. We picked my center stone together, so I definitely know it is real!I guess I would be angry that he lied and didn't tell me he could not afford a diamond or did not want to spend money on a diamond.what was your friend's reaction?
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  • Yes, definitely.  That's deception.  It'd be one thing if we discussed it, but it's a lie and that's not cool.
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  • She's really upset about the lie, but this is the LEAST of their problems.  Ugh just talking about "him" makes me wanna vomit.  He's that bad.  He was the first guy that treated her good after a major bad 7 year break-up. Ralph
  • Yeah I'd be mad that he lied.  However, just from what you said it sounds like she was bugging him so much for it that he felt pressured to do it.  I don't know either person involved, clearly, but I'm just saying if it had been made clear that the actual ring didn't matter, just the relationship, this might not have happened.
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  • I'd be pissed he lied.Me, personally, would have prefered a small/no diamond than a lie about a CZ.  My DH would have known that too.  Go small, don't try to pass a fake as real. 
  • I wouldn't be mad if he was up front about it. But it also sounds like he was pressured, so that's not to cool either.I'm actually really not a fan of diamonds, so my FI bought me a garnet instead!
  • No one else thinks the wife could share the blame in this? As much as I was anxious to get engaged and married, I made sure DH knew I wanted to marry him with or without a ring.
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  • I would be pissed on so many levels the lie and deciept.    I was one of those who after 4 years was strong at dropping hints.  My FI had the option of using my grand moms pink sapphire or getting me a diamond.  He chose the latter and I know it is real;)  But if it wasn't I would be pissed
  • If you ever read the book The heartless Stone, you wouldn't want a diamond. I didn't for awhile after I read it. But I got over it.I got an antique diamond/setting. Which may or may not be better, I don't know. But I'd like to think so. I considered getting another stone (and my fiance asked if I wanted to get some other kind of gem, which would clearly be cheaper), but in the end I wanted to be girly and go diamond. I was also TOTALLY fine with getting something sort of small and not "three months salary" sized. I don't wear much jewelry, so a huge ring (though I wouldn't turn it down!) would look weird on me.But yeah, I'd be angry.
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  • TLV, yes, I think she's somewhat to blame in that they clearly either have a lousy relationship (how are they getting engaged and then married without knowing each other's finances?) or she has horrible taste and the guy is a complete jerk. But beyond that, no, HE lied to her. If he couldn't afford it, it was up to him to let her know that. What else does he lie to her about because it's more convenient?
  • The stone itself doesn't matter, but I think my H would have known me better than that; I would prefer some other centre object (pearl etc) well before I'd want anything fake, and the lying is what would hurt me- although I know my ring itself is real because I know where it was bought from, and I'm surprised that a guy could get away with this for that long without his FI prying for further details.
  • I do not like the diamond industry, so I'd be mad if FI bought me a real diamond & tried to pass it off as something made in a lab like I wanted.  Lying is bad. 
  • My cousin got my best friend a CZ ring when they got engaged, and apparently never told her.  She just found out and was like, good, I never really liked it anyway!  She cracks me up.
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  • I'd be furious if he lied, but I wouldn't be mad if he was honest about it during the planning process of buying the ring.
  • It sounds like he was basically bullied into getting a ring (and probably married), and he didn't want to disappoint his demanding fiancee. If his wife was a more reasonable person, perhaps he wouldn't have felt the need to lie. I know I would be upset, but only because I'm one of the most patient, understanding folks around. There's no REASON to lie to me.
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  • I would be pissed at the lie, not at the CZ. For the record my DH would never have done that to me.  First he is not like that, but he is also incapable of telling a lie or keeping a secret. Second, my diamond was from my MIL. Third, I was the one who had the ring appraised.  I also had my diamond wedding band appraised even though I had paper work from the jeweler.  I wanted an independant appraisal and not something from the store selling the diamond.  

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  • Yes I'd be pissed. I wanted a REAL diamond, not some fake crap. I know, how awful of me. Did she bug the crap out of him for a ring?
  • everyone says that they'd be okay with having a non-diamond ring....but if you were really, really excited about getting engaged, and you open the box and it's doesn't even resemble a diamond, it's hard not to be dissapointed.  if she had approved another stone in advance, that's different.  but you can't pressure someone into getting married and be picky too.
  • fangsiting - you mentioned getting a manmade diamond.  Where did you get it?  We've been looking, but they seem really hard to find.  (I really want one.)  Any info you have would be amazing.
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  • everyone says that they'd be okay with having a non-diamond ring....but if you were really, really excited about getting engaged, and you open the box and it's doesn't even resemble a diamond, it's hard not to be dissapointed. Just because a diamond was/is important to you doesn't mean all of us feel that way. I was excited about getting engaged, but to me that excitement isn't tied to a stone. Its tied to the idea that I was going to be marrying my now husband. I didn't even want need a ring at all.
  • fangsiting - you mentioned getting a manmade diamond. Where did you get it? We've been looking, but they seem really hard to find. (I really want one.) Any info you have would be amazing. ring was made here.  It's a simulated diamond, which means it has additional elements, doesn't carry heat, & is not quite as hard as a diamond (99 on a scale of a 100 instead of 100).  However, it has perfect cut, clarity, & color; it's two carats and super cheap.  The company is also committed to the environment and the rings have a lifetime guarantee (if the stone ever does chip, they will replace it).  Real diamonds can be made in a lab, but they are harder to find and are much more expensive than a simulated diamond.  The customer service is great.  If you live anywhere near Milwaukee, I recommend checking their store out.  We drove up from Chicago so FI could see them.  I knew I wanted one, but FI wasn't convinced.  Guess he thought he was being a cheap bastard if he got me a fake diamond. 
  • Thanks, fangsiting.  I'm actually from Canada, so I'll have to do a bit more investigating, but I appreciate the link and the speedy response!
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  • I didn't care if mine was real or not- As a matter of fact, my ring is a lab-made diamond.  I got it from the same company that makes the Miss. America Crowns... Diamond Nexus Labs. I LOVE IT!! I think I would just be upset if he lied.
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  • lalap, Diamond Nexus Labs does ship to Canada!
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