New Jersey

Universal Health Care - good or bad idea?


Re: Universal Health Care - good or bad idea?

  • MyeMye
    edited December 2011
    dana - that is so wrong! never did I have to wait to see a doctor for anything, or any reason, ever even now when I am there i dont have to wait to see a doctor, in fact you dont even need an appointment, and I wait less than at my reg doctor here the only doctor not covered was the dentist, other than that every single doctor was elective procedures, such as a breast reduction, or something like that, then there is a wait, but usually like a few weeks, because its not urgent
  • Amerz20Amerz20 member
    edited December 2011
    All I am saying is that it sucks that we have to pay taxes for people who have 3 kids with 3 different fathers, and people who are illegal in this country. People who are the hard working people who take care of their health are the most deserving of getting medical help.
  • edited December 2011
    Am for it. Almost every other major country in the world has some kind of universal healthcare and it seems to work perfectly fine. Universal healthcare does not end private just keeps the insurance companies from making billions on your dime. I love how people argue how they have to pay for someone else's coverage and they work.  It's like people are purposely going around quitting their jobs, eating junk food, purposely getting hurt and sick so they can get "free" insurance. I agree with Mye about the fact that this subject shows just how truly selfish people are.    And people say go buy insurance....has anyone who has been unemployed tried to buy insurance?  It costs like $400 a month.  I do believe that if you want insurance even if it's generic, you should pay something, but make it affordable so that the every day person who doesn't make $50,000 can send their child to a doctor.  It's not really about Universal vs. Private, the real issue is about affordability and holding insurance companies accountable. I don't know if anyone heard about this story, but an insurance company tried to deny a baby coverage because they said the baby was too fat....i mean are you serious?  and by the way, the baby was not fat.  oh and this argument about I don't want to pay more taxes on something that I won't even benefit you have any clue on what your taxes pay for that don't benefit you at all or even have any kind of impact like trying to help someone live a healthy life? 
  • edited December 2011
    Mye - that's why I said SOME countries.  I know they're not all like this.  But there are some that are.  Where did you live anyway? Just out of curiosity?  I'm always intrigued by people that lived out of the country for part of their life!
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  • edited December 2011
    My cousin who lives in Italy and needed some surgery and she didn't have to wait months for it or have to wait months for a doctor's appointment. These assumptions that people make about doctor's and long lines are so false.
  • itsme32985itsme32985 member
    edited December 2011
    Not for it!  And I will definitely not pay for somebody that is illegally in our country!
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  • edited December 2011
    And I agree Rosanne when you say it's not about universal healthcare, but instead affordable healthcare.  That, I will not argue with.  It is DEFINITELY ridiculous how much people pay (myself included, even through my job)
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  • MyeMye
    edited December 2011
    Portugal, which is not a super rich country like the UK or France, their universal health care is super amazing!
  • itsme32985itsme32985 member
    edited December 2011
    And I pay my own health insurance and have no problem doing it.  I don't expect people to have to pay for me it's not their problem.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Really well, like Rosanna stated. You must have no clue what your taxes are paying for then. I have never collected unemployment, ssc, welware, etc yet I pay for the people who do use these services.
  • MyeMye
    edited December 2011
    you dont realize that we are already paying for illegals to have medical care! the WIC program offers medical to all poor mothers and children, regardless of immigration status
  • edited December 2011
    You know what I dont get? Why parents are able to put their children in their health care (up to a certain age) plan but we can't out our parents in ours..... I wish I could put my mother and father in my plan.  It sucks to see them pay for a doctor's visit and for certain medications that do not come in generic. Yes some people are selfish and I certainly dont consider myself one of them because truthfully had I not had medical insurance, I dont know what I would have done with a $190K hospital bill.  The problem is how people abuse the system, i.e. welfare
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Mye--just curious where did you live? My whole family lives in England, and for serious med problems they still have to wait a week or 2 to see a doctor. We just found out my grandma is dying of cancer and bot only did they misdiagnose for 6 months by not running the right tests bc of costs, but after she was diagnosed she couldn't speak to the doctor for a week and a half. Also, just a thought a lot of the countries with universal health care also have private insurance companies due to the crappy public care. So if you have a decent job (or work for a large company) you get private insurance. It seems like having universal health care and not having it both present with major problems/challenges.
  • edited December 2011
    "Really well, like Rosanna stated. You must have no clue what your taxes are paying for then. I have never collected unemployment, ssc, welware, etc yet I pay for the people who do use these services"I don't necessarily agree with this at all either.  But this isn't the argument at hand....they're done already and we can't really vote for or against them right now.  But i'm with you that they're sometimes ridiculous.
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • edited December 2011
    itsme, so i guess if you got fired, couldn't collect unemployment and didn't have health insurance and then got sick, ended up in the hospital, recieved a 100k bill for won't complain.
  • itsme32985itsme32985 member
    edited December 2011
    I know we pay for illegals but I think it's wrong, and yes thank you I do know where my taxes go unfortunately most government run programs are abused.  Our health care problem does need to be overhauled in a large way I will not disagree with that.
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  • edited December 2011
    hello...universal healthcare doesn't eliminate private's a supplement for it.  Of course every country that has universal healthcare also has private insurance, but their private insurance is Affordable so that the average person can buy it and go to see their own private doctor. That is the difference between our healthcare system and the rest of the world.  They give every individual a realistic opportunity to have insurance.  Fine you don't want to pay for me to have insurance, okay, but I would hope you would agree that I should at least have the chance to buy insurance that is not an insane amount of money that the average person can afford.  Their are plenty of people by the way that work and still don't have insurance because their company does not offer it to them.
  • itsme32985itsme32985 member
    edited December 2011
    I actually got laid off of my job last December and have not been able to find a full time job.  I work some sh*tty part time job to make ends meet.
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  • lmcit23lmcit23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    IMO - Once the government gets into the business of providing our health care, the government gets into the business of deciding whose life matters, and how much. It gets into the business of deciding what we "really" want, where what we really want can never be a second chocolate eclair that might make us a size fourteen and raise the cost of treating us.
  • edited December 2011, ummm, you already get that with Insurance companies! They decide whether they want to cover you or not based on your life style, pre-existing conditions and whatever other thing bothers them that day.  People get denied claims every single day who pay for insurance through their job and still can't get what they pay for.
  • edited December 2011
    not for it. I have heard horror stories from family and friends in Italy who die b/c they don't get treatment b/c they are waiting and waiting.
  • edited December 2011
    karma, people here die every day because they don't have any insurance.
  • lmcit23lmcit23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Just because they are uninsured doesn't mean they can't receive health care; nonprofits and government-run hospitals provide services to those who don't have insurance, and it is illegal to refuse emergency medical service because of a lack of insurance.
  • lmcit23lmcit23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    and yes, claims do get denied every day but IMO - anything the governement runs I"m not for it.
  • edited December 2011
    you end up paying for those emergency claims in the ER so why not make an organized system.  And anything that the government runs you are not for? really?  so that means you are not for the military, the post office, medicaid or medicare so on and so forth. 
  • lmcit23lmcit23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    i wasnt clear... anything the government runs is inefficient and wasteful.
  • Amerz20Amerz20 member
    edited December 2011
    I plan on getting health insurance in January thru my company. Its ridiculous that its going to cost me $350 for DH and I. Thats just medical, and really is just sh!tty coverage. Its crazy that my company made $580 million last year. You think they would get something a little more affordable.
  • edited December 2011
    oh okay so the post office which gets your mail to you every single day is inefficient and wasteful...good to know.  so retarded.
  • lmcit23lmcit23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I think it is amazing they can get a letter to anywhere in the US for less than 50 cents but they also run a deficit in the billions of dollars. If they were a private business they would have gone belly up but they are a government entity so they are going nowhere.
  • dominoe611dominoe611 member
    edited December 2011
    i agree with universal healthcare but not the proposed plans.  i think a good deal of reform needs to be done with malpractice suits.  so much money is wasted "just in case" a dr gets sued or when a dr is sued - that is what is driving up premiums.
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