Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning!

FI and I were rocked out of bed at 1:30am by a thunderstorm and tornado sirens... true to form, we grabbed both cameras and went and stood in the yard to watch. LOL!

We didn't get any good photos to share, but this was taken less than a mile from us... I'm mad that I missed it!

I totally love this weather so I'm all energized this morning. How's everyone else? Any more cool weather photos to start off a Tuesday? :)

Re: Good morning!

  • That pic is scary! It looks like a volcano erupting!
  • reddy, I know... when I saw it on the local news station's website this morning, I thought it had to be a stock photo. But it was credited to a viewer and the intersection where they said it was taken is just a few minutes from here.
  • Good Morning.  That picture is SCARY!  I'd have been in my basement, I have no desire to see things like that up close.  :)  We have Thunderstorm watches until noon today and it's supposed to hit 90.  Hello there hot and muggy! 

    Also, Reese Puff cereal is so tasty!  I'm eating it now and totally forgot how much I love it.
  • Good morning, Stackeye! :) We're going to get the hot and muggy today too. They're saying tomorrow night more strong storms are supposed to be coming through.

    OK I have to get in the shower and head to work... I'll check back in when I get to the office.

    Have a great morning!
  • I, on the other hand, was up half the night due to the horrible storms and am not energized by it!  :P   I'm so tired!  I kept just laying there listening to the constant thunder and seeing near constant lightening just waiting for the tornado to come kill us.
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  • Good morning!  We had flooding and tornadoes all around us,  but nothing exactly where we are.  That picture is frightening - the pics of people in kayaks floating down our side streets are kind of funny, though.

    Insomnia last night - I started taking Chantix again and it's giving me vivid dreams and other sleep disturbances,  but it's worth it. 
  • OWN - I've heard that about Chantix.
    Weather photos, huh?  Well, my FI and I went lightning chasing one night and he got these shots:

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  • OWN - is Chantix the stop smoking stuff?  If so, good luck!!!  I remember TJ talking about it on here and she didn't last very long on it because of the side effects.
  • Wow TR, those lightening pics are amazing!

    Not quite as turbulent weather from the Oregon Coast last weekend:

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]OWN - is Chantix the stop smoking stuff?  If so, good luck!!!  I remember TJ talking about it on here and she didn't last very long on it because of the side effects.
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Yes, it's the stop smoking stuff.  I've been on it before and it works great for me while I'm on it . . . it's staying quit that's been the problem.   Last round, I'd quit for about 2 months and then started again when my Dad died. 

    Chantix does give me very very vivid dreams and this time around I've got some insomnia (I hope that doesn't last), but otherwise the side effects aren't bad for me.  Thanks for the well wishes - I can use them!
  • salt78salt78 member
    No good storms here yet. It's just HOT. Not that I'm complaining. 
    I think I'd pee myself if that thing was a mile from my house.

    And good morning. 
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  • holy cow. I don't deal with tornaders. Just hurricanes please.

    Not weather pics but these are from the panhandle of Florida where there is now plumes of oil off the coast Frown

  • Oh, here we go with the thunderstorms here... and so now I must ask, as a transplanted Californian-- is it true (as I read in a children's book on the science of thunderstorms when I was a child) that you aren't supposed to take a shower during a thunderstorm for fear of lightning strikes?

    I can't imagine it is, but I'm a paranoid woman here.
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  • Yes Morfudd - it's true, you shouldn't take showers, or talk on a land line.  I'm not sure why, I just know as a kid I was never allowed to.  :) 

    Vally - those pictures make me very sad.  I was just looking at the map of the oil spill right before I came back here and saw those that you posted.  I'm glad it's not where I'm going to be, but it makes me so sad that the oil is doing so much damage. 
  • aragx6aragx6 member
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:25d1611c-a62e-4c81-8f1c-a70a48a1d8dcPost:ba3f3b14-6eae-40d0-ac6c-b688c732d3f5">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh, here we go with the thunderstorms here... and so now I must ask, as a transplanted Californian-- is it true (as I read in a children's book on the science of thunderstorms when I was a child) that you aren't supposed to take a shower during a thunderstorm for fear of lightning strikes? I can't imagine it is, but I'm a paranoid woman here.
    Posted by Morfudd[/QUOTE]

    I've always wondered this too! I should probably just google it.

    Also Vallyhoo -- I agree that a tornado is more scary than a hurricane, but tornadoes are so targeted and short lived that even if you live in "tornado alley" you're still not so likely to be in one as someone who lives in say the gulf coast is to have a hurricane hit them.
  • That's right Stacks, you're going to Sarasota right? The beaches on the west coast are still untouched. I was on Clearwater beach all day on Sunday.
  • Holy pictures this morning batman!  Those are crazy!!

    I myself, just came in from laying out for the past hour.  It's a GORGEOUS day here, nary a cloud in the sky, with a lovely breeze and in the high 70's.  Fabulous! FINALLY.  I think this brightness is causing me serious issues with sleep because I haven't been able to sleep well for several days.  OH well!

    We managed to get some of the things for our apartment yesterday finally.  But the bank in Italy still hasn't sent us our money.  I'm gearing up for a firebombing.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's right Stacks, you're going to Sarasota right? The beaches on the west coast are still untouched. I was on Clearwater beach all day on Sunday.
    Posted by vallyhoo[/QUOTE]

    I'm actually going to St Pete and Clearwater.  :) 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes Morfudd - it's true, you shouldn't take showers, or talk on a land line.  I'm not sure why, I just know as a kid I was never allowed to.  :)
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Hmm, well it seems to have stopped, so I suppose I'm in the clear for now.

    I'm sad to see those pictures, too, Vally (even if not surprised).
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  • Morning guys! FI and I drove out to Milwaukee yesterday, so I too was around last night for the tornado warnings. FI had to work last night, but he called me from work to tell me about the warnings and to tell me what to do to be safe if I heard one. Nothing scary happened to me, and the storm didn't last all that long, but apparently a tornado went through one of FI's coworkers' yards only a few miles from here.

    Now I'm just sitting here waiting for FI to get home - if he got out of work on time he should be home any minute now.
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  • Stacks - well then you're definitely in the clear! I have thoroughly inspected all of the beaches from St Pete to Clearwater Cool Little Stack will have a blast.
  • Good Morning, all!

    Stacks, I love the puffs cereal.  I ate it every morning in college.  I only stopped because it doesn't keep me full through the morning.  :(

    Akhensley, I can't believe you guys got tornado weather!  That never happens!  I lived in KS for 10 years so I've seen some pretty bad stuff, been taken off the road and had to run to a building, had one one block away from my house, etc. 
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • Morning everyone.  I'm still trying to figure out this stupid name change from work and it's annoying the bejeezus out of me.
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  • Morfudd and Hillary - GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND.  I was just noticing tickers in this thread!  I hope you have great weddings.
  • Good Morning!!

    I fell alsleep last night listening to the thunder and I kept thinking that my daughter was turning her light on because that is how bright the lightning was. Woke up this morning, and the sun was shining so bright and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • I'm back.... awesome weather pics, ladies!! I've got a few I took during a storm last summer... I live for this stuff. I think I was a storm chaser in a former life. :)

  • Morning, ladies!! I hate the oil pics, valls. They make me sad.

    This is a pic from two years ago in Atlanta, when they had the tornado. A guy took it off his balcony.

    My morning has been fine, except that my rash is back on my hands due to my spending all day at my mom's house Sunday, and I'm allergic to all the dander there from three dogs in the house. I definitely won't be doing that again soon. The cream the derm gave me doesn't really do anything, so I'll just be waiting it out for it to go away.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]... I live for this stuff. I think I was a storm chaser in a former life. :)
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    Sounds like you're a storm chaser in THIS life!
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  • I have no weather pictures, but here is Milhouse sticking his tongue out at you:

    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:25d1611c-a62e-4c81-8f1c-a70a48a1d8dcPost:7c8c8c24-2d97-47b8-8691-ae90887781ee">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good Morning, all! Stacks, I love the puffs cereal.  I ate it every morning in college.  I only stopped because it doesn't keep me full through the morning.  :( Akhensley, I can't believe you guys got tornado weather!  That never happens!  I lived in KS for 10 years so I've seen some pretty bad stuff, been taken off the road and had to run to a building, had one one block away from my house, etc. 
    Posted by andyandhillary[/QUOTE]

    Surprisingly, the tornado sirens do go off here usually a couple of times a season. When we do get one, they're usually weak sauce. But I've seen a few. A couple of months ago, the weather people were saying that we're way overdue for an outbreak. So now every storm that comes through, they think it's going to be the Big One. Ha!
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