Snarky Brides

Would this look gift-grabby?

I'm graduating from college in 2 weeks, and getting married next April.
I wasn't planning on sending out anything about my graduation (announcements and such), just telling the 10 people that I have tickets for when and where to show up, mainly because in 11 months, I'll be getting married and alot of people will be on both lists (for grad and wedding)...and I'm concerned about looking like I'm being gift grabby.

My stepmom really wants me to get announcements and send them out...but I'm still not so sure.

Am I over analyzing this?
What would you think if you recieved both?

Re: Would this look gift-grabby?

  • I think announcemens are okay for graduating...
  • Dude. I had no idea you were supposed to send out announcements when you graduated college.  Dangit, I missed that boat, like 3 frickin years ago.

    How about when you finish grad school?!?

    I wouldn't think anything of it if I received both, btw. I might be a bad judge, however, because I'm really really laid back.  *shrug*
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  • I wouldn't think it would be gift-grabby, especially since graduation & wedding are about a year apart.
  • I have never heard of graduation announcements.

    I have only been invited to graduation parties.
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  • I don't think it is gift-grabby to send graduation announcements. It is a major life event that warrants letting people know.  
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bb44ec4-1d12-4a0f-aea6-5daac46c963dPost:92cca583-9fc7-4c5b-9f02-9a8de07e406d">Re: Would this look gift-grabby?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dude.<strong> I had no idea you were supposed to send out announcements when you graduated college</strong>.  Dangit, I missed that boat, like 3 frickin years ago. How about when you finish grad school?!? I wouldn't think anything of it if I received both, btw. I might be a bad judge, however, because I'm really really laid back.  *shrug*
    Posted by MandK9[/QUOTE] 
    I don't know how common it is that people send them out rather than not
  • I havent heard of it either. I've seen graduation announcements in the paper though.

    Do people normally send a gift when they receive a graduation announcement?

    Even if they do, I don't think its gift grabby because there is quite a lot of time in between. also I don't think everyone who receives one will send a gift. in contrast  I think most people invited to a wedding or shower (even without being able to go) would probably give a gift. I think the people who are going to get you graduation gifts are the people who would get them for you without an announcement anyway.

    When I graduated I got a lot of cards and flowers.
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  • I sent out graduation announcements this summer when I graduated with my MBA and I got married in January.  I don't think it looks gift grabby.  Its not as if you are sending the announcement with a wishlist or request for money.  Its just an announcement of an important life event.
  • That's it. I am now totally announcing when I get my Ph.D.
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  • I think if your stepmom wants them so badly, she can get them and send them out.  That way you don't have to worry about them, and you don't look gift grabby because they're not coming from you.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bb44ec4-1d12-4a0f-aea6-5daac46c963dPost:19f956a7-1f23-4420-85c8-26659c40283e">Re: Would this look gift-grabby?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's it. I am now totally announcing when I get my Ph.D.
    Posted by MandK9[/QUOTE]

    I totally would.  I'm in law school now and I'm totally announcing when I finish this damned degree too.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bb44ec4-1d12-4a0f-aea6-5daac46c963dPost:19f956a7-1f23-4420-85c8-26659c40283e">Re: Would this look gift-grabby?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's it. I am now totally announcing when I get my Ph.D.
    Posted by MandK9[/QUOTE]

    You definitely should. Just for the fact that it's a Ph.D.

    J&K, I considered that since I really don't really see the big deal in all of it
  • polichikpolichik member
    edited April 2011
    I graduated grad school in June 2010 and was married in September 2010. My mom wanted to send out announcements, and it was fine with me. Honestly, I was really proud, and my graduation sort of got lost in the shuffle of the wedding and the move, so I appreciated that she was so proud of me.

    A few people sent cards, but no gifts. I don't see graduating from college or grad school as the gift-giving occasion that high school graduation usually is.

    ETA: Congrats, btw!
  • As far as I know, the announcements don't necessarily mean "GIVE ME PRESENTS!!!" If I were you, I'd be proud to have accomplished what you have and announcements are just kind of a way of proclaiming to the world one of your most important life events...(grad announcements, birth announcements, wedding announcements etc) Plus, the type of gift that a grad gets is usually on the opposite end of the gift spectrum compared to what a newlywed would receive. I don't think anyone would see it as being 'gift grabby' at all...and congrats btw!
  • It's not gift grabby IMO, it's a completely different occasion.  Also, I may be wrong but announcements are just to announce the event, I would never think I'd receive a gift from that?  Same with wedding announcements-it's just to formally let people know you got married, I don't think etiquette says a gift is ever meant to be sent, just a "congratulations" the next time you see the person/couple.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bb44ec4-1d12-4a0f-aea6-5daac46c963dPost:6402b99a-15d2-45db-bf5b-e4ad412cc6d1">Re: Would this look gift-grabby?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's not gift grabby IMO, it's a completely different occasion.  Also, I may be wrong but announcements are just to announce the event, I<strong> would never think I'd receive a gift from that? </strong> Same with wedding announcements-it's just to formally let people know you got married, I don't think etiquette says a gift is ever meant to be sent, just a "congratulations" the next time you see the person/couple.
    Posted by tayylor65[/QUOTE]

    I got a few checks from OOT people who couldn't come down from my HS announcements. 
  • I think its fine if you want to do it. Although, I do not know ANYONE who sent out college grad annoucements. We did this in high school, but not college.
  • No Offense intended... but I DO think graduation announcements are gift grabby. What other purpose do they serve? I am graduating law school in 3 weeks and we aren't sending them. If we do- people will send checks. That is how it works. I am not looking for people's money. My friends and family all know I am graduating. Why do they need a note in the mail?

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  • Well, if that's gift grabby then I'm screwed. I graduate from college on Mother's Day and the wedding is May 27th. My mom sent out graduation announcements a few weeks ago. It's just something that everyone does in my family. In our family, my generation is the first to attend college. None of the parents, grandparents, etc did. So all of our parents are really proud. My mom was determined that my graduation not get lost in the shuffle just because of when we are getting married. She also had small cards printed up explaining where I am going to graduate school and what for that she included. That's popular in our family too. It's just a reminder of what that person is doing in their life. The older relatives who won't do e-mail love it.
  • I have never haerd of graduation announcements either.  I'd just tell people in person when you see them and they ask how you are doing.  Sending a formal announcement seems really AW-y to me.
  • I don't see how it's different than sending birth announcements. I mean, you can assume that your friends and family know that you're pregnant, but it's still nice to let them know when it happens. Plenty of my extended family knew I was in grad school, but they didn't necessarily know how long the program was or when I'd be graduating. Again, I didn't expect to receive gifts, nor did I.
  • maybe it's different in different areas then. I know with our family and friends- they would send cards with money. Considering we were married less than a year ago- I don't want that right now. I know I will hear from them all when it happens....

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  • When I finish school (hopefully before I die of old age) I will be sending graduation announcements.  I do not expect gifts.  When my daughter graduated in December, she sent announcements because I told her to and gave her a short list--grandparents/aunts and uncles/ sister/a few friends that consider her a niece.  Under 20.  She wasn't expecting gifts, just announcing a major milestone.

    I certainly expect my older daughter to sent them when she graduates from law school.  She'll get the same list and add her husband and father's families to the list.

    The people on my list know we're not asking for gifts, just making an important announcement of a major accomplishment.
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  • Since your wedding is quite a while away from your wedding, I don't think it would be a big deal at all. I am not sending out announcements because my graduation and wedding are only three months apart, so I think it would be a little too much. I am, however, having a small graduation party with about ten friends. But like I said, since yours is a good distance apart, I think it would be fine!
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