This is a little similar to the "Lost gift?" thread below, but I didn't want to hijack anything.
My wedding was a little over three weeks ago, and I have yet to receive a single gift (or card) from any of my three cousins (only family I have on my father's side). They are all older, well-established, with families of their own. They and their families came to all of my wedding events: bridesmaid's tea, rehearsal dinner, and wedding/reception. Two of the three individually asked me what I wanted, and, because I was uncomfortable assigning a price, I tried to politely defer to their own judgement.
I'm surprised that I haven't received anything from any of them, and I'm a little hurt. We gave them gifts for their weddings, the births of their children, and countless other life events. My mom wants to call them, but I keep telling her to wait.
WWYD? Allow mom to ask? She's devised a plan to ask about a fictitious gift that came with no card - putting them in the position to either say "No, we got her <insert gift here />," or "Actually, we didn't give a gift."