I quit my job. I wasn't put in a position where giving notice was really an option. My options were sign this farked up contract that had stipulations I was very uncomfortable with (I'd really rather not go into detail) or leave. I put together a very polite letter of resignation, gave it to the head honcho, and was told to be at the office the next day to drop off my key and pick up my personal stuff from my desk. So anyhoo, I'm unemployed as of now. I haven't really started looking for anything else yet. I've emailed a few people in my field to see if they know of anything available, but I haven't sent out my resume or anything like that, so far.
FI and I are financially stable without my income. The wedding is two months away. I realize it can take a while to find a new job, but I'm hesitant to REALLY start looking right now because I don't want to start a new job by taking time off for the wedding and the honeymoon right off the bat. But then, I might not even find anything in two months, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to look now. Would Jesus look for a new job now or wait til after his wedding? Kidding. WWYD?

Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince