Wedding Etiquette Forum

Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh

Since it's slow I figured I'd get a poll going :)
Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh?

Dh and I both worked for PetSmart. He was the night manager and my dept. manager always made me work close/open shifts so that he could "woo" me. I had no clue he liked me until about a year after I started working there.

Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh

  • JIFFYLUBE!!!!!!!
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  • A mutual friend introduced us when we both went with her to a documentary film festival.  We hung out a couple times the three of us and then one time she had to cancel last minute (HP5 screening) and DH and I started hanging out on our own.  Still took him a couple months to convince me to start dating him :)
  • We both got a job working as cashiers at sportmans warehouse. I remember the day he was being interviewed, I really wanted the cute guy to get the job so I could meet him.
    We got cashiers next to eachother a lot and would talk and joke around. I looked forward to going to work so I could see him haha
  • FI and I know eachother because I dated one of his friends for three years. Before FI and I were dating, obviously.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited February 2010
    I met N in high school. We were both band geeks. He looked really sexy with a trumpet in hand.

    ETA - We were just friends in HS. He graduated a year before me, went to college for a year, and then joined the Army. I went off to college and we kept in touch, but kept it platonic until my junior year of college when he told me that he had loved me for 6 years and wanted give a relationship with me a shot. I gave him a shot and 2 1/2 years later, we were married. :) I've known him for nearly 10 years now.
  • I met him when I was 17, in fall of 2001, in his best friend's dorm room, back when I had designs on his best friend. The friend wanted me to meet him because we both knew so much about movie trivia, and he wanted to see if we could stump each other.

    I wish I could say that it was all bliss from there, but we didn't start dating until more than four years later. :)
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  • DH and I were in college marching band together. But we really only got together when I put my panties in his pocket at a party. I'm classy like that.
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  • We met online (Jdate to be exact).  Thank god for internet dating, or else we probably would have never met!
  • This is going to be a novel...

    My best guy friend in HS (Andy) went off to college during my senior year of HS. FI had started college the year before but decided to stay in the freshman dorms since his friends had all graduated. FI and Andy lived on the same hall during Andy's freshman year/FI's sophomore year. At the end of the year, Andy and three other guys decided to live together the next year. FI did the same with three other guys. Somehow, two guys from each apartment group dropped out of school, so Andy and his friend decided to room with FI and his friend, even though they didn't know one another.

    I flew out from school to visit Andy and met FI when I was staying there for 3 days. We were both dating other people at the time. A month later, he went abroad for 4 months. A week before he came back, I left to go abroad for 6 months. We both broke up with our SOs during that time. When I came back, FI drove 8 hours to visit me. After a total of 3 days hanging out together, we decided to start a long-distance relationship with a 14-hour drive between us.

    And that's how the most improbable romance happened.
  • Ok short story-my sister introduced us.

    Long story- He came down to Michigan State for the big MSU v. U of M game with his friend who was cousin's with my sister's "big" in her sorority.  She saw him watching tv and told him that her twin sister loves redheads and that I am single.  He kind of laughed it off and didn't think much of it until later that night.  My sister called me super late and I assumed she wanted me to pick her up from the party but she immediately said "I found your redhead! Here he to him!"  We talked, texted and met the next day.  We had our first date later that night and have been together ever since.
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  • Teresa- thats just too sweet.
  • Rich's first job as a prof, my first year as a grad student--Love at first sight (*gag*)Kiss
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  • We met at a bar in South Beach Miami. I was living in New Jersey at the time and on vacation with some girl friends and he was there for a bachelor party. I was actually not interested in him at first I was annoyed at the fact that I went to South Beach and met a bunch of guys from the NYFD and NYPD. I couldn't understand why I could meet them so easily in another state and not when I went out in NJ and NYC.  One of my friends was interested in his friend so we ended up hanging out with them a couple different times during our trip.

    When we returned from vacation I called FI because I thought he was a nice guy and then we went on our first date a few weeks later. My friends all think its funny that we ended up together because the first night we went out I was convinced we were just going out as friends not on a date. It will be 5 years in June since we met!
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  • Band camp, age 14.

    And yes, we've heard all the jokes many a time :)

  • E-Harmony, baby! We are also friends with 2 other couples who met on E-Harmony and got married. Those couples actually convinced FI and I to sign up for E-Harmony. He was a bit disappointed because he signed up for a 6 month membership, but met me on day 2!
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  • FI and I met back in 2002 when my BFF (now MOH) had the hots for him. FI was totally not interested, but she invited me to a Christmas play to meet him (show him off) and we met and a few months later got together. BFF had begun crushing on another guy by then. And now here we are. I always joke about how the first time I met FI he was wearing make-up (he was in the play) and he was sooo perty I fell for him right then.

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  • Online.  Neither of us knew anybody here except people we worked with, and we were both bored.  It worked pretty instantly. 

    Our officiant and one BM are dating, and they met on the same site.  The first time FI met the BM, he recognized her pic.  It made for some awesome drunken hilarity.

    Oh, and FI's brother met his wife on the same site. 
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    Mom to J: 2011
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • I heart you Kate :)

    Hmm I should have put "dh was my boss/superior" as one of the options ....
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh</a>:
    [QUOTE]Band camp, age 14. And yes, we've heard all the jokes many a time :)
    Posted by kate51485[/QUOTE]

    So have we. ;-)
  • We lived in the same apartment building. He met me as I was moving in my couch.
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  • His best friends is my old roommate.

    We first met in 2000, and over the years saw each other out in social situations on a fairly regular basis. We lost touch for a couple years and reconnected at my old roommates mardi gras party in 2008. Got engaged 3 months later.
  • edited February 2010
    He was visiting LA for a week (when he lived in New Zealand) in honor of a mutual friend;s 40th birthday. We met at the birthday party, spent about 10 hours together, then hung out again on Halloween 3 days later. 

    Edit: We met in October 2006. He moved back from New Zealand in April 2007. He swung through LA and we ended up spending 36 hours straight together. He came back to LA in July to help his sister move back to Boston and that's when we decided we were "officially" dating. It was an LDR for 7 months after that.
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  • I met his friend Ross at a club and instantly become best buddies with him... Ross told me I had to meet his frat bro... and so it began =). Ross will be marrying us! (while officiant wise!)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh</a>:
    [QUOTE]Teresa- thats just too sweet.
    Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha, I don't know about "sweet"... I spent a good amount of time teasing him about being a redhead and singing the Davy Crockett song to him.

    Pretty sure that we'll have crazy, redheaded children because of that.  Hello karma!
  • Met on an annual Labor Day trail ride.  Were introduced by a mutual friend.  Talked for a bit but I didn't want to be clingy so I left him alone.  Later that night I wanted to talk to him but he was talking to a cute girl for a really long time, so I let him be.

    A month later I saw him at a wedding and started talking to him again.  Found out he was single and that night was the beginning of our relationship.

    The cute girl, I later found out she is his cousin.  Her and I are now good friends.
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • Red headed children are adorable. I don't know the Davy Crockett song?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh</a>:
    [QUOTE]DH and I were in college marching band together. But we really only got together when I put my panties in his pocket at a party. I'm classy like that.
    Posted by bel138[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I would totally tell this story to my future children if it were my story to tell.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Where did you meet your bf/fi/dh : a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I would totally tell this story to my future children if it were my story to tell.
    Posted by RachNRich[/QUOTE]
    You could always steal it. They wouldn't know, it'd be even more scandalous since you could say you did it at school.
  • We met working at a 50s diner in high school. 
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