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What is your color scheme?

Hi ladies!
I'm having a hard time picking out colors. I wanted to go with a rustic or Victorian feel, kind of very romantic, however, I'm trying to punch it up a notch for my summer wedding. Fortunately I have my sister who is my MOH to help me out - she's an artist/architect and amazing with visualizing color concepts.

What's your color palette like and does it "match" the season for your wedding?
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Re: What is your color scheme?

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    Fall (Sept) wedding

    Going with sage, silver and white.

    Cake is 4 tiers (white) with silver ribbon and white daisies cascading from it.

    Sage linens, chaircovers with silver sash. Invites are from cardsandpockets, meadow metallic color, silver border, white invite with green designs by Etsy designer: DesignsMadeEasy.

    MOH dress will be sage with silver heels.

    I think our colors go well with Fall.
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    Summer wedding (I hope...)

    Our colors are pink and purple. That came about because my favorite color is baby pink, and FI's is midnight purple. We aren't stopping at just baby pink and midnight purple though. We're using all different shades of pink and purple. Our BMs will be in the same dresses but whatever color they want (in the pink or purple family) and GMs will be in the same tux/suit/whatever with pink or purple ties.

    We're also doing a vintage theme, but we're using other elements outside of the colors. Style of BM and my dress, location, music, etc.
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    doesn't match the season at all (spring)

    We are having a themed wedding since the last name is Sparks. We're doing royal blue, white and yellow.

    Color of the night sky.
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    Fall wedding (November).

    Charcoal grey (pewter), wine and light pink.  My dress is ivory (mostly lace), shoes are wine.  Flowers will be wine/burgundy and ivory and light pink.

    Groom will wear all black tux with ivory vest and tie.  Groomsmen will have pewter vests and wine ties.  Ushers will have pewter vests and ties.  Ring bearer and both dads will have all black tuxes with wine colored vests and ties.

    Bridesmaids are wearing pewter satin dresses.  Flower girls are wearing ivory, with wine colored shoes and sashes and hair pieces.

    I didn't really pick the colors with the season in mind - but in my planning, my reception decorator, florist and cake lady have all said "Oooh, what pretty colors for fall!"

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    We did black and white, with silver and gold accents.  Our wedding was in late April.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    Our wedding is late January and we are doing a Black and White wedding with a touch of watermelong pink...
    Photobucket We're Married!!!!
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    I will be getting married in July and my colors are light pink, white and silver.  I feel like it looks more spring than summer, but when I imagine my wedding that's what I see.  I'm not worried about having "summer" colors-I'm just worried about being happy with my venue.  

    At the end of the day, no one is going to say "why did she pick those colors!"  Your guests will be more worried about how in love the two of you are more than your centerpieces and the color of the tablecloth.
    I married my best friend on July 8, 2011
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    Autumn (November).  We're going with cranberry red, ivory, and chocolate brown.  It does match, although I wish I had gone with blue in my color scheme and not thought about "is this autumn-like enough?"

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    Oct. 30th colors are eggplant, black, ivory & silver. the majority of things are black and ivory. The eggplant is an accent color.
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    I am getting married in late Oct. My main color is plum.

    The flowers for the ceremony are dark purple and dark pink.
    The flowers for the reception will be the same but add in green and dark orange. The table linens are dark charcoal, plum and dark pink, with alternating colors of napkins.

    I tried to stay a little on the darker side to go with fall. I wouldn't have used a pastel color but thats just me. I know plenty of people whose wedding color combos didn't exactly match the season and no one said a thing and they turned out beautiful.
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    August wedding.  Red, yellow, orange
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    We had a summer wedding and our colors were gold and light pink with cream accents. I wanted a soft romantic glow, so we used a lot of candlelight in the centerpieces and various tables as well which played off very nicely with the color scheme.
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    We had a spring wedding with burgundy and white in the lunch, and burgundy and gold in the reception... Things came out nice!

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
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    We did purple, teal/aqua, with silver accents. I got married this past June.
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    edited August 2010
    We're doing all shades of blue, but primarily sapphire (my birthstone) and aquamarine (his) for our June wedding. And, incidentally, I've found out that we have to continually explain that aquamarine gemstones are NOT the same shade as aquamarine the color. There is no green at all in the stone, it's just really light blue. A bit misleading, apparently.
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    9/12/10 beach wedding...12.5 days!!!

    our colors are...
    watermelon pink
    clover green
    canary yellow
    ivory (dress and FIs shirt)
    and a hint of browns in decor
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    We are getting married in February and our colors are eggplant, ivory and silver accents.  The cake will silver, BMs in eggplant and ivory.
    White Knot Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Our wedding was in spring, and our colors were blue and yellow.  We had a slight nautical theme to match the venue.
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    We are getting married in November and our colors are black, white and green.  I'm not stuck on any one shade of green we are using sage/kiwi/apple tones.  I kinda like that it's not all the exact same shade, but sorta in the same group. I didn't really consider the season.  I wanted my BMs to be able to pick out their own black dresses and, from what I had looked at, I knew I didn't want pink as the other color so I went with green.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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    Our colors are Royal Blue, White and Silver....Fall wedding 10/23   :)

    5 tier cake with royal blue orchids, fondant and buttercream icing.

    Royal blue runners along with sashes for chairs.  All the guys are wearing royal blue vests, all the girls dresses are blue.

    Flowers are a mixture of blue, white and a few green fillers...we went with orchids, lilys, baby roses. I cant remember the name of the filler.  We decided to add some color to the centerpieces so we did a mixture of pinks, yellows, blues and orange. 

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    September - Hot Pink and Red
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own." "Who doesn't LOVE candy?" Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I am having and Oct wedding
     Colors are Pool (Tiffany Blue), White,Silver

    Cake is 4 tier covered with Pool colored Fondant and white  modeling choclate to look like ribbon
    BM dresses are Pool with a white sash
    FG white dress with pool accent
    GUYS pool ties and silver vests
     Can you tell I love Tiffany's LOL
    60 Invitedimage Attendingimage Declinedimage Not Repliedimage RSVP Date September 15, 2011 image
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    October 16 :) Our colors are chocolate brown with ivory, orange and green accents.
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    I am having a september wedding and using green and yellow. They're more "spring" colors, but I love them :)
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    October wedding..  Main color is fuchsia with compliments of black and a splash of lime green.  I absolutely love how it all came together. 
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    April 2011 evening wedding colors are navy blue and white. 

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    I don't think ours match the season of our wedding. We are getting married in early spring (March) and our colours are Royal Blue & Black with hot pink accents. We chose these colours because blue is my fav colour and black is his. We added the hot pink to brighten the colours.
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    Mine doesn't particularly match the season (although we realized it's basically the same color scheme as our bedroom!).

    August wedding

    Colors are Ivory, Burgundy, and Dove Gray. 

    BM dresses are burgundy and the GM vests/ties probably will match that color.  Groom's vest will be dove gray and he will probably be wearing a cutaway coat with an ascot.  Planning to do white/red roses for the boutonnieres and my and BM's hair, although I haven't yet decided if I want to match flowers to the dress color or reverse it.

    No firm decisions on flowers yet, although I have a list of flowers I'd like to use that I will discuss with the florist as the time gets closer.

    Cake will be white buttercream, 3 tiers with the middle tier wrapped in white chocolate, with a sort of lacy filigree design in red icing on the front going up all three tiers and piping on the base and edges of each tier.  Probably doing a silver monogram on top and red roses.

    Thinking about doing a gray silk or damask table runner for the cake and hors d'ouevres tables (we are not doing a sit down meal).  And I'm considering purchasing gray pashmina shawls for my BMs although I'm not sure if they will be needed since it's an afternoon summer wedding.
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
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    9/11 wedding- colors are chocolate brown, pale pink, and ivory. They look beautiful together!
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    We are getting married in June and our colors are lavender, sky blue and celedon. 
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