Snarky Brides

midwest winters

For those of you who have lived/ currently live in the midwest, I has a question. What the hell do you wear in winter? I grew up in southern Cali, so Im used to a sandals, jeans, tshirts, and a hoodie. I have no clue what a real winter is, and Im pretty sure I dont own clothes for it. What do you wear on a winter day?

(yes, I realize its still August, but I need to be prepared! haha)

Re: midwest winters

  • Depends on if you're talking a 40 degree warm day, 0 degree day, or -40 wind chill day.
  • Lots and lots of layers.

    Long johns/thermal underwear.
    Heavy Jackets
  • edited August 2010
    Where do you live now?

    I grew up in central WI and I now live in MN. 

    Honestly, to work and back, I just wore pants and a long sleeve shirt with my Northface.  Very rarely did I wear a scarf or mittens, but I'm pretty hardcore like that ;)

    Definitely definitely invest in a good fleece coat and shoes, though. The snow (and accompanying salt) is a b!itch and a half.  

    Side note- you just made me pine for winter. I HATE this 95 degrees with 80 degree dew point sh!t we've been having.
  • Lets go with the extreme wind chill -40.
    I must find a heavy jacket. Hmm. And boots too I suppose.
  • I grew up in Alaska, will that do?
    I'd wear jeans (sometimes with tights or leggings underneath, on really cold days), a sweater with a tank top underneath and flip flops (yeaaaa).

    Now I'd probably wear a thick, cute skirt with thick tights, ballet flats and a girly turtleneck.

    Oh, lots of scarfs too
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE] Side note- you just made me pine for winter. I HATE this 95 degrees with 80 degree dew point sh!t we've been having.
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

  • Steph - Im in Illinois now. And I want winter to be here. BADLY. I hate hate hate this nasty humid weather! Why's the salt so bad?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE]Lets go with the extreme wind chill -40. I must find a heavy jacket. Hmm. And boots too I suppose.
    Posted by sarabear23[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>k. This would make even me bundle up. My best advice- get like 10 pairs of those cheap mittens from Target. Considering they already have the school stuff out, the winter clothes will probably be available by September ;)</div><div>
    </div><div>I always wear those underneath other gloves (like big, thick, woolen gloves (not mittens- keep those fingers together!)</div><div>
    </div><div>I think the best thing is to stay dry.  Good thing about 40 below is that it's too cold for snow ;)</div><div>
    </div><div>Oh, and last year's stint of 40 below wind chill is what made me decide I'm buying a remote starter for my car this year.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE]Lets go with the extreme wind chill -40. I must find a heavy jacket. Hmm. And boots too I suppose.
    Posted by sarabear23[/QUOTE]

    Don't forget  thick wool socks, ear covering, heavy gloves and chapstick.  Chapstick is essential.
  • edited August 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE]I grew up in Alaska, will that do? I'd wear jeans (sometimes with tights or leggings underneath, on really cold days), a sweater with a tank top underneath and flip flops (yeaaaa). Now I'd probably wear a thick, cute skirt with thick tights, ballet flats and a girly turtleneck. Oh, lots of scarfs too
    Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]
    Ditto this.

    I always wear dresses and tights or boots to work.  Jeans, sweaters with something cute layered underneath or leggings with a sweater dress.  Invest in a cute, warm coat and good winter shoes, like boots (cute boots and snow boots).  And I still love UGGs, but I buy the fake Steve Madden ones.

    ETA: Ditto the fashion, not Alaska
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE]Steph - Im in Illinois now. And I want winter to be here. BADLY. I hate hate hate this nasty humid weather! Why's the salt so bad?
    Posted by sarabear23[/QUOTE]

    <div>They dump like 5 thousand tons of salt down to melt the ice.  Almost every pair of jeans I own now has a slight white tint at the bottom hem.  It's fun.</div>
  • Roxy, that will work. Im sure Alaska is pretty cold! haha
    Flip flops, really?! in SNOW? I love my flipflops, but I dont know if I could do it.
    I've got a TON of scarves. I lurve them a lot.
  • Awesome advice about the mittens inside gloves! Thanks. Also, the ear coverings. I didnt even think about that. And chapstick is essential everyday for me, I think I may be addicted. :)
  • Thick gloves. Scarves. Extra socks, and boots are your friend. Basically, just don't leave any skin exposed while outside.
  • Yea, flipflops in the snow. I hate real shoes. If you think about it though, when its that cold all I'm really doing is running between the car and work/ school and the store.

    A warm coat is an essential.

    I'm now officially missing winter :( I wont even get winter. I miss wearing a good warm coat :(
  • Ugh, I hate the salt line on the bottom of my clothes.  That's one of the reasons I hate winter.  It ruins evrything I own.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: midwest winters</a>:
    [QUOTE]Roxy, that will work. Im sure Alaska is pretty cold! haha <strong>Flip flops, really?! in SNOW</strong>? I love my flipflops, but I dont know if I could do it. I've got a TON of scarves. I lurve them a lot.
    Posted by sarabear23[/QUOTE]

    <div>This was me, too, all through high school and some days in college (which was a good 1-2.5 mile walk.)  I'm pretty sure I just froze off all nerve endings, so I don't feel cold on my feet.</div>
  • Very true Roxy. And sorry to make you miss winter. :(

    Thanks Jasmine!
  • Sara- I live in one of the coldest places in Wyoming, and that's saying something. We usually hit -15 F actual, and -40 wind chill at least once by early November. What I see is folks moving here and by October, they walk down the street in high heels and dresses looking confused and cold. By November, they are so bundled up you can't see anything but frightened eyes peeping through the layers. But by March, a 33 F degree day will hit and they're walking around in T-shirts. You do get used to the cold. 
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  • If it is above 50 here, people wear flip flops. It was 90 today, and I wanted to die. I'll take a good 50 any day.
  • haha, good to know Petra.

    Jasmine - it was GROSS here today. Like 97 with a heat index of 105. Gross. Im not used to the humidity out here.
  •  105? I would camp out in the fridge like Homer Simpson. I could not deal with humidity.
  • haha, totally true Petra.  One of my coworkers moved here from TX.  In October, when it first hit 40-50, she was all bundled up with scarf and everything (the rest of us were in maybe a light jacket or sweatshirt.)  By March, when it warmed back to 40-50, she was in a t-shirt with the rest of us :)
  • Yeah, it was bad. I hardly left the house, and when I did, it felt like I was going to melt.

    Thanks ladies for all your help. Goodnight!
  • Haha its ok, I've missed winter for almost 3 years now.
  • I grew up in Illinois and now live in Wisconsin so I just usually wear jeans and a sweatshirt and boots a lot.

    I wear dresses if I know I can park superclose to the building and run in.

    I usually wear boots everywhere and carry a change of shoes with me.
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  • I never wore flip flops in the snow, but I do not wear socks until it is pretty cold. My advice is keeps your hands and feet warm. My DH bought me a pair of Uggs Ultimate Tall (almost to the knee with a nice roomy calf) two years ago. Very comfy, very warm. I always carry gloves because my hands get cold easily.

    It is nasty hot now (Steph and I are in the same place) but when I think of all the ice last winter and how hard it was to drive around or walk in I can;t wish for that either.I hope however cold it is this coming winter we skip the Christmas ice-snow-sleet storm.
  • twilight.rosetwilight.rose member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited August 2010
    Yes, Uggs are lifesavers.

    In the winter, I live in layers. Sweaters, jackets, and coats all layered on top of one another are pretty much my uniform if I have to go outside.

    Also, be sure to invest in a good pair of gloves, OP. I deal badly with the cold in general, but I think the thing I hate most is having cold hands and feet.
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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Running really quickly from your house - car - destination, works really well too.
  • That's adorable that you're thinking about winter already when it's like the Amazon outside!

    I love winter!

    Cuddle Duds under clothes
    Comfy hoodies and sweaters
    Ugg boots
    North Face jackets and GLOVES-- their gloves are worth the money

    Also, invest in an electric blanket. In the winter, I always "warm up the bed" and it feels amazing. We actually save on our heating bill too!
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