Attire & Accessories Forum

Unique Ring Bear piilow....may need a guy for this haha

I am trying to find a good (real camo) ring bear pillow. Ive gone thorugh about 10 websites and they all have the same camo. Does anyonw know where to find "real camo" (which is like brands such as mossy oak, realtree....) ring bear stuff without the tacky white ruffles around it? Thanks girls!
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Re: Unique Ring Bear piilow....may need a guy for this haha

  • If you're talking about the army uniform camo, I would just go buy a uniform from the surplus store and have someone make it.  Otherwise I don't think you'll find what you're looking for.
  • Ring bearer.  Unless you have a grizzly walking jewelry down the aisle.

    I agree that the easiest thing to do would be to find some fabric you like and cover a pillow with it.  I did pillows in 7th grade home ec, they're not at all difficult even if you can't sew.
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  • pillow kits at walmart -- get the fabric of your choice - you'll need enough to make a 6x6 pillow.  Fabric, probably one yard.  Camo fabric is usually less than $2 a yard, and you'll probably only need a yard unless you want extra in case you mess up.  The pillow or polyester stuffing is probably $1.  Ribbon trim to hold the rings in the center of the pillow... probably 50 cents.  Total cost, less than $5, plus about an hour or two of your time.  and NO ruffles, that way!! :-)

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  • I agree with everyone.  Looks like you have a DIY project on your hands!
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  • Can't you just buy a little pillow and then recover it with some fabric that's in camo?
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  • MrsH8611MrsH8611 member
    edited November 2010
    thank you!!! and my bad "ring bearer" geeze

    Thanks Kellya01 for all the details on how to do it definitly helps most!
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