Wedding Etiquette Forum

Announcing the bride and groom

I'm hyphenating my name after marriage as a compromise (FI still doesn't like it).  I just dislike the idea of dropping what has been my name for almost 30 years.  We originally weren't going to have the DJ announce people in at the beginning of the reception, but our moms are adamant that we do.  ("How are people going to know we're the mother of the bride/groom?")  They're paying, so it seems like a small thing to make a big fuss over. 

How should we do this? "Now announcing for the first time as husband and wife Jen & George"? or "Jen Jones-Smith and George Smith"?  What is most appropriate in this situation?

Re: Announcing the bride and groom

  • Honestly, I would just be announced Mr. and Mrs. George Smith even if I were hyphenating my name because, to me, it really doesn't matter how it is said.

    But if you really care how it is announced, I would just stick with your first idea and have the DJ announce you as "for the first time as husband and wife, Jen and George".

    Either way, I don't think your guests will notice or even care how it is announced.

  • I'd just do first names. 
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  • If you announce yourselves as Mr. and Mrs., that'll set the tone for how people think they should address you.

    You can do first names only.

    To make it abundantly clear how you want to be addressed, I would suggest "Jen Jones-Smith and George Smith."
  • I would stick with first names. "For the first time as husband & wife, Jen & George."

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  • I honestly don't remember how the DJ announced us. I know we had talked to him about just saying our first names, because H's (and now my) last name is really difficult to pronounce. If you just want first names, it will be perfectly fine.

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  • I agree that it would be best to just go by first names. I'm hyphenating my last name, but they're announcing it as Mr & Mrs HisLastName. I'm not that picky, but that's me.
  • If you don't want to be called Jen Hisname then don't be announced as Jen and George Hisname or Mr and Mrs Hisname.  If you want to make it abundantly clear that you are hyphenating, be announced as Jen Hername-Hisname and George Hisname.  You can always do first names, but using the hyphenated last name to be announced will start to get the word out that you are not dropping your last name.
  • I would just do first names rather than hyphenating the name for the announcements.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a94b8515-7851-4f78-8ac0-7036343356caPost:d28c27f1-28e8-4b22-b824-a7314a659d64">Re: Announcing the bride and groom</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would stick with first names. "For the first time as husband & wife, Jen & George."
    Posted by dori851[/QUOTE]

    i would do this.
    dont announce yourselves mr. and mrs. john smith if that isnt going to be your name.  you also shoudl make sure your thank you cards have your names listed on the return address the way that you wish to be known as.
  • I'd just do first names since it isn't something you two cared a ton about anyway.  I definitely wouldn't do Mr & Mrs Smith b/c at least some guests will take that as a cue and start adressing you as just Jen Smith.
  • Thanks girls.  I think I am going to go with just first names, and I like Calypso's idea of reinforcing my choice by using the hyphen name on the thank you cards return address.  I know I'm going to have some trouble acclimating people to the idea that I'm not going to be Mrs.Smith without confusing them by first announcing that I AM Mrs. Smith and then correcting them when they call me that.
  • I hyphenated.  We were introduced as HisFirst HisLast and MyFirst MyLast-HisLast.  Saw it as our first opportunity to get people used to what name I was going to use.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Announcing the bride and groom</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm hyphenating my name after marriage as a compromise (FI still doesn't like it).  I just dislike the idea of dropping what has been my name for almost 30 years.  We originally weren't going to have the DJ announce people in at the beginning of the reception, but our moms are adamant that we do.  ("How are people going to know we're the mother of the bride/groom?")  They're paying, so it seems like a small thing to make a big fuss over.  How should we do this? <strong>"Now announcing for the first time as husband and wife Jen & George"</strong>? or "Jen Jones-Smith and George Smith"?  What is most appropriate in this situation?
    Posted by NYCFoodieBride[/QUOTE]

    That's what we did (I kept my last name, he kept his). Since neither of us changed anything, it wasn't the first time we were being introduced as Jane Smith and John Jones, you know? Some extended family had asked if I was changing my name at the RD the night before, so word got around about that, anyway.
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  • This is weird for me because I can not freaking wait until I can change my name to  his. That is the most excited part!

    But I agree with doing just first names!

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