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Girls with big weddings....

Can y'all please explain how you managed to think of 100-200 people to invite? Fi and I are struggling for 50-75.

Was it all your friends from the office, or all your old professors, or do you have 17 aunts and uncles?

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Re: Girls with big weddings....

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    megk8ozmegk8oz member
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    edited August 2010
    We had roughly 100 guests. We invited 120. Only 12 of these people were friends (Or dates of friends). And we didn't invite any coworkers.

    My mom is one of 6 kids, DH's dad is one of 4, I'm one of 5 (DH has 1 sister). Plus, DH's parents, my parents and  my grandparents are divorced and re-married. DH has 9 first cousins, and I have 4, and pretty much everybody we invited was married, engaged or in a serious relationship (So they all got +1s).

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    Our initial "dream" guest list of 175 included both of our extended families (DH's is quite large) and a lot of friends from our old job.  Disney complicated things a bit because it's more akin to military buddies than office friends; you spend far more time with your coworkers than you do with your family, and the friendships formed are insanely close, making it very hard to pick and choose.
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    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    My fiance and I have probably 300 people invited. I live in a small town, so it is like you know everyone. My family is small, his is not so much. I invited a few couples from where I work, my mom invited practically her whole department of co-workers. I didn't think that we would have very many people, but once you start considering husbands, wifes and children of all the people they add up quickly. Small weddings are great though. If you only had 50-75 people you would be able to do so much more with things, do the wedding in a grander style. Invite who you want, no matter the number, don't invite people that you don't want there just because you feel you need more guests. Small weddings are special and intimate.
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    We have 43 so far.
    Granted, we're pretty far out but I want to get a feel of who we're inviting so we know what kind of venue to book. Sadly, most of them can't accomodate so few guests.
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    We are trying to cap the invites at 200.  I have a huge family, FI's parents have quite a few friends they want to invite.  Right now we are at 154 and this does not include anyone from either of our workplaces. 
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    Another thing: at one point in time, when we considered having the smallest Disney wedding, we were able to cut our guests list to just 18 people. It was hard, but pretty much, we only would have invited parents (And step-parents), siblings, and grandparents.

    We soon realized that my grandparents (And my great-grandmother) never would have been able to make the trip ... and I never would have been able to live with them not being able to see me get married due to something we had control over. So we quickly changed our minds, decided to stay local ... and that entailed including extended family. But at least the few close friends we have were able to attend, too (And they wouldn't have been able to if we went the Disney route), so no regrets.

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    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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    loop0406loop0406 member
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    edited August 2010
    We're inviting 100 guests.
    Chose closest friends, family, 5 coworkers of mine.
    He chose closest friends and few relatives (they're out of the country).
    No children

    I have a big family, like 150-200 guests on my side easily but I cut the list down to those I see on regular basis, not just at family weddings or funerals.

    Oh, I have total: 16 uncles, 2 aunts (lots of males in the family actually) and to include their spouses and grown children, you can see why 150-200 guests it would have been.
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    Well for us our initial prelimenary guest list was 252 and of course my FIL is has 13 brothers and sisters! We are both from small towns and to be completely honest we will propbably have 20 or so show up for the reception that were not formally invited...the chance you take in a small town atmosphere and venue. But we are still trying to cut back to 150. Honestly I am not exactly sure how but we are doing our best! Its really hard and especially because I have been involved in so many community activities over the years. Neither one of us ever really left our small towns we had either Colleges or Universities close so we never really had to. So if you inviting half most of a town it gets really big really quick!  I agree with the PP we coud have a lot more if we did not have to accomadate so many! Plan it your way!
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    Both of us have large families, so together we had about 75 people right there.  Then we had lots of good friends, and I had my coworkers.  That brought us up to 150.

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    Ours is 224, we had to trim it down from over 260.  We invited family and friends, my co-workers and some of his co-workers.  I didn't even invite all of my family.  I have 1st cousins I've never said more than "Hi" to so, and they didn't invite me to their weddings - I didn't invite them to ours not out of spite, but because we are not close and I understood when I wasn't invited to theirs. 
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    We don't have much family. We have a lot of friends, our DD and her FI and our DS and his FI each have a lot of friends and their parents have a lot of friends.

    They have friends they still connect with from high school, college, currently, sports and other activities they've been in.  We have friends from organizations in the community that we're involved in. We are inviting very few people from work.  We're all families (both us, FDIL and FSIL) that are very community involved so you get to know a lot of different people.

    DD's wedding, because of the reception locations is maxed at 253 but it could easily have been 400.  DS is currently at 283 and their reception hall maxes at 300 or it could have been 400 or 450.

    When we first started making lists I thought - who will we invite, we don't have much family but then we started thinking of people who would genuinely like to be there because they love the couples getting married - and the lists grew.  I had to cut a LOT of people and there are some disappointed peope but we don't have the space and it's more important that both couples have the people they truly want than people that us parents want. I don't mean that to sound like I was the only one who cut people, the other set of parents and the couples did too.

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    I am at 175. We don't have huge families but both of FI's parents are remarried with children. FI and I have both grown up here and went to college here so we know a ton of people. I didn't invite really anyone from work.

    I dreamed of a wedding around 80 people but there was no way we could do it.
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    Our parents are paying - and it's huge.  Kinda embarrassing, but I'm estimating there's roughly 500ish people invited.  We're expecting around 400 to show up.

    Most of the guest list is from our parents.  Friends, work friends, old neighbors, small townish people, church people, etc.  FI and I are inviting our friends from high school and college, and some co-workers.

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    We invited a total of 220 and 165 attended.  Our guest list included:

    -Our parents (4)
    -Our siblings plus SOs (4)
    -Aunts and Uncles (17)
    -Cousins plus their spouses and children (13 on my side, 50 or so from DH's side)
    -The rest were people like my mother and father's cousins, friends of the family and our mutual friends.  We didn't have any coworkers at all.
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    In Response to <a href="">Girls with big weddings....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Can y'all please explain how you managed to think of 100-200 people to invite? Fi and I are struggling for 50-75. Was it all your friends from the office, or all your old professors, or do you have 17 aunts and uncles?
    Posted by christinelyn0131[/QUOTE]

    We had 300+ guests. They were mostly family, Mom and Dad come from large families, and had plenty of extended relatives. We had folks from the offices as well, but they were minority in numbers.

    How did I manage with so many people?  Find a venue that can accomodate them and more, on the cheap side, save for 3 years for a wedding, all expenses paid, so no one had to chip in, and have a good time!  Pictures in my signature link.

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
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    We invited about 200 people, about 125 showed up. H has a huge family and while I don't have a huge immediate family, there are a lot of extended cousins. For my Moms side, I cut it off at second cousins and their spouses. We had a lot of close friends and family friends there. I think there were only a few people that we both used to work with at our wedding since we had recently moved out of state.
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    We invited 250. 

    We're catholic and so are most of the people we know and we are inviting children.  So... big families :)

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    Our wedding party alon including parents and grandparents in close to 50!  My FI has alot of very close friends and they have spouses and for some reason everyone we have met sems to make sure they know they want to be invited.. but we are trying to keep it to around 150
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    we invited about 145 people (mostly family and a few of FIs friends)
    we're having a DW so only 65 are coming, woohoo!!!
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    We've only got a rough draft of our guest list so far but we're already at 250 and haven't even touched my dad's side of the family yet.

    FI has a large family. His dad has like 6 or 7 brothers and sisters who all have 3 or 4 kids that already have kids. Can you see why our guest list is so large? Plus FI has 2 sisters and a brother who all have at least 2 kids, one has 3.

    We are inviting some of our closest friends about 30 in total including dates but not plus ones. We also have a few co-workers on the list. Maybe 10 in total?
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    We invited about 275. We both have BIG families so that is where the majority come from (165). The rest was friends/family/coworkers. Even with all that we had to tell both of our mothers to keep the list limited to Immediate Family, Aunts/Uncles and cousins. We're also letting kids come.
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    We invited 126, and had 125 show up. We neither one have incredibly large families (only about 35 guests were family members), but we each had multiple lifelong friends (and their spouses and children) who we wanted to invite. Also, my grandparents (who paid for the wedding) and his parents had some people (all of whom we know, but might not have invited on our own) they wanted to make sure were invited (about 40 total.)

    Other than that, our list was composed of close friends, a couple of professors we've remained close to, and some families from our church.

    We decided not to invite any co-workers/bosses because we wanted to spend our wedding day with people who have been/will be in our lives forever, not just for the few years we work with them.

    That said, OP, there's no reason you can't have a small 50-75 person wedding! I think your wedding day should be celebrated with those closest to you and your FI, so don't invite random acquaintences just to get your numbers up. If those 50-75 people are who you truly the most meaningful people in your lives, just have a smaller wedding.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Girls with big weddings....</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>We invited a total of 220 and 165 attended</strong>.  Our guest list included: -Our parents (4) -Our siblings plus SOs (4) -Aunts and Uncles (17) -Cousins plus their spouses and children (13 on my side, 50 or so from DH's side) -The rest were people like my mother and father's cousins, friends of the family and our mutual friends.  We didn't have any coworkers at all.
    Posted by banana468[/QUOTE]

    This is what I'm hoping for!
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    We started with close to 200 people on our list. we knew our target was closer to 125. We some how misplaced that first list and now some how are at roughly 140 invited. No matter what we ahve to pay for 100 because it is saturday reception. I have a large family as does he. on my side I left all cousins out. the same with his.

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    FI has a relatively big family who are all pretty local (plus adding his stepfather and stepfather's parents...). 

    I have a lot of friends whose families I have known for a long time so I feel that we should invite the whole family, especially since some of their parents were friends with my parents when I was young, as well.

    I am inviting a couple former bosses who have stood in as surrogate mothers for me in the past.

    FI has a fair number of friends and friends of his parents that he feels he should invite.

    A number of FI's cousins are married or in long term relationships (as are my two brothers) so we feel we should include their significant others.

    Our budget is for 75 people, which is about what we have on our list so far, we are expecting most people we invite to attend.  If we have people who decline, then we may be able to add a couple other local friends who we haven't included in the first round.
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    We have a boat load of aunts, uncles, and cousins.
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    I'm inviting about 175.  My mom is 1 of 5 children, Dad is 1 of 4 children, FMIL is 1 of 5 children.  We're not even inviting FI's dad's family, or any people from either of our works, and just a couple of really close friends (I'm inviting 4 friends with dates, 1 is MOH.  FI is inviting 2 friends with dates, 1 is BM).  I have 15 first cousins on my mom's side, and they all have children.  Some of my cousin's children have children (I was the youngest grandchild out of 17!).  And they are all invited.  We're inviting all of FI's cousins on his mom's side.  My dad is really close with his uncles and cousins, so they are invited too. Then, if that wasn't enough, my parents decided to throw in about 40 of their friends and coworkers.

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    We invited everybody's kids, and all single people with guests, so that drives up the number.  We also invited a bunch of co-workers, and I invited a bunch of people from an activity I coach.
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    Kate504Kate504 member
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    edited August 2010
    I am not getting married for a while, but started writing out a list just to get an idea and it was more than I though, with just friends, once you add the "and guest" part the count was getting to be over 30 people.

    I have a pretty big immediate family, on my mom's side with her brothers and sisters it would be 21 people. Luckily my dad doesn't really have that big of a family, just his brothers and they only have one child on that side, so he maily invites a few of his friends.

    My fiance' doesn't have that big of a family.

    We are planning on only 200 people. I originally wanted 150, but i think that would cut our list too short.

    The list adds up fast
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    Definitely don't try to force your wedding numbers up. Small, intimate weddings are so beautiful and special all the same.

    FI and I are both only childs, so needless to say, the wedding celebration itself probably means way more to our parents than to us. We're just sort of eager to be married.

    We're inviting about 350 guests - most of the guestlist is family. No coworkers were invited. My mom is the oldest of 9, father is the youngest of 6 and FI has about 5 uncles/aunts. With family traveling overseas from Asia, it's pretty much guaranteed that our wedding is also going to serve as a massive family reunion, which makes us both really happy since everyone lives all over the place and the family only gets to see each other at occasions such as this one. FI's grown up with the same group of 15-20 friends since he was in elementary school and so they are all coming with their dates. I'm no social butterfly by any means, but the friends I still keep in touch with from childhood, high school, college and grad school seemed to add up as well.
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