My fiancee and I are getting married next August, but have already been engaged for a year. We put down a deposit on our dream wedding venue in January because it was already booking up, even though it seemed like a really long time in advance. Three months later we found out that friends of ours had also planned early and scheduled their wedding for the exact same day! They had already rescheduled once, and there was no way they could change the date again. We are totally bummed about it, but trying to keep the whole situation as drama-free as possible, especially given that there are about 20 friends who will be invited to both weddings and are going to be in the awkward position of deciding which wedding to go to.
We've decided that we should invite all of our friends who we would have invited anyway, even a couple good friends who are in the wedding party for the other wedding, so definitely won't be able to come to ours. Our question now is whether or not we send save the dates and invites to the friends who are getting married. It seems rude not to invite them since they're our friends, but also, we're wondering if they might get annoyed by getting an invitation to ours, like we're ignoring the fact that they are also getting married that day and pretending like there's a chance that they might come to ours for some reason.