Snarky Brides

Good Morning SB...

Hello ladies...

What do you all have on tap today? Other than church I have nothing (well, marking for school, but that is part of the norm)...

I am still reeling after finding out that the wedding album I designed for us on Picaboo is going to cost us $135 with the 30% they have this month...sigh...


Re: Good Morning SB...

  • Morning!

    Eek, number! Why so expensive? Did you add a ton of pages to it?  I bet it looks awesome though! And if it's any consolation... our photogs want to charge us $1300 for a photo album. Yup. $1300. We only paid $1000 for the whole damn photography package to begin!

    So today I'm making my own online for family Christmas presents.  I'm also baking. a lot. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning! Eek, number! Why so expensive? Did you add a ton of pages to it?  I bet it looks awesome though! And if it's any consolation... our photogs want to charge us $1300 for a photo album. Yup. $1300. We only paid $1000 for the whole damn photography package to begin! So today I'm making my own online for family Christmas presents.  I'm also baking. a lot. 
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah, it comes with 20 pages and the album is 87 pages so that did add a ton to the final cost. I have no idea what portion of our photographer costs the album represented but I kinda wanted to make my own for us so our photographer agreed to make us two smaller ones rather than the one that came with our package, which we are going to use for our parents as gifts. That way I can make our own. But $1300 is CRAZY. maybe I need to take my $130 and be happy!</div><div>
    </div><div>I should bake but when I bake I eat and I shouldn't eat! DH would be very happy if I baked something today though...</div>
  • Hi Beautifuls! I'm going to play online while I drink my coffee and then I'll be studying all day. My mom is keeping Ben all day just so that I can get it all done. I hate studying.

    Getting the album was my favorite post wedding thing. They are so neat to have.
  • Good morning, ladies.  I've got nothing to do and all day to do it.  Well, not really.  The roast is already in the crockpot, so dinner is almost done.  I'm going to try mixing cauliflower into the mashed potatoes as someone here suggested (Sarah, maybe).  Sounds good.  And Number, you have reminded me that I have to finish the snapfish calendar I'm making for DH.  It's become a tradition that I do a calendar with photos of the prior year's adventures.  Except for the current one, which was 100% wedding photos.  Other than that, it's cold outside, and I'll have to see if DH is feeling any better when he wakes up.

    Have a great day, everyone!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE] Getting the album was my favorite post wedding thing. They are so neat to have.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    <div>good to know I am not the only one who enjoys them...I really liked making it and I can't wait to actually see it.</div><div>
    </div><div>How was Chucky Cheese?</div>
  • Goodmorning Ladies!

    Not much going on here. I'm stuck in front of my computer all day writing a 10pg paper for Monday. I've gotten about 5 pgs done already this weekend.

    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cffd935d-a8f1-4df8-9200-1e2c2e8be6a0Post:70aae428-1983-45dc-96b9-f9ef51f39630">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning, ladies.  I've got nothing to do and all day to do it.  Well, not really.  The roast is already in the crockpot, so dinner is almost done.  I'm going to <strong>try mixing cauliflower into the mashed potatoes </strong>as someone here suggested (Sarah, maybe).  Sounds good.  And Number, you have reminded me that I have to finish the snapfish calendar I'm making for DH.  It's become a tradition that I do a calendar with photos of the prior year's adventures.  Except for the current one, which was 100% wedding photos.  Other than that, it's cold outside, and I'll have to see if DH is feeling any better when he wakes up. Have a great day, everyone!
    Posted by LesPaul[/QUOTE]

    I've done that before! It turned out pretty good. It makes the potatoes a little more....gritty tasting? I dont know why, but its still a great way to  make them healthier.  I hope they turn out good for you!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Chuck E Cheese was awesome. Our waitress sucked diick, but Ben had a blast and his little friends were so adorable. I invited his whole class and just a few of them came. Most of them were girls, so he must be popular with the ladies. :) Ben got to do this ticket blaster thing and he came out with 2,000 tickets.

    It started snowing just before we got there and by the time we left, the ground was covered. It was a great way to spend the afternoon.
  • Good morning, ladies! I had the WORST night last night. I feel outside and I think I may have a concussion. Major suck.

    I just noticed Jas is a mod now. That is awesome!
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  • Just saw that on FB, MIAF, that sucks.
  •  In Response to Re: Good Morning SB... : I've done that before! It turned out pretty good. It makes the potatoes a little more....gritty tasting? I dont know why, but its still a great way to  make them healthier.  I hope they turn out good for you!
    Posted by hunterjumper321[/QUOTE]

    Thanks - I've got to offset the cream cheese and butter somehow!  Hi, HJ.  I missed your intro thread.  Welcome.

    Hi MILF.  Yes, we have two awesome mods.  Cool.
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  • I think Jas will make a great one. I also think the board is big enough for two. So score for the home team, IMO.

    Yeah, Cew. It sucked. Salt your sidewalks so you don't bust your ass.
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  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Nothing big on tap today.  I'm just happy to be awake after a night of the most distrubingly realistic dreams I've had in a while.

    The most beautiful flurries have just started to come down outside.  This is perfect since the big Christmas pageant is today today at church.  It's practically Christmas snow!  I'll be watching the pageant on tv to see my niece rocking the shepherd role and then singing in the choir.  She was actually disappointed to get the shepherd role since she wanted to be a camel.  kids!  go figure.

    I'm still stuck on what to fill my husband's Christmas stocking with so I'll be browsing online to hopefully get inspired. Hopefully, after I convince my husband to make breakfast for me.  ;)
  • What is your H's specialty, Anna?
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  • Hooray for Jas being a mod!  Take care of yourself MIA, hitting your head sucks.

  • I'm adding steamed, mashed cauliflower to the mashed potatoes - I'm intrigued how this will go.  I add lots of stuff to my mashed potatoes, including garlic, cream cheese, grated parmesan, butter, and milk.  I use red potatoes and leave the peel on.  My daughters think they are the best  8-)

    MILF - falling on the ice sucks.  I hope you're concussion isn't too bad.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE]What is your H's specialty, Anna?
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    Sadly, he doesn't actually have a specialty.  I'm just not feeling like cooking a big breakfast. He makes bacon (hates me doing it because every time the bacon pops he's convinced I'll get a grease burn) and then uses the grease to make super-greasy fried eggs.  They're not very good, but I'm willing to eat them because:
    1. i lied to him when he made them while we were dating.  He was so proud of "cooking breakfast" that I didn't have the heart to tell him they weren't really good.
    2. I'm lazy.  i will eat them if it means I won't be requested to make something more labor intensive. He's been hinting at eggs benedict and I'm so not feeling like making hollandaise.
    3. I like to cook but I like to be cooked for too
  • Hollandaise was my biggest cooking failure ever.  Now I use the Knorr brand package mix.
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  • Anna, that's adorable. I think my H does the same thing to me.

    Thanks for the well wishes, sweeties. I'm good, just sore now.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hollandaise was my biggest cooking failure ever.  Now I use the Knorr brand package mix.
    Posted by LesPaul[/QUOTE]

    My mother use to use that mix.  I just find that it needs lemon and is oddly a bit cheesy tasting. I just can't get use to it.  I'm a heathen purist  :)

    i made the mistake of preparing eggs benedict for Cory on a non-special event day (birthday, holiday) so now he thinks he can request them every other week.  The man blames me for his tightening waistband but I can hardly be held at fault if he's requesting such a high calorie breakfast. (about 900 calories per serving & he eats 2)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cffd935d-a8f1-4df8-9200-1e2c2e8be6a0Post:80356128-cc14-4b08-b686-31dfef74dad1">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE] In Response to Re: Good Morning SB... : I've done that before! It turned out pretty good. It makes the potatoes a little more....gritty tasting? I dont know why, but its still a great way to  make them healthier .  I hope they turn out good for you! Posted by hunterjumper321[/QUOTE] Thanks - I've got to offset the cream cheese and butter somehow!  Hi, HJ. <strong> I missed your intro thread</strong>.  Welcome. Hi MILF.  Yes, we have two awesome mods.  Cool.
    Posted by LesPaul[/QUOTE]

    Sorry! It was an intro of sorts...I paged J&K and it turned into a intro. haha
    Recently jumped ship from the May 2011 board, so I got invited over here!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Good morning. I'm here just for a few minutes while I finish breakfast. I have church soon, and then I think H and I are going to lunch and to run some errands. Have a good day ladies!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning SB...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think Jas will make a great one. I also think the board is big enough for two. So score for the home team, IMO. Yeah, Cew. It sucked. Salt your sidewalks so you don't bust your ass.
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    <div>I've done the same thing, back in 2007. I had a a large yellow bruise on my head and natural eyeliner on one eye from blood pooling the night of H and I's first date. I had to go buy eyeliner to even out the other side. It definitely sucks! I hope you feel better soon.</div><div>
    </div><div>I'm up early here (5am) to get us ready to hike. We have to drive to the other side of the island, and we want to get a parking spot. The snorkeling at the base of the trail is amazing right now as well, and the only safe spot on that side to snorkel. The surf has been down right scary. We drove up there yesterday, about an hour and a half, but weren't prepared for the full hike, so we just explored a bit and came home. And our backpack broke. Boo! So we are going back today to finish it. I am trying to upload some pictures of Wimaea canyon right now. </div><div>
    </div><div>Anyway, I love Kauai. I seriously want to live here a significant portion of the year. Now I have to make a plan to actually do that...</div><div>
    </div><div>I miss y'all though and I look forward to being on more at the end of this week when i get home!</div>
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  • Good Morning ladies!

    MILF- I hope you feel better.

    It snowed like crazy last night, enough to bring out the plows. I hate snow. It's pretty till you get stuck in it.

    Sarah-I am so glad you are enjoying Kauai, we fell the same way. If we could live there we would in a heartbeat. What trail are you doing? I'm still stalking you on fb!

    Today is a do nothing day, organize and maybe wrap some of the presents we bought yesterday. Or maybe put up the tree.
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  • Holy sh1t, Sarah! That sounds terrible! Luckily I hit the back of my head at least I guess.
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  • Duds- I just realized you have 6 days left...YAY!
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  • KD- we are driving to the end of the road, past Hanalei, to do the 2 mile hike to the beach on the Na Pali side and then 2 miles back We aren't phyiscally prepared for the 11 miler. I want to still have camera battery left when we get back to the trail head and snorkel, because there are reportedly turtles there and I want to see them! I have a slight turtle obsession. 

    DUDS!- Yay for 6 days!
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  • Morning!

    I spent the am snuggling in bed with Em and DH.  There's snow on the ground outside and it's cold.  Now Emma is napping in my arms.  The only thing that would make this better is food, lol.
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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  • Sarah, I never got a chance to tell you congrats! Congrats!

    Su, that sounds like a wonderous morning.

    Duds, I can't wait to see your pics.
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  • I love all of these plans :)
    I'm just spending the day being lazy again and counting down the hours until my OB appt (21). Once I get in their system I can go to their ER facility if something happens instead of the hospital one which will be a nice thing. Also I'm hoping they will run some bloodwork and give me peace of mind that everything is still ok even with my recent spotting.
    I've also been trying to ignore the random twinges in my body. They are all in the area between my leg and my pelvis (sort of hip but lower, hard to describe) so I'm telling myself that it's just growing pains and to stop worrying.
    I think I need someone to just tranq me for the next 8 months lol.
  • I know it's hard, but try to stay calm, Katie. Relax as much as possible. Let your H pamper you. I'm pretty sure that's what pregnancy is all about.

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