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Are programs really necessary? I feel like its a waste and just another thing I have to do. Thoughts?

Re: Programs

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    I'm skipping them most likely. If i do them, I'll probably just design a postcard on vistaprint or 123print or something.

    I think they get thrown out, and really-when was the last time you were at a wedding and said "Hmm, I wonder what song they played during the processional!"
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    No, not necessary.  I'm doing them so people have something to read while waiting for ceremony to start.  Plus they can double as a fan if it's hot. 
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    Ok good, t hen I don't feel so bad. Thanks ladies!
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    I was thinking exactly the same thing. We don't have a big WP and so I don't feel like there are a lot of mysterious people involved who I need to put in a program. 

    Our ceremony isn't going to be particularly long and complicated, so I am hoping that eliminating this shouldn't be an issue.

    We're probably doing sandalwood fans as favors, so I'm thinking of putting them on chairs or having someone pass them out to people as they seat themselves.
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
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    We're not doing them.
    Beach ceremony and I didn't want any possibility that they'd get left on the beach and create "litter" or more work for someone else later on to pick up.
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    Yeah I mean everyone there knows myself and my fiance and most of the wedding party, plus its a pretty basic catholic ceremony. I don't think its necessary to have an agenda of whats up.

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    Not necessary by any means. Can be a good way to save money and time. We had them but we did them really cheap ourselves.
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    we didn't do them. i only look at them during long boring ceremonies. our ceremony was pretty short and to the point.
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    We are doing them but mainly because my family and his family (extended to our friends too) don't really know each other well.  It's just a point of reference for people to know "Oh, the BM is FI's brother and the MOH is FI's sister."  Plus we are including a thank you to everyone who helped us and our new address since we are moving.

    If not for all of that I wouldn't do them at all.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Programs</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah I mean everyone there knows myself and my fiance and most of the wedding party, plus its a pretty basic catholic ceremony. I don't think its necessary to have an agenda of whats up.
    Posted by kspadone[/QUOTE]

    I would do them if you have non-Catholics attending, because a lot of the ceremony will be pretty unfamiliar to them.  It will also give you a chance to indicate where to sit/kneel/stand, and include a note about communion (if you will be having it).
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    I had the same questions you do, and our officiate (who also is a wedding planner) suggested that we might want to revisit the idea just because of the out of ordinary way we are going about things. 

    We're entering the ceremony site from the left and right instead of down an aisle, our mothers are presenting us into the union, and we're having our guests sit together and mingle before the ceremony all of which is a nod to my heritage and might otherwise be confusing.  That is just for starters.  We have a lot of nonconventional things going on from music selection and so on; a program will explain a lot of it.  So now I'm on board.

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    we did them, but we did the program fans...for the perpose that we had an outdoor reception and I wanted fans availible. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Programs</a>:
    [QUOTE]We are doing them but mainly because my family and his family (extended to our friends too) don't really know each other well.  It's just a point of reference for people to know "Oh, the BM is FI's brother and the MOH is FI's sister."  Plus we are including a thank you to everyone who helped us and our new address since we are moving. If not for all of that I wouldn't do them at all.
    Posted by jmkes[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think I might do them for all these same reasons.</div>
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    We have decided to do them at the last minute. We are having no children at the wedding with the exception of FI's niece and nephew so they will be handing them out, kind of a task for them. Also I have a wedding mad libs and some cool info on them to entertain people while they are waiting. And I agree with the fan idea too.
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    I bought blank programs from Michaels (with the 50% off coupons you can get a great deal!).  There was a template online and we got them printed at Office Max.  Very easy, cheap (spent approx $70 for 200 programs), and I think they look pretty good.  The only downside was we did them all in black & white, if we would have added any color, it would have cost more like $200 to print (in black & white it was $30) and we have to assemble them ourselves.  I chose to do them so ppl would have something to look at to follow the order of the service (we're having a Catholic Mass with Communion), and to recognize those participating in the ceremony, and we included a thank you paragraph.  But, if your wedding is short and you don't really see the need for them, then I'd say it's something totally ok to skip.
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