Knottie Tech Help

guestbook on wedding website?

Hi, is there a guestbook feature on the wedding website somewhere? Would like to add it if possible. Thanks
- The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 

Re: guestbook on wedding website?

  • The help forum says it exists, but I can't find it either.
  • Hi There,

    If you're using the new wedding website templates there is currently not an option for a guestbook.

    Please let me know if you have anymore questions.

  • Will there be an option added for having a guestbook?
  • I really wanted a guestbook.
  • @elissaav @Knottie54637684

    I'm trying to find out if there will be a guestbook coming for the new websites and I'll let you know as soon as I know!

  • I am really frustrated.  I chose The Knot because all of the previous versions have a guest book.  It's even on your FAQs so I assumed it was just one of those glitches you have been talking about.  The whole purpose of having a website is so my guests can coordinate their travel plans.  Now I have my save the date cards printed with a website I can't even use.  Is there any way I can use one of the old versions with the Guestbook?
  • I am in the exact same boat! I chose to make our website on here,theKnot,because of how I liked my friends' and especially the guestbook they it's not even an option and I already have my 200 SavetheDates printed with the Knot website. I am extremely disappointed and would definitely use a different site to make our wedding website, but it's too late since it's on my SavetheDates! I also have had my parents and some of my friends go to our site and the pictures in our PhotoAlbum and pictures for Accomodations and ThingstoDo don't show up on their phones. I would really appreciate it if you could offer the old versions with a GuestBook and fix the problem of viewing our photos since I am stuck with using the site!
  • I too am also very disappointed in the Knot's wedding websites.  No way to have a guest book or a form for song requests.  I guess it's my fault, I should have researched this before I put the address on the save the date cards, but I was just going of what I had seen from others sites.  It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to add the options... I do know of a consulting company that could do this for you, Knot!
  • Same here - save the dates are already out :( 
    @KnotRiley - is there anything TK can do like the previous posters suggested ? It seems like many of us here are in the same boat. The website is really disappointing. 
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
  • Also, one more question: 
    How do I make our registry google-searchable? When I try googling my first+last name + FH's first+last name + registry, I don't get any results for us  - but I do see other couples' registry profiles on TK (my FH has a fairly common last name so couples where one of the two has the same last name do show up in the google search) ? I am all for not shoving the registry info in our guests' faces but at least people should be able to google our registry?? 
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
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