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Old, New, Borrowed, Blue

Hi brides!

I know there are already a couple similar threads, but most are a bit older. I'm looking for some creative ideas for my "something new." I was wondering if any of you are doing / did something old, new, borrowed and blue and if you have any creative ideas!

Here's what I have so far:

Old: I'm thinking a locket with each of my grandfathers pictures

New: No idea! I want something specifically for this rather than my dress, shoes, etc. Any ideas?!

Borrowed: Perfume from one of my BMs who got married last year

Blue: Light blue garter though my shoes are blue too!

Would love you hear what you all are doing! Happy planning!

Re: Old, New, Borrowed, Blue

  • Hi brides!

    I know there are already a couple similar threads, but most are a bit older. I'm looking for some creative ideas for my "something new." I was wondering if any of you are doing / did something old, new, borrowed and blue and if you have any creative ideas!

    Here's what I have so far:

    Old: I'm thinking a locket with each of my grandfathers pictures

    New: No idea! I want something specifically for this rather than my dress, shoes, etc. Any ideas?!

    Borrowed: Perfume from one of my BMs who got married last year

    Blue: Light blue garter though my shoes are blue too!

    Would love you hear what you all are doing! Happy planning!
    First, I would suggest not taking things like this too seriously, it'll make the whole wedding planning process a lot easier on you and everyone else.

    Maybe a note to your fiance that you can give him after the wedding (once he's your husband)? I really don't understand why your dress wouldn't work, since presumably the purpose of getting a new dress instead of wearing an old one is because it's an awesome garment that you feel great in. That's meaningful enough in itself.
  •, perhaps your groom is gifting you something for the wedding?  Your dress.  A purse?  Are you carrying something up the aisle?  You could add a charm to your bouquet.  You could carry a new family Bible if you are religious.
  • I've heard the rest of the saying is "...and a six-pence in your shoe". My friend did that for her wedding, and I borrowed it from her for my wedding.

    My something new was my dress/shoes/whatever--most everything was new. 
    My something blue was a little stickpin that went into my bouquet.
    My something old was a ring I wore on my right hand, it was my mother's engagement ring (and is mine now). 
  • I used the same thing for my something old and something borrowed, my mom's pearls. My something new were my cat shoes. For my something blue I painted my toenails blue.
  • Something blue was my garter, something new was necklace and earrings. I didn't do something borrowed because I wasn't going to stress about it if no one offered anything.
  • My something old were my pearls.
    My something new were my dress/veil/earrings. 
    My something borrowed was a white hoodie that I wore while getting ready - each one of my friends had worn it while getting ready for their weddings, and then I passed it on to another one of our friends who got married last summer. 
    My something blue were my shoes and a blue topaz ring my grandmother had given me a few years prior. 

  • My something old were my pearls.
    My something new were my dress/veil/earrings. 
    My something borrowed was a white hoodie that I wore while getting ready - each one of my friends had worn it while getting ready for their weddings, and then I passed it on to another one of our friends who got married last summer
    My something blue were my shoes and a blue topaz ring my grandmother had given me a few years prior. 

    Great idea for an item that really usually only ever gets used once!
  • This was mine: 
    - Old: ivory shoes that I had worn to my 8th grade graduation dance. I kid you not. 
    - New: my dress
    -Borrowed: bracelet my mom lent me.
    Blue: piece of blue tape on the bottom of my shoe.
  • You could go the sentimental route - something new that you'd like to pass down to future generations, if applicable. 

    You could go the casual/functional route - your dress is probably new, so there's that. 

    You could go the philosophical route - this is a new beginning.

    You could go the sexy route - get some new lingerie and debut it on your wedding night. 

    I guess it depends where your personality fits and where you feel comfortable. 

  • I absolutely LOVE the idea of something new that could be passed down to future generations! 

    I'll have to think about what that item could be!

    The new lingerie idea is a good one too
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