Wedding Woes

What could possible go wrong (Politics)

Re: What could possible go wrong (Politics)

  • *unintelligeable gurgling* Why is this our lives????

    I'm starting to contemplate stockpiling things like gas, food, water, etc like one of those crazy doomsday prepper people because I've never felt like we were this close to WWIII in my lifetime. 

    Also I live in an area with a mega quake like 150 years probably a good idea in general. Lol 

  • So....Sean Spicer just said that "even Hitler didn't sink to using chemical weapons [on his people]." And he referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust Centers." Are....are you fucking kidding me? 

  • levioosa said:
    So....Sean Spicer just said that "even Hitler didn't sink to using chemical weapons [on his people]." And he referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust Centers." Are....are you fucking kidding me? 
    History is not this administrations friend!
  • levioosa said:
    So....Sean Spicer just said that "even Hitler didn't sink to using chemical weapons [on his people]." And he referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust Centers." Are....are you fucking kidding me? 
    WTF! I guess even though many Jews who were gassed were German citizens, Hitler didn't consider them "his people". Probably didn't even consider them people.
  • levioosa said:
    So....Sean Spicer just said that "even Hitler didn't sink to using chemical weapons [on his people]." And he referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust Centers." Are....are you fucking kidding me? 

    Spicer needs a fucking concentration camp "holocaust center" shower to show him how much Hitler *didn't* use chemical weapons on his people.  Sweet lord. 
  • Re: Sean Spicer

    1) Jezebel refers to him as Sean "Spicy Facts" Spicer
    2) They never miss an opportunity to show the pics of him in the Easter Bunny costume because he was the WH bunny a few years back. 
  • I believe Bannon is a Holocaust denier, so in their world I'm sure this is truth.
  • Spicey just needs to stop talking.  When attempting to walk it back he said:

    "In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust. However, I was trying to draw a contrast of the tactic of using airplanes to drop chemical weapons on innocent people."

    Yes, that's far more horrendous than taking them from their homes in the middle of the night, shuttling them in overcrowded trains to camps where they shaved bald, stripped of their belongings and clothes and forced to work to death or be gassed to death. 

    And while we're at it why in the hell are we creating a scale that ranks chemical attacks from bad to worse?  It's a sad day in the hell of this country when we're ranking the status quo as "not as bad as Hitler."
    On Passover nonetheless. Asshat. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Also, Spicer saying that Hitler didn't use it 'on his people', whether conscious or unconscious, basically just othered the fuck out of German, Austrian, and all other Jews from any country that were sent to concentration camps.  They weren't 'real' citizens.  

    Should not be surprising from this admin, but here I am taken aback some more. 

    So. Much. This.  "They weren't his people, they were Jews."  Intentionally or not, that is what he just said.

    I know HRC was referring to Trump supporters, not his yet-to-be-elected-and-appointed-administration, but basket of deplorables could not have been more apt.
  • Also, I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out where he came up with the term 'Holocaust Centers'.  And the only thing I can come up with is that he was drawing a line in his head to ICE Detention Centers, which I mean...we know this admin is a bunch of racist and nationalist fucks.  They're not even trying to hide behind the veil any longer. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Also, Spicer saying that Hitler didn't use it 'on his people', whether conscious or unconscious, basically just othered the fuck out of German, Austrian, and all other Jews from any country that were sent to concentration camps.  They weren't 'real' citizens.  

    Should not be surprising from this admin, but here I am taken aback some more. 
    Hitler also started by gassing disabled adults, so apparently they weren't citizens either. Goddamn this makes so fucking ragey. I keep thinking "nothing can surprise me anymore" and then here we are. 

  • levioosa said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Also, Spicer saying that Hitler didn't use it 'on his people', whether conscious or unconscious, basically just othered the fuck out of German, Austrian, and all other Jews from any country that were sent to concentration camps.  They weren't 'real' citizens.  

    Should not be surprising from this admin, but here I am taken aback some more. 
    Hitler also started by gassing disabled adults, so apparently they weren't citizens either. Goddamn this makes so fucking ragey. I keep thinking "nothing can surprise me anymore" and then here we are. 
     Ah yes, I always forget these small details about Hitler and the Nazis because it's horrible.  But if I'm going to start publicly making comparisons, I sure as shit would have my facts straight

    But Spicey has his own facts. 
  • On Passover nonetheless. Asshat. 
    Trump didn't even know Easter was this weekend so there's no way in hell Spicer knew it was Passover (or that it even exists).
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