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Rant... sorry....

Its a bit long.... sorry......

My Matron of Honor was down this past weekend. We went to a bridal show and then to my parents to assemble the save the dates.

As I was going through the things in the closet trying to find what we needed for the save the dates, she began crying. ...

She broke down because when she got married (almost 4 years ago) it was a rushed marriage. She spent less than $300. She didn't like her dress at all. She got it off Ebay because it was cheap. Her husband wore jeans and a flannel. Her mother was in the hospital and her father made a mockery of the wedding the whole time. Basically she didn't get anywhere close to the wedding she wanted.

Well her husband has promised her that she would. He put his hand on a Bible and promised she would get the wedding she wanted as their 1 year anniversary. That didn't happen so he promised it would for the 2nd anniversary etc. Their 4th anniversary is coming up quick and again its not going to happen. Her husband gets SSDI and spends the money on random stuff instead of putting some aside.

Anyway, I am worried about her and the closer my fiance and I get to the wedding, how it will effect her. I have to address all the save the dates on my own because assembling them was hard for her (ok no big deal. I will do X amount each night). I wanted to find out from her if being as hands on as she has been and continuing to do so is going to effect her more / worse than it did this weekend. I also wanted to find out if she doesn't want to be as hands on because it effects her like this.
So I talked with my Matron of Honor and she said wants to still be hands on with everything as much as possible. She said that she will be fine and that she was not expecting the emotions to hit as hard as they did. Ok. Great. Well today she asked me how addressing the save the dates were coming along. I told her I had 32 done and about 73 more to go. She then got quiet and said good luck. Then she said she had to go and gave no explanation why. She hung up before I could say bye. I'm thinking that she really can't handle any wedding related topics (at least right now). FYI I AM NOT MAKING HER HELP. SHE OFFERED SO I ACCEPTED HER OFFER TO HELP. I know she has no obligation or duty to and she's only required to show up the day of with her dress....

Well on top of that, she wont let go of this song dedication idea....
I think she is obsessed with making everyone focused on the girls side of the bridal party at the reception. At first she wanted a song dedicated to me, her and the Maid of Honor. Now she wants one for all the girls, one for me, her and the Maid of Honor, one for me and her, one for me and the Maid of Honor, one for me and each of the bridesmaids (separately). After the 2 MoH's I have 4 bridesmaids so that would be a total of 7 songs for just the girls. That's almost 1/2 hour of songs just for us. She doesn't think the guys need dedication though (with songs). I was ok with 1 song for all the girls but come on there's a point where it is too much. 

I know my Matron of Honor didn't get the wedding she wanted and is probably living vicariously through mine to a point but seriously.... ugh.

Again, sorry its long....

Re: Rant... sorry....

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    Thanks! I know the guests do not want to sit through that many special songs lol. There is no way I am going to let her do that. My fiance and I have the final say anyways. Its just irritating that she is acting like this.
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    I got you :) It's got to be frustrating and difficult. And it sucks she can't let the circumstances of her own marriage go. I don't have useful advice, but feel free to vent away!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    That is definitely not a fun spot to be in. Sorry you have to go through this and I definitely second the advice to bean dip the hell outta her!
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    Can you compromise with your MOH and have the DJ announce "This song is for Jane." without making it into a spotlight dance?
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    You could just do songs that the BMs like but without any announcement.
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    Careful! I may take you up on the offer to rant. Lol.

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    We thought about doing that but we're worried about if she does request songs and finds out they're not taking any from her, what she might do then.

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    I plan to. Lol

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    I wish but I don't think she is willing to compromise :(

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    We thought about that too. She may try to get them to be announced though which leads us back to what missax said and what I replied back. :(

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    Here's an update: I was going to post the update before I got carried away with replying to everyone. Lol

     I sent her this message...........
    Hey. I was thinking about you're idea of having one song (per girl) dedicated to them at the reception. The more I think about I don't think it would be the best idea. After a while the guests may begin eye rolling and not really see the point behind it. Ben and I also think it is unnecessary - Especially since that's what the bridal party dance is for. Don't forget too that each bridal party member is recognized at the beginning of the reception during the Grand March (bridal party entrance) with their name and role in the bridal party. Also, having a song dedicated to each of the girls and not the guys may make them feel left out / feel less important. One thing we could do is have 1 song for all the girls and 1 song for all the guys later on in the reception.

    She said that was me insulting her intelligence and rubbing our wedding in her face
    and she wasn't going to take that from me and that I need to call my mother in the morning so she can get her dress from my moms house since she is stepping out
    apparently she didn't know that the grand march was part of the reception.....

    I was shaking and crying because I had no idea where she was coming from. She wouldn't even listen to what I had to say. She kept hanging up. Ben called her and she wouldn't talk to him. She put him on speaker and he said what ever he said and that was that. He was able to talk to her eventually later on but nothing really got solved.

    While he was trying to talk to her I sent this message.....
    I am sorry it had to come to this over simple miscommunication. I did not mean to be rude or hurt your feelings. That was not my intent in the slightest. I will be ready to talk about it when you are. Our friendship means too much to me for it to end like this. I apologize if I came off as rude or insulting your intelligence. I do not want you to step down. We have gotten over worse and I think we can get over this too. The wedding Ben and I want includes you standing up there with us. You're a sister to me. I love you.

    I got this message back.....
    I draw the line at insulting my intelligence and continuing to talk down to me like I am a child. Whether you have realized it or not, you have continually lorded this wedding over my head, and you have looked at my husband like he is scum and should not be seen anywhere near you or Ben as it has gotten closer to the date. This isn't the first time you have insulted my intelligence, but it is the last. Even when you apologized it sounded half hearted and like you really didn't mean it.

    Before Ben and her hung up she said to wait until Friday. I guess that's when I will know for sure what her decision is....

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    Wow...that sounds like a huge over-reaction on her part. She sounds like a huge brat. A lot of people (most people) don't get their dream wedding and they don't become emotional wrecks who can't be happy for others. Sounds to me like she needs to get over herself.

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    Holy effing crap! She dropped out of your wedding over THAT? Then seriously, you're better off not having her be part of it, you really are. Man, that sucks, and I am so sorry, but WOW -- what a crazypants!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    Wow, even if you underestimated your role in this (which I'm not saying you were) that is still insane to leave the bridal party over not having a bazillion spotlight songs.
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    I was shocked at her reaction to. My mom was informed of this since her dress is at my mom's house and I wanted to give my mom a heads up incase she showed up. My mom even said she was acting like a brat.

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    Yes she is stepping out over that.....

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    I know I didn't handle it the best either and there's things I could have done differently but yes I agree her reasoning for leaving is a bit strange.

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    I feel horrible for both of you.  She shouldn't treat you like that, and SHE is probably the one looking at her husband like scum because of his broken promises, but she can't quit on him, so she is taking it out on you.  I would just step back and give her her space.  If she was a good enough friend to a MOH, then hopefully this will blow over soon.
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    It kind of sounds like she was looking for an excuse to drop out. My guess is there's probably something more going on with her and she's trying to push you away. Just seems way too crazy even if she is jealous of your wedding.
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    I hope so too but we shall see. Right now only time will tell.
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    i'm so sorry you have all this stress on top of the normal stress of planning.  all I can suggest is to just giver her time and space and hope that she reaches back out when she is ready.
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    Oh I forgot to mention too (not that its really important) but I noticed earlier today that she had removed me as a friend on Facebook but when I got home tonight, I had a friend request from her...
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    @hlvonb Unfortunately it appears she is taking out her own issues on you. She seems like she has a lack of self-confidence and is looking for a scapegoat for her marriage issues. It really sucks that she is so broken that she isn't addressing her feelings with the proper person. In your message you were not insulting anyone or being condescending by any means. You simple stated you did not agree with her idea and why. The Facebook part is pretty juvenile...while the whole situation is sad I would try not to let her issues become your issues.

    Once she is cooled off I am sure she will come around. 
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    It's true what they say, weddings bring out the crazy in everybody.  Hopefully this will blow over and she'll start acting like a grown up rather than taking out her wedding issues on you.  I'd refrain from mentioning anything about the wedding or weddings in general in her general direction and see if she comes around back to "normal."
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    @aefitz29 @TheFutureMrsRohlman22 Thanks for your input / advice / opinions. It helps :)   It does suck and part of me ( I have to admit ) feels sorry for her because she has issues that she is dealing with and I think she's going through some things that maybe I am not even aware of / that she won't talk about. But maybe she will come around. Time will tell.
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    I hope she figures it out!  I just think the only thing you can do is step back a little and hope for the best.  *crosses fingers for you*
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    @TheFutureMrsRohlman22 @aefitz29 @clg1213 @triciaandkenswedding @allelsefaild @AprilH81 @HisGirlFriday13 @bethsmiles @missax @Teddy917

    Thanks! I am crossing my fingers too and hoping she figures out everything she needs to. My fiancé and I have decided that she said she was out of the bridal party and we're going to hold her to that. Our reasoning being that after talking to a mutual friend of hers and mine (well call her Jane) she was known to do this in Jane's wedding too. Jane said she would snap over the littlest thing, take herself out and come back a couple days later as nothing happened. Jane said the closer it got to the wedding the worse and more frequent the blow ups would be and it got to the point where Jane and her now husband actually told her she was no longer in it because of a risk that she could ruin the wedding. Jane got married last year....

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    How terrible! OP I am sorry you had to experience this. I have dealt with a little bit of drama from a BM early in the planning. It's never fun, but at least she took herself out on her own terms, ya know? Even though it might hurt like hell, your life will indeed go on. I hope the best for all of you! Good luck, and I will have my fingers crossed as well!

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