was on weddingbee beacuse i had found a google picture of a real bride in my dress anyways. i was surfing the boards and all these posters are raving about cara bridal on etsy
http://www.etsy.com/shop/CaraBridal?ref=search_shop_redirect i looked up the shop and its a china knockoff website and everyone is raving about how good they are and you get a good dress.
just wanted to give any brides who still nee a dress a heads up stay away from this seller.
if you need a gown and on a budget stick to online retailers like pearls place
davids bridal
alfred angelo
and local shops
Re: beware of carabridal on etsy
brides who are unaware go online looking for that super bargain they email back and forth to customer service they may get luck and speak to someone who knows the english language really well and hits this person at the weakest moment they send money and in 2 weeks the dream dress comes in and its not what the bride paid for.
brides in a panic what do i do customer service is no longer available to hear her issues , seamstress says fabric is liner fabric its not good its flammable i could fix it but its going to cost you 400.00
my budget was up to 1000 i wanted to stay in the low range but then i fell in love with a dress that was 875 and purchased it. but i did find fabulous gowns at a bridal consigment but they had no wow factor
You should consider posting a photo of the dress that was on the website, and a photo of what you received.
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