Nevada-Las Vegas


Unfortunately I think I'm going go have to sign off. I have honestly loved planning for the past year with all of you but at this time I feel like a certain knottie has unfortunately changed the way I feel about coming here. The best of luck to all of you that have had nothing but kind words to say to me in the past. Especially MissMo and pinky, tcnoble.. thanks for the great drago sisters recommendation! Good luck to all of my date twins also!! ♡
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Re: Unfortunately

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    Hope it wasn't me. :-)  Sorry to see you go though.

    Married in Vegas - June 2011

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    @Valerie please reconsider. You have the option of ignoring a knottie (just click on their name and select ignore). You remember the judgemental bitches we had on this board and the huge blow ups last year on TK... IGNORE that shit and keep on moving on. Dont disadvantage yourself and other future Vegas knotties by signing off. We like you and want you to stay! If you leave, I will have to facebook stalk you like a crazy woman! Trust me, you wont like it ;-) For other knotties... 9 times out of 10 its not what you post but how you post it. And Valerie you KNOW that the majority of us are constructive. We dont always agree, but we at least try to stay supportive and helpful ie instead of "your relationship is doomed, cancel your wedding now cos its a clusterfuck of shitty ideas" we say "you guys may need some help and how about you reconsider some changes in your planning" and then we OFFER some suggestions.

    Can't wait to say 'I do' on April 14, 2014 - Planning Bio

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    I agree with Missmo. 

    You know, Sometimes people just like to start BS for no reason. Giving you constructive feed back is one thing but when someone just keeps going and going at something one tends to feel hurt and it really can come off the wrong way depending on the way it is said.

    I would use that ignore button. :) 
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    @VG you are always so helpful!!
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    you both are right, I have been here way too long to let someone chase me away! Thanks for changing my mind Missmo and KikiMira :)
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    actually no that's ok...i can sign can stay on here...i'll just lurk for information if and when i need it. I honestly think it's immature to start a thread about someone and not have the balls to say their name...just talk shit...classy!
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    I sent in my email to have my account deleted, in less than 72 hours my account will be off and then Valerie can not have to worry about me or others who would like to include me in the " judgmental bitch" category. have a fabulous wedding ~ Stefanie Steele
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    FINE ssteele you went to far in your "constructive" criticism. I think you owe Valerie an apology. I have the balls to say your name. You started something that you shouldn't have and once she asked you to stop you refused. That's immature and Classy.
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    I didn't have to say your name, the comments are right there for everyone to see.
    lol classy..just as classy as your 2 dollar reception? Maybe if you didn't continue to go on and on on my last thread none of this would be an issue.
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    does the reception really matter? isn't the wedding supposed to be about you two as a couple? not what the guests think? 
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    @southerncutie...i''ll make sure to never reply on any other forums stuff when people post their personal problems, this is Vegas Weddings not the Therapists office. 
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    no need to be snotty. smh uggg
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    I'm pretty sure a few people on here owe me a apology, @missmo for putting me in the judgmental bitch category, @valerie for making fun of my wedding that to me is about the two of us getting married not what my guests think of it, and yes @valerie if you feel i owe you a apology, here is me being a big enough girl and apologizing. 
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    Pull your head in Stefanie! I was referring to the judgemental bitches we had on the board last year. If you lurked, like you claim, im sure you wouldve stumbled accross just plain mean and nasty comments of which MOST were directed at Brides who werent hosting their guests properly.

    Everyone on this board has been warm, welcoming and kind to you so we just expect that back. There are lots of boards on TK that have very rude snarky posters and we have worked hard not have that here on Vegas Local Board. I dont think we all have to agree, I like that we offer constructive criticism but I do feel that you went too far on the other post.

    You said your piece - then you just kept going! I was like holy shit... wow. You made so many assumptions about Valerie's relationship which were quite offensive - ESPECIALLY when you brought her kids into it. I struggle to see how you DONT see that. There is a fine line between blunt and rude.

    Can't wait to say 'I do' on April 14, 2014 - Planning Bio

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    Thank you @southerncutie and missmo for seeing my point of view.  @ssteele funny you expect an apology from me when you just kept going on and on about how bad my relationship is. I agree with missmo it is really unbelievable that you see nothing at all wrong ith the way you spoke to me. Nobody here should be apologizing to you when you are the one who initially started with your rude comments.
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    no need to be snotty. smh uggg
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    directed to ssteele
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    i bumped up her thread, in which i was referring to, for thinking wrongly of their relationship. My apologies 
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    @missmo~ yes i've seen how the ladies were, the one that sticks out in my head where you wrote a vent one and they could vent about anything and it just took off 
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    Valerie I don't believe ssteele04 meant anything malicious in her post. She actually offered very good advice. No one should enter into a marriage lightly. We all have our problems and we all have fights but if you don't want honest opinions/advice you really should not post relationship drama on here. Someone is bound to say something you won't like, not out of malice but out of true concern for your well being.
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    I agree but when I asked her to stop she wouldn't.
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    I just have to say....if you are inviting guests to your wedding yes the reception matters it's a thank you to them for's not just all about you.
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    What is this, the Etiquette board? Knock it off already!!

    Valerie, please don't go anywhere. I am sorry you are going through these relationship pains so close to the wedding.
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    I was nervous joining this board bc I knew from reading posts and comments on posts that I would get made fun of for our reception. Some people in life have this expectation that everyone needs to follow for a wedding, granted if we could afford it we would, but I'm the type of person that would rather spend the money on my children than us. It doesn't make anyone better than the other person if they have more fancier things for their wedding/reception
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    WHOAAAA LADIES lets bring it down here.

    I have no idea which thread is being discussed, so I can't (and won't) offer any judgements on @ssteele04 or anyone else involved. BUT that being said we all know that when we come here seeking advice, just to vent, etc. that not everyone will agree with us and THAT'S OKAY. Let's just all remember we are ADULTS (most of the time) and situations should be handled as such. I would hate to see ANY of you leave the boards, it's unnecessary, and we should all be able to (virtually) get along with one another. Put your differences aside, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, and let's get on with WEDDING PLANNING!! :)

    @knotporscha might be a good idea to close this thread :)
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    I think you should only host what you can afford, period. I wouldn't dream of inviting 50 people out to Las Vegas from the east coast if I couldn't properly host them. They are taking time off work, spending the money to travel, etc. I will feed and water them properly and then some.
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    @ssteele04 Your reception will be lovely. You are properly hosting your guests to thank them for coming to your wedding. It doesn't have to be a lavish affair and for anyone to make fun of you for how you choose to host your reception is pretty classless.
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    wow!  I missed a lot in a couple days.

    Valerie, I'm glad you aren't going anywhere date twin!!!  I've been looking forward to all my date twin's reviews and seeing how all the fabulous May 3rd weddings turned out :)  
    We had our dream wedding at Mirage on May 3, 2014! 
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    I agree that nobody here should be saying anything at all if you have nothing nice to say, unfortunately not everyone lives by that.
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