

Hi ladies!! I feel like i've been MIA on here for awhile! Been super busy with NWR stuff!

We FINALLY had our engagement pictures taken yesterday!!! It was a crazy crazy day for me! Being a hugeeee procrastinator I waited until yesterday to do EVERYTHING! I had work in the morning for 2 hrs. Then I had to shave/shower, then mani/pedi - then I had to look for a shirt becuase the one I was going to wear I spilled something on. Then I had to get my make-up done and then I had to do my hair and then get dressed! Ughhh it was a nightmare! I could've killed me!

It all worked out in the end. I was so nervous in the beginning but once we started I had soooo much fun!! I could do that every day! Too bad I'm not an inch taller and 4 sizes smaller!! lol. I can't wait to get them in! We did two looks one glam and one casual. I will post some in a few weeks!
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