
glass cylinder vases for sale

Please pass this info along to anyone you know who is planning a wedding! I have ads on Craigslist as well. I would like to try to sell in the Tulsa area, as I do not want to have to go through shipping and payment and all that associated with out-of-town sales. Thanks I am selling 10 glass cylinder vases. They are each 9" tall and are the perfect size for floating candles. In fact, whoever buys these vases will get several white floating candles as an added bonus! (I don't remember exactly how many I have left, and currently they are being stored at my parents' house.) I would like to sell all 10 for $1 each. So if you would like all 10, great. If you want less than that, that's fine too. If you are interested, please email me at natalie.e.bean@gmail.comAlso, if you have interest in the gems seen in the bottom of these vases, and/or the real-touch calla flowers seen in the vases, please let me know! Let's make a deal! 


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