Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Wedding planning stress (vent)

Just wondering if any of your guys are going through stages of panic about your upcoming weddings?  Mostly I am just completely overwhelmed at how quickly all of the costs add up, it is like we are bleeding out and there is no end in sight?  Both of our parents are being incredibly generous, but anytime things come up that we want to cover ourselves it is hard to figure out how to make things work.  Really this wedding could not come at a worse time for us financially, I'm in my 5th year of professional school and my FI is trying to recover from 13 mo. of being unemployed (luckily he found a great job in June, but still a lot to make up for).  I think we probably just need to have additional conversations with our parents regarding the budget, I just had hoped we'd be able to be more self-sufficient and contribute more to it.  In the end we probably should have waited another year, I just don't think we realized everything that was involved until quite a few things had already been booked.

I'm going to try and do some moonlighting in my field to earn some extra cash, but it will likely take a month or two to get things rolling on that if I can find work.  It just makes it hard to plan and put down deposits on vendors. Sorry for this long vent, I'm just bummed out at how such an amazing life milestone can become such an emotional/sobering undertaking!  Probably also not helping that is a super depressing grey day and I have PMS... ;)

Re: Wedding planning stress (vent)

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    edited December 2011
    While my planning is now over, I can totally relate, I definitely remember feeling sooo overwhelmed with not only the $$ but the time, effort and the seemingly endless # of details to plan.  I really enjoyed a lot of it, but definitely at the end, when I was amidst my intern year as a physician working >80hrs/week (since it is impossible to stay w/in the hours restriction, haha). 

    I just have to say it gets better, the costs start to wind down (until the final amounts are due closer to your wedding day, so definitely remember that).  I also would say that since you are a dental resident the earlier you can get things done, no matter how ridiculous it seems to be doing some things so early, the better it is.  I definitely utilized my "easier" rotations to get as many things done as I could.

    Best of luck and remember, in the end the most important thing is that you are marrying your soulmate!
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    edited December 2011
    I'm getting pretty grumbly about hemmoraging money, too.  I love making everything our own and putting our unique stamp on stuff, but it certainly comes at a cost.  My parents have been fantasic about everything, but I want to ask them for as little as possible in the end.  In fact, I've been paying for as much as possible out of my own pocket and trying not to involve the wedding budget whenever I can.  I just feel very fortunate to have the means to do a lot of this on the side, on my own.  FI would be shocked if he knew how much I've spent on projects so far, but I'm panicked about the budget enough and I don't want to touch that money unless absolutely necessary.

    On the upside, belated congrats to your FI on finding a job!  It's got to be tough when you've gone so long without one.  FI's cousin just found a job after nearly 2 years of unemployment.
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    jmkaiserjmkaiser member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Oh my gosh I've been feeling the same way. We just bought a house so I'm absolutely torn about where the funds should go. We both have decent jobs but we have a mortgage,and student loans.

    I've even wished we could push back the date....but obviously that's a no go. It's sad...I'm excited to get married but all the stessors of planning it are really getting to me.
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    edited December 2011
    Even though my wedding is a ways off, I feel you about the money crunch. It's hard trying to save up money and then have other things happen that need to take some of that away. My mom and I have a savings acct for wedding expenses and are trying to get enough saved up in the next few weeks to put the deposit down on a venue, but I just got into a car accident on Tuesday (thankfully no one was hurt and it was the other car's fault completely) and so we will probably have to use some of that money for the insurance deductable until we get it reimbursed. Blah. But, life happens I guess. You are not alone in the stress!
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    edited December 2011

    I feel exactly the same way today! $$ is a big pain in the butt when planning a wedding. Just keep your chin up and try to look at the bright side :)

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    edited December 2011
    I pretty much had a mega break down the other night about this.  So far this year we have put SO much money into fixing my car (replaced the engine, radiator, water pump, alternator, and battery all this year) and I TOTALED my car last night!!

    Add this stress to starting a new job, christmas presents, AND an ever expanding guest list from the FIL's (who by the way are not contributing at all) and needless to say I am super stressed!!!

    I was planning on using my old 401k from my last job as well as both our tax refunds to pay for the wedding but now will be needing at least SOME of that for a new car.  It all depends on how much the insurance company pays us for the car...

    SO Now it is time to have a hardcore talk with the FMIL about the guest list and do some dramatic cuts.  While we are trying very hard to keep budget under $5000, I just cant afford 250 guests!!  GRRRRRR

    I feel your pain!
    BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary
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    edited December 2011
    Oh my Jermiah!!! I hope you didn't get hurt! I can only imagine what kind of stress that would be, totalling your car after spending $$ fixing it :(

    --thread jack over-- sorry!
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    edited December 2011
    Jeremiah--Oh no so glad you're ok...although major stressor that your car isn't. 

    I feel everyone's budget pains.  However, I made a spreadsheet recently that looked at every paycheck I will recieve until the wedding.  I calculated all my expenses (rent, student loans, credit card bill, etc) and then calculated approx. how much $$ I need to save each paycheck to meet final expenses, and hopefully have some left over to start saving for the honeymoon.  I think it helps to have an outlined savings plan.  I've also stopped carrying around my credit card, that way I can just work on paying it off.  I'm also doing what Cake is doing and paying for DIY stuff out of my spending $$ and so none of that is included in our final budget.  HTH

    Have a safe and happy new year everyone!
    Hitched! 09.30.11
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    edited December 2011
    So glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets completely freaked out by all of this! Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and kind words of encouragement. 

    Musicalsunlight and jeremaiah I am so glad you are both OK, but sorry to hear about the cars!  Yikes, that is so something you don't need with all of this other planning stuff.

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year's eve!  Here's to an amazing 2011 and keeping the wedding planning craziness in check :)
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    tlbattagliatlbattaglia member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I'm about to hit the "4 months away" mark, and I'm TOTALLY stressing!
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