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Not excited yet...

So I'm 10 days away from my wedding, had my hair trail last night, and I'm picking up my dress from alterations tonight...but I'm just not excited yet!  I'm feeling nothing really; a little indifferent.  Maybe because I'm sick of planning.  Although at this point I've pretty much got everything firmed up, and it's just a waiting game.My FI on the other hand, has become super hyper and affectionate, and keeps telling me how lucky he is to be marrying me.  He is even trying to be a gentleman and has been opening doors for me and being super courteous (not that he didn't before, but i think he is more conscience of the need to now). Don't get me wrong, I'm definitley not complaining about that part.  But I kind of feel bad because I'm not as excited....When did everyone else start feeling it, or are you in the same boat as me?

Re: Not excited yet...

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    I've had that feeling a few times in the past weeks.  sometimes seems like time has stalled, and i just want it to be over.  actually thankful for work, so I could concentrate on something and stop the constant to-do list in my head. I'm 2 days out, and the good feelings and excitement are back. so hang in there!
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    You might just be ready for the planning to be done and the actual wedding to happen so you can continue life as a normal couple. There is a lot of stress planning a wedding and you might just be feeling it. It sounds like your FI is a really nice guy. GL.
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    I've still got 2.5 months and I'm feeling this way too.  I think I'm just ready for it to be over.  I've spent over a year already planning and I'm so tired of it.   My FI is also very excited.  He hasn't stressed much about anything though so I guess it's a lot easier on him.
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    It didn't really hit me until just before I walked down the aisle.  I think that's only when it became real.
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    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

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    I have a feeling it is the calm before the storm kinda thing for you. You have everything planned and everything is set.  I am a long way out still.  I have a feeling that I am gonna be like you when it gets closer to the date. [url=http://<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][/url]
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    I have the same amount of time as you Aug 8th right :) and I too am in the same boat as you... I get a little excited when I hear our wedding song on the radio or if I think of how Im going to be Mrs. M soon but the feeling quickly changes... but all my sisters are married now and I remember they didnt get really excited untill the day before thier wedding!! so Im hoping I will get more excited my feelings are Im ready for it to be over because the planning sucked but I dont want it to be over to fast its crazy what you go through just for one day!!!  Good Luck and I hope your day is Perfect!!!
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    My FI is being super sweet!  he went out last night, and when i called him looking for the car, he spilled the beans and said he was out looking for a wedding gift!  Even though i said that we shouldn't do wedding gifts, because we are paying for the wedding almost entirely ourselves, and we just bought a new car together.  i think that is enough spending!  But now even though i have everything for the wedding firmed up, like i said, my FMIL and FSIL are coming on tuesday, and i have a ton of cleaning to do!  i guess i don't get a break after all, and next week is going to be hectic too, that i dont think i will get time to be excited before the day of!
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    I too am not really feeling too excited about my wedding yet, I agree with everyone else that its a lot of planning and stressful and that can get in the way.  My wedding is Aug 15th and I think the day before or day of I'll be really excited.  My fiance is even ready for this planning to be done even though he wasn't the one stressing a lot but guys hide it better.  Good luck with your last week of planning:)
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    My wedding is tomorrow and I'm still feeling that way! 
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    I'm an August 8th bride, too, and I'm not feeling the excitement either. FI's been super-sweet, too, and that part is fun, but I'm kind of glad I'm super-excited, yet, so this week will hopefully go by a little faster. I did have a glimps of the excitement last weekend when I took my bridal portraits. Getting all dressed-up with hair and make-up did get me pretty excited, and I think I won't really feel like that again until I'm dressed and ready to walk down the aisle. Don't worry, it'll come, but I don't think it's a bad thing you're not more excited right now. GL!
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    We're still about 55 days away and Im feeling what you are. I was hoping my stress would disappear closer in -- but take some time away for you and lover boy! Take a walk, go on a picnic -- remember what your wedding day means to you (personally) and as a couple. Obviously he knows what it means -- feed off his energy. And if all else fails go for a spa treatment and trick yourself in to the mindset of a blushing bride!
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    Well, I'm having a very short engagement (3 months) so my "OMG, I'm engaged" excitement has kinda immediately spilled over to the "OMG, I'm getting married like REALLY soon" excitement. I have to say though, that once the bulk of the planning was done, I calmed down a lot. But then last night I went to get my dress altered. It was the first time I had put it on since I bought it and the butterflies came right back! It those "wow, this is really happening" moments that sneak up on me. :-)[url=http://<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][/url]
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    Wow you really are close. I, like you, am very surprised that my FI also has been super nice lately. But I do know that I'm the type to keep cool. So I'm not worried that I'm not super excited. I think it's good and bad. You keep level headed and don't turn in to a bridezilla. But on the day when you are standing there exchanging vows, it will hit you. So bring on the deodorant.
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    You are totally normal...everyone kept asking if I was excited, and I just felt normal.  Even up until the final week--it just felt so natural and normal.  I got excited the rehearsal night and of course felt amazing on the wedding day...I wouldn't worry about it, it's good that you feel calm. :)
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    I went through the same thing.  I've been married for 5 weeks now, but I remember being just so tired of so many details going through my head -- even when I slept -- however little that was.  I think I just got so bogged down with the details that I forgot to breathe.  The evening of my rehearsal was when the adrenaline started kicking in.  The morning of the wedding (I was married at 4:00 p.m.), I was back to having not too many feelings.  Then, driving to the site to get married, I started getting nervous.  I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's probably pretty common.  Hope this helps -- and congratulations!  Melody.
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    That's how I'm feeling too. Although, I've been engaged for 2 years and with my FI for 5 years. It seems like a really long time to the alter. I've had to plan my wedding about 5 times already and I said "Screw it, we're going to the courthouse!" We've had most of the planning done in about 6 months it's going to be really nice either way, just be careful. This might hit you emotionally if it hasn't already.
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    ec0983ec0983 member
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    my MOH just got married last weekend, and she didn't get super excited until we were in the car on the way to her venue. she woke up in the morning said she had some butterflies, but other than that she was calm and cool and totally herself all day- until we got her in that car! then she clammed up all of a sudden and i knew it had really hit her. i think she, like everyone else on here, was just ready to be done worrying about the details and be married! my wedding isn't till october and that's certainly how i'm feeling. just relax and enjoy the ride!
    trying times are not the times to stop trying. image

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    you get really nervous about the day before, i wasn't excited either until then.  I think you are just ready for the day, I felt the same way.  Can't wait for it to get here, but when it does, WATCH out!  I was so nervous, I about threw up.  Make sure someone has snacks around, I got really hungry and my friend saved me!
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    mizu22mizu22 member
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    I was both excited and nervous until about a week before my wedding. Then reality set in and I was like "holy crap, I'm getting married in a week" and everything got very surreal. It wasn't until the night before my wedding at the rehearsal dinner that I got really excited again. The next day, I couldn't wait to walk down that aisle. It will come :)
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    I'm 22 days out - I know excatly what you're tlaking about!  I'm so ready to just walk down that freaking aisle and get on to the fun that I might just barf if I have to wedding plan much else!  FI on the other hand is all excited and (finally) wants to talk wedding details - HA! I think it's because us planners are just so done by this point that everyone else is just starting to get excited : /
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    I'm getting married in 2 days and for a while every time I got excited, something went wrong. One of the bm's doesn't fit in her dress anymore, some guests suddenly can't come and yet I still have to pay for their meals, etc. But recently FI has started being lovey like yours is and it's got me remembering the whole reason we're obsessing over all this in the first place and now I'm pretty much stoked. You still have some time yet just try to relax and the bliss comes with it :)
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    I really didn't feel excited until right before the wedding. Through all the day before, through set up, the rehearsal I never really felt excited like I thought I should. Don't worry though, you'll start feeling it soon!
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    Oh, thank the LORD for this post!!! I've been feeling this for MONTHS.  We're getting married in May 2010 and I have not been giddy AT ALL--which of course sends my mind spinning. My best friend, and matron of honor, said to me that she wasn't at all excited for the wedding, but was excited for the marriage.She couldn't have said it any better.So the "no excitement, business as usual" feeling?  It's nice to know I'm not alone, and I feel better knowing that.  I have to remind myself that just because I'm not all giddy-jazzed-crazy about the upcoming wedding doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to the future!  : )
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    I am 3 weeks away and I feel the same way, I'm not excited yet. I think it is because I have helped so many people with their wedding and now when it comes to my own wedding, I don't want to do anything. I wish someone would take it over lol. But Congrats on your wedding , I bet you will look great! it will kick in the day before.
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    Cortney- What is the bm going to wear?  Bummer!
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    LOL I am getting married a week from tomorrow and I don't think it has hit me yet! I think it will when the doors open and I am walking with my dad.
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    I am a little over 12 hours from my wedding. I didn't get excited until I was at the rehersal. I guess because there was so much last minute stuff we were dealing with. I am super excited now...probably why I am responding to this thread at 1:45am. Don't worry you will get excited...just hope you can sleep unlike me! :)
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