Florida-Central Florida

Open Letters

Haven't done this in a while!

Dear DD's school:

I must apologise. I'm sorry that my child is so smart. I had no idea that you had never dealt with a child who read a few grade levels above their peers before. I'm surprised that this is new for you, but I'll go with it. It must be very distressing to you. Would you like to know what's distressing to me? The fact that education professionals would attempt to tell me that the best practice is for my child to 'wait' and read books at the same grade level as her classmates, and that she shouldn't check out books from the library that she likes, because her classmates might notice. She wants a Ramona Quimby book? Give her the effin' Ramona Quimby book! It is a sad day when educators try to pull the wool over parents' eyes and tell them that withholding a challenge from their students is really the best thing for them. I am very glad that you are taking such good care of your low-achieving students and doing everything you can to help them improve, but it's not necessary to under-serve your higher-achieving students to do so. Straighten up or feel my wrath!


Re: Open Letters

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    SRivera09SRivera09 member
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    edited December 2011
    Holy cow Alyssa!  That is crazy they are trying to hold her back!  They should be encouraging it.  I'm actually trying to get my DD to get into different books.  Not the kiddie books.  I'm actually trying to read her an actual "book"   She doesn't read yet :(  I'm working on it!
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    edited December 2011
    I don't even know what that would be like to have a student read ABOVE grade level! (I teach special education)

    I agree! Give her the books she wants and CAN read! PS-I love Ramona :)
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    edited December 2011

    I want to read everyone else's open letters! There were some freakin' hilarious ones the last time we did this!
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    Blonde407Blonde407 member
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    edited December 2011
    Dear faculty and staff...

    Yes we are still having network problems so QUITE FLIPPIN CALLING ME !!!!!  You calling me isn't going to get the network back any sooner.  F-2-U !!

    A REALLY pissed off secretary
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    edited December 2011
    OMG Alyssa! That is freakin crazy that they would do that! Here hunny, under achieve so that the other children don't feel bad about themselves. WOW!

    And oh man Jess, that has got to be annoying! That has been going on forever for you! Sucks!!
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    edited December 2011
    Alyssa where does she go to school!? My FI is a teacher and he would be appalled, and my niece is in 4th grade and has read every Harry Potter (she likes the AR points!)
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    edited December 2011
    Dear Group Members,

    Today's group:
    If you don't show up today I will personally kick you both in the groin! I was offered a baby sitting job today for $10-15 an hour and had to pass because of class. I need that money!! And if you don't pull your own, its on. I don't care if one of you is a very large football player that could eat me for breakfast!

    Yesterday's group:
    I am tired of having to do all the work. I hate that I have to stress over assignments that aren't even mine! And do your work correctly so that I don't have to go behind you and fix it every time!!

    Damn you for signing up to be the "team leader" and for caring about the grades you get. It would bemuch easier if you didn't!! Grr
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    edited December 2011
    Oh yeah, and roomies, take the freakin garbage out!!!!! I am not your dang mama. I do not have to clean up after you!! GRRR 

    Ok, now I feel better.   :)
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    edited December 2011
    Alyssa - when I was in elementary school we had the same problem.  Originially I was having my brother (2 years older) checking out book for me, but of course he didnt want to check out the "girlie ones".  FInally, my mom had to actually write a special request to the principal and librarians to allow me to check out library books above my grade level.  I think its ridiculous.  It is just her teacher saying this or the administration as well?  Maybe bring it up at the next PTA meeting.  I'm sure others will feel the same way you do.
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    edited December 2011
    Dear MIL,
    Please don't guilt me for not contacting you more often and spending more time with you. DH and I are very busy people and what little free time we have due to conflicting work schedules we usually choose to spend either with each other or with friends. Also, please note that the phone works both ways and your car comes over to our side of town just as easily as ours goes over to yours.
    Much Love,
    Your Favorite DIL
    That's Mrs.skWhitneyAmanda to you!

    You're my true love, my whole heart ♥ ♥ ♥ <-- Married Bio <br>
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    ericak926ericak926 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Dear Sister,

    You have made the last 11 months of my planning hell. I am not even sure why I even asked you to be my maid of honor. I guess it wasn't enough that you call me Bridezilla every time I call, tell me that my wedding is just 'one day' and to get over it, or that you haven't done, or plan on doing anything for me such as a bridal shower or bachloretter party or even helping me with any wedding things. I thought I made it very clear to you last month, that I was tired of your lack of ANY enthusiam or help and that if you continued to tell me that you just want to wear whatever dress, shoes and accessories to MY wedding, then you could just sit with the rest of the guests. Apparently you misunderstood that and at this point you are only filling a spot at the alter.
    Futhermore, I am tired of allowing my planning and wedding to be about you. You can come to wedding or not because at this point I really just don't care anymore and by the way, you are an effin' retard if you think I am letting YOU let alone anyone else stay at our house on our wedding night. Fork out the $99 and get a room of your own. How old are you anyway?
    Your Bitter Sister
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    cjbwifey2010cjbwifey2010 member
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    edited December 2011

    Yikes to both Alyssa and Erica!!!!

    I hope that the school board gets it together and encourages your daughter to read whatever the he!! she wants to!

    Erica...ummm... why haven't you kicked your sister out of the wedding yet? i think she needs an intervention! Who does stuff like that? Was she married before? Is she unhappy because she is single? what is her deal?!

    Dear Weight,

    You are getting on my nerves. I have 4 months to see the weight I want and you just keep showing me numbers i dont want to see. So...let's make a compromise. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and eat healthy, and you will go down closer to the number I would like to see. Can we PLEASE come to this agreement? I dont like you now, and then number you are at, but I may like you later once the number is down. Please please please...just go down already!


    A wanna-be loser of YOU!

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    ericak926ericak926 member
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    edited December 2011
    I haven't kicked her out because of "family politics". The wench is 44 years old (she is actually my half sister from my Mom's first marriage and 16 years older than me) and she has been married twice. The idiot got engaged Christmas 2007 and decided in August 2009 she was going to get married in Vegas ... in September 2009. Did I forget to mention I was almost 6 months into my planning and dropped $3k to go to that stupid effin' wedding? I told her that I couldn't really afford to go out there on such short notice but she gave me the "well, I'm going to your wedding" b.s. so I sucked it up and freakin' went. THEN the moron spits in my face by telling me NOT to talk about my wedding on her wedding day when all I commented about her veil which was like mine.
    I am beyond bitter at this point and after the email she sent me yesterday, I would be content on not having her in my wedding or life anymore. She has pulled crap like this before but this one takes the cake.
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    edited December 2011
    Meghan, she goes to Blankner - supposedly one of the better schools in the county. It's not the teacher's policy, it's I guess the library's policy, but what irked me the most is that the teacher was telling me this like it was sound educational practice and like she believed it was the right idea, even though she knows how well DD reads - she was like "well she can practice reading out loud and work on comprehension with the lower-level books, and she can read her library book to the other students and help them." Why can't she practice reading aloud and comprehension with books at her reading level, and why can't she read the other kids' library books to them? I won the battle, though, they agreed to let her check out whatever she wants. :)

    Erica - daaaang what is your sister's problem? If she's rather not be your MOH she should just say so and back out! You need a new sister. We can all fill in whenever you need. ;)

    Jess - wtf you guys are still dealing with that? You have got to be SO over it. Boo!
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    ericak926ericak926 member
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    edited December 2011
    I wish she didn't want to be my MOH! That would be easier! Instead she gives me crap for upgrading my BFF to MOH and keeping her as my Matron. I've said time and time again that I want people who want to be there and participate and feel honored that we've asked them and then she acts like that. I don't get it.
    I'm taking applications for a new sister. Takers?

    Don't they have gifted classes? I think a lot of public schools do that with no challenging the students. I went to school in south FLA and I could of gone to gifted classes for english but no one ever pushed me so I didn't. It sucks because I wish someone did. I wouldn't have all these spelling errors! HA HA!

    Jess I have the SAME problem. I've been going to the gym for 6 weeks now and going 6 days a week. Have I mentioned that at first I GAINED 2 freakin' pounds and today I finally lost ONE! I hate my scale with a passion. Almost as much as I really dislike my sister. LOL!
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    edited December 2011
    Yeah, they will not test kids for gifted until the end of kindergarten. And it's not an all-day gifted programme, just a pull-out. I don't know how I feel about that. On one hand I want her challenged all day, but on the other I want her to be friends with all kinds of kids, not just gifted ones. Meh. Maybe one day they'll start up an IB elementary school. Then I'd be happy.
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    cjbwifey2010cjbwifey2010 member
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    edited December 2011
    LOL Erica, I will be your sister, anytime! We'll explain the color difference later! LOL

    I'm glad im not in this boat by myself. This is ridiculous! I would be SO pissed at 6 weeks! Well...i guess if we keep doing it, it is bound to go down? Im gonna really try though starting next week. NO EXCUSES! If it still doesn't work...i'm gonna eat a whole cake or something.
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    edited December 2011
    Alyssa- glad you won that battle!

    Ladies I hear you on the weight I have the same issue and I work out at least 5 times a week!
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    ericak926ericak926 member
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    edited December 2011
    Jess you are too funny!  I'm at the point where I'm like "Damn it all the hell and give me a freakin' milkshake!"
    I have my first dress fitting next week so I will be slowly starving myself and pushing my body to new limits, well except for this weekend. Pizza and beer for me! I'll just work it off on Monday at cycle.
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    Blonde407Blonde407 member
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    edited December 2011
    Erica... can I apply ?? LOL

    Yay for a BB (beer buddy lol) tomorrow... I need a couple buckets after this week between the doctor and network problems at work.
    **Blog Sale - UPDATED 04/03/2012**
    First weight loss goal - 40lbs... DONE! Second weight loss goal - 17lbs... LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Brit, as a recent UF grad...I am way intrigued on who the slacker athlete is haha! 

    Dear FMIL, 
    Can you please stop changing when you are coming to town every six seconds...FI and I have lives too.

    Dear work,
    Can you please stop demanding my time every day, almost every night, and almost every weekend? Thanks

    Dear MOH,
    Stop being self-absorbed. Your job/life is not the only thing going on in the world right now. 
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    edited December 2011
    Dear MOH: Can you please stop stressing EVERYONE else in the world out, including me? One of the best things about a bridal shower and bachelorette parties is it's one thing the bride doesn't have to worry too much about. I realize you are kind of a stress-bucket by nature, but seriously...none of this is THAT complicated. Or at least it doesn't need to be. I'd much rather have my friend back instead of this psycho you've turned into over planning my stupid pre-wedding parties. Also, I'm sure the girl (who, by the way, is not in the wedding party) that you "assigned" to take on the bachelorette party would have appreciated it if you had not emailed her about all this stuff the week of HER wedding..especially since my Bach party is still months away. End Rant.

    Dear Economy: Can you PLEASE rebound? I graduated months ago and still have NO job. Seriously...at this point, I'm not asking for much. Part-time even? Is that too much to ask? I am seriously about to run out of money, and it's definetely not because I am lazy!

    Dear Mother: You're obsession with how "awful" alcohol consumption and everyone who consumes it is...is driving me to drink lol.

    Yayyyy. I feel better. Sorta :)
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    Theresa626Theresa626 member
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    edited December 2011
    Alyssa, I have no idea why your school would do that.  My only insight is that I give piano lessons and sometimes kids want to play ridiculously difficult songs and then they proceed to play them with no concept of steady beat and terrible rhythm and then tell me they can play them perfectly.  So, sometimes, I tell kids they can't play a song or that they need to work up to that song so they develop some sense of rhythm before attempting a song that they slaughter.  Sometimes, kids want to move so fast that they leave out really important skills like learning to keep a steady beat and then they never pick up that skill later on because the music is too hard. 

    I have no idea how that would apply to reading though unless your daughter doesn't understand what she is reading.  Did they really tell you she shouldn't check out a book because of classmates?  because that is just ridiculous.  Get her some chapter books yourself if that's the case. 
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    edited December 2011
    Dragonfly, good luck with your job hunt, girlie! I hope you find something great just in the nick of time (or sooner, pref.)!

    Theresa, yeah, they really did tell me that she couldn't check this book out because of her classmates. They tried to front-load it with several other stupid reasons, but that's what it came down to. She reads and understands these books with no trouble, and has for quite some time. She's got several chapter books already, but I haven't had a chance to go get her more recently (can't imagine why, lol) and told her there were more Ramona books, so she wanted to check them out from the library. She loves the library - I wish the public library here was easier to get to, but I just don't want to fight with downtown traffic to get some books. All the other branches are a hike, so I guess that's not in the cards for right now. Anyway, you are right, we do need to get her some more chapter books soon. And another bookshelf! ;)
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    edited December 2011

    Dear Snow,
    I'm tired of you!  You are beautiful, but extremely annoying.  Please go away and tell Spring to hurry up and get here.

    Dear Job,

    No, I will not stay at the hospital and sleep there.  I am done with my 13 hour shift and I want to go home, sleep in my own bed, take a showe, and wear clean clothes.  I don't care if it's snowing outside.  I am a big girl and I realize I have responsibilities.  Therefore, I promise I will show up to work.  You cannot make me stay just because you don't trust that I will come to work.

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    edited December 2011
    Alyssa-  I had a similar problem as you are having with DD except mine was with math instead of reading.  I wen to a gifted school when we lived in Sarasota and they tested everyone in 6th grade in math and if you scored above a certain level you got put in algebra in 7th grade.  I got into that class and we moved in the middle of 7th grade to california.  We had a hard time finding a middle school that would allow mixing a 7th grade student in with 8th graders for math.  Then when we moved to Winter Park before my junior year we looked into the private schools and Bishop Moore told my mom that they refused to let juniors take calculus and that I would just have to wait and take it my senior year and would hold me back junior year.  What is that point of that?  So, that is part of how I ended up at Lake Highland, they had a whole class of people in the same math situation as me.  I guess they had a similar testing deal like my gifted school in sarasota had. 
    Some school policies are absurd.  Its like somehow in their ass backward thinking they think they are helping but in actuality they make no sense and have some rules just to have a policy on something!

    On another note:
    Dear thesis advisor:
    I have a life outside of working on my thesis.  I have other classes, tests, and homework not to mention thinking about spending time doing things other than school like maybe getting to the gym.  I don't have time to meet with you twice a week and rewrite sections of my thesis between our meeting times because you decide that you don't like the order or flow of something anymore. 

    Dear roommate:
    Thank you for washing the floors on friday.  But, your efforts were pointless when you let the dog play in the mud today and come inside and not really clean up after him.
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