Wedding Etiquette Forum




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    KJB you've told me what day your birthday is so many times and I always forget.  And I confuse it with your H's because I was thinking it was the end of October. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: KJB</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yep I contemplate going back to school all the time.  Actually I kind of want to go to be a Home Ec teacher, since there are constantly jobs open for them.  But it kills me that I already have 2 degrees and no job.  I should be able to easily have a job with that.  And the worst part is that when I look at any other jobs they think I'm overqualified since I have a Masters.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]
    I tried to apply for a part-time job at Michael's.  They wouldn't even process my application.  Ummm....  
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    Jill - what is your future position?
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    KJB, that's awesome. My birthday is the 14th! We had a Lucky Strike here for awhile that was bought out by another company. I never went, but it looked fun. We're going back to FI's alma mater that weekend for his professional fraternaity's 10 year reunion. He said he felt bad doing that on my birthday weekend, but I said I was just happy to be doing something. :) I can't even remember how old I am anymore anyways. I spent half of this year thinking I was still 25.
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    KJB, I had the same problem at Target. :(
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    Hahaha they are opening a  Jo-Ann Fabrics down the street and I just told H I should apply.  There is an opening at the day-care on base.  I'm giving my job another week to contact me about starting and then I'm applying at the daycare.  If I can't get hired as a TA with a Masters in teaching, something is wrong. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    Be happy that you don't have to spend your birthdays in the car.  My birthday this year was spent driving from Butte, MT to our new apartment.  We got teriyaki takeout for dinner since we had none of our stuff yet, and sat on the kitchen floor to eat it.  Great f'ing birthday!

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    FI just had Ozzie walk in with his new Halloween costume. It's in my sig pic :)
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    Nice Birdie. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    It's a little white trashy, but it's good for a day or two for Halloween!
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    WildRumpusWildRumpus member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited October 2010
    KJB, Child Life is responsible for the psychsocial care of hospitalized children. They focus on family-centered care and keeping the situation as "normal" as possible for the child and their family. They do this by advocating for the child, as well as their family, preping children for medical procedures such as surgery or even a blood draw, and by helping to relieve any stress/anxiety the child or their family may be feeling. One major way of helping a child work through their issues is through play-sometimes medical play, sometimes just good old fashioned playing w/ Barbies or cars. Unfortunately, because it's a free service for families, and because a lot of the time it does look like we're "just playing/giving out toys" it can be hard to be taken seriously by the rest of the medical team

    And now that I've written a small book, I could have just given you this link:
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    dnb - let me know if you want me to send you that book, i can drop it off at the post office tomorrow.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e55c430b-4cb8-4a7b-a071-7b63f299cf16Post:788d2979-f82e-429d-b08a-e300d727240e">Re: KJB</a>:
    [QUOTE]dnb - let me know if you want me to send you that book, i can drop it off at the post office tomorrow.
    Posted by kellyjellybelly[/QUOTE]

    Yeah if you don't mind that would be awesome.  I'll PM you with my address.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    Jill - that's really cool.  We get a lot of kids in for surgery who have no idea what is going on.  The freak the f out.  It's really sad.  Definitely an important job!
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    That's sad to me. The hospital I'm volunteering at has Pre-Op parties and tours, as well as a family surgery program. They get to see/try on the anesthesia masks beforehand, and mom or dad actually have the option to be in the room with them as they're put under
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: KJB</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's sad to me. The hospital I'm volunteering at has Pre-Op parties and tours, as well as a family surgery program. They get to see/try on the anesthesia masks beforehand, and <strong>mom or dad actually have the option to be in the room with them as they're put under</strong>
    Posted by Jill9288[/QUOTE]
    This is a very controversial thing :)  Where I work, it's a definite no go.  Parents are able to bring their kids in before surgery to get a tour and everything, but very few actually do.  <div>I agree - it is very sad that the kids have no idea what is going on.  You can absolutely see the difference between the kids who have been prepared and those who have not.  We have some anesthesiologists who are absolutely wonderful with the kids and you can see the kids relax, unfortunately not everyone is naturally good with kids.  </div><div>Anyway, my point is, I really hope the area you are going into becomes more widely accepted and used.  It makes everything easier on everyone.  I still remember when I had surgery when I was 4.  They gave me a shot in my butt - I was not hapy.  I don't think I was concerned about the surgery, but i distinctly remember them telling me I was going to get a shot in my butt.  I'm guessing it was Ketamine, which for the most part, is not used on kids preop anymore.  :)</div>
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    Ugh I have this horrible memory from when I was 5. I had been at my big brother's baseball game and cut my foot open on some open fence wire. My parents rushed me to urgent care where they stitched me up. Before they started stitching they says "let us know if it hurts." All was fine and dandy with the stitching until they decided to give me what I think was a tetanus shot in my thigh. All I remember was kicking and screaming "it hurts it hurts!!!" I think I'll go to my grave with that memory. :-/
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    FWIW, I was just as nervous for my surgery at age 26 because I had no clue what would happen.  And as you get older you hear more stories of people who don't wake up from anesthesia (RIP Mandy Moore on Greys), and surgery mishaps.  But I can't imagine what its like as a kid. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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