Wedding Etiquette Forum

STFU Neighbors!

We live in a townhouse, thus common walls.  I've lived here for 4 years, and aside from some obvious picture hanging, I've only heard the neighbors 3 or 4 times total.  Neighbor on one side WAS a single girl who works nights.  Apparently her BF is moving in.  At midnight.  Really?  I can't decide if I want to go ask them to be quiet or just get more wine.Suggestions?  Other people you want to tell to STFU?  Other crazy neighbor stories? 
DIY & Planning | Married 

Married: 2010
Mom to J: 2011
Mom to H: 2014

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Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485

Re: STFU Neighbors!

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    I'd let it go for tonight, but if it keeps up--I'd say something. It's never fun to pisss off the people you have to live next to. Crazy neighbor story--Old lady that lived below FI and I last year used to have loud LOUD sex with her Pepaw boyfriend. ugh.
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    Crazy lady below us is a biitch who thumps on her ceiling at ridiculous things (a picture propped up against the wall falling, me walking to the bathroom. I am little, I do not walk loud!) she almost got us evicted..
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    My neighbors have loud, annoying kids and I want to smack them each time they go barreling up the walkway, screaming and crying. We have neighbors above us with a very loud dog - it runs up and down the hall at all hours of the day. It also sounds like there is a gorilla up there.
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    H used to live in a townhouse like apartment in a really small city in Wisconsin.  There was a white trash mom and her two skank inbred children that lived upstairs and we (I swear to God) heard the kids have sex several times.  It was f-ing disgusting.  We would wake up to it and just bust out laughing in the middle of the night inbetween squealing and near pissing ourselves!  We KNEW it was the brother and sister because it always happened when the mom worked night shifts.  We also knew because from H's living room, you could see who left the building.  There was never anyone that ever left except the two 14-15 year olds.ahhhh!!!!
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    This wasn't our direct neighbor, but 2 houses away--the son (early 20's) was on some kind of drug and came banging on our door for DH to come outside and fight since he thought he was so tough. DH thought it was funny so he went outside--the kid ran back to his house and grabbed a board of some sort and started swinging. Needless to say cops were called and the kids parents (who he lives with) still won't talk to us because DH called the cops.
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    [i]It also sounds like there is a gorilla up there.[/i] Sorry, gg. I'll tell him to be more quiet.
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    At the last apartment we lived in, H had gotten home from work really late, and we were watching TV at 2 in the morning.  All of a sudden we hear the guys above us Backyard wrestling style fighting in their apartment.  That was..... interesting.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
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    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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    FI is out of town tonight, else he'd probably say something.  I did say something to the neighbors on the other side when they cranked the stereo loud enough that it literally rattled a pic off the wall.  If they didn't have my dogs all worked up I wouldn't care.  But the whining at their noise is getting old.I had apartment neighbors who all decided to have sex at the same time one night.  Both sides.  No place in the apartment was safe from way inappropriate noises.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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    gg-the dog has been our main problem. I feel really bad, but honestly, our neighbor is evil.
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    Rach - Is your FI a heavy walker? I admit that I am too, but I watch myself now especially because of the one we have upstairs! Roxy - I don't mind the dog between the hours of 7am and midnight, but it's at 3, 4, and 5am when it really bothers me. That + the gorilla walking just annoys the hell out of me.
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    Whenever our previous upstairs neighbors had sex, it never once lasted more than one minute. It cracked FI and me up, but we also felt bad for them... There was also a time where they were going at it and we heard the bed break.
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    SP - OMG that's gross!!!
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    We live in a duplex, and about once a month, there will be an obnoxious screaming fight out in front, probably out in the street, at around 2AM.  I can never hear what in the heck they are fighting about, and there is supposedly only one woman who lives in the other part of the house...Also, every Friday night, the neighbors who live in the house across from our bedroom open their garage so the light shines into our bedroom, get drunk and talk loudly until 5 or 6AM.  Seriously.  Who does that?
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    Gg- Nope, he makes noise during the day. We don't let him run around at night. Although, when I get up in the morning (6:30 am) he runs ti the kitchen excited.T literally tiptoes around the apartment and gets upset when I let a cupboard slam all because of our damn neighbor.
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    Roxy - Whenever I slam the door or jump around, DH reminds me of our downstairs neighbors. Oops.
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    GG--he is. and I think I am too--even though I'm a small gal. But this is why I wanted to rent a house this year--to figure out if we liked not having to control our noise level, amongst other things. SP---that tale is going to give me nightmares....
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    The other night I heard a car horn outside at 10pm. At first I thought it was one of the pot smokers that lives in the basement. But it kept going for 5 minutes. I put on shoes and went outside, ready to tell them to STFU.Turns out, some lady locked her keys AND her very large dogs in her car. They were repeatedly sitting on the horn.
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    In my old apt, neighbors were having a terrible fight.  I really thought that gunshots were a possibility, so I sat in the stairwell so that if they went through the wall, I wouldn't get hit.No gunshots, but the cops came.
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    Oh, and by slamming a cupboard I mean letting it close on its own as opposed to gently, slowly closing it. The lady should not live in apartment if she is going to have so much trouble with noise.
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    Sucrets - A friend of mine was at home in his apartment when someone 2 doors down got murdered. Eerie, huh? He said he saw the carpet cleaning guys there the next day. I would have just replaced the whole thing!
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    I would have just replaced the whole thing!I would have moved.  That minute.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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    In college the kids in the apt above mine were absolute animals.  They would wrestle all the time, my best friend and me would just sit at the kitchen table trying to figure out what human actions could possibly make such noises.They had a party one time, on a Wednesday, and decided to play Thumper at 2am...3 of our recessed lighting bulbs fell out.
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    Squirrly - Good point! He considered it, but would have had to pay like 3 months of rent as a penalty or something. He thinks it was a drug-related murder and not random, but that would still worry me1
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    I think there's a standard clause in all the leases I've signed (not a lot, but a few) about that the landlord had to ensure general safety.  I don't remember the exact wording, but enough that surely you could make a case that MURDER probably violates that.Or - just sublet the place.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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    Ok, um, my house is shaking now.  WTF? 
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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    Our neighbors at our old apartment would have raging fights with each other, and lock the kids out of the apt during said fights.  One was a Saturday morning, and we heard the little girl screaming outside at the patio window that "Daddy is going to kill you Mommy!!"  We really should have called the cops.  Found out it was a divorced couple, but they didn't have the money to live separately, so they shared an apartment still.  He was apparently a druggie, and she was/is a psycho mom.We moved out a few months later.  Between them and the other neighbors who lit off fireworks in the parking lot surrounded by trees, we'd had enough.
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    i hate people who move in at midnight.
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    Before we bought our house, our upstairs appt neighbor would play really loud operah every time he got lucky. 8 pm? Kinda funny. 2 am? Not so much. We ended up having to call security on him because it was so loud it woke both my dh and me up- and it is damn near impossible to wake me up once I go to sleep.
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    i admit to being a bad neighbor in a condo i lived in years ago with a roomate. i was on the other end of many of these stories you all have posted. sorry! (we ended up being evicted)
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    our upstairs neighbor has 2 little girls and a teenage son. Not sure who is the cause of it, but they sure can be loud, stumping and maybe jumping on the bed? I don't know but at times it wakes us up early in the am, and then it's random through out the day and evening even at night at 10-11pm. They should all be sleeping. they are school age. It gets fustrating. Then I try to talk to the mom whom works 3rd shift, she insists they were sleeping when she left at 10:25, yet I heard them before that time and after that time. She then tells me that they will be kids and they have a right to "live" until 10pm. UH yes but at 10 it should quiet down, not at midnight. However kids will be kids, but they don't have to run around the apartment like they're playing activites that should be played outside. Thats my STFU every night!!
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