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Depression maybe?

H has been dealing with what I'm pretty sure is depression lately (which is pretty likely given the mental health of his siblings and mother). I don't think he wants to go to a doctor, at least not yet.  It doesn't feel like my place to make him do it.  Is there anything I can be doing to be helpful?
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Re: Depression maybe?

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    If it's truly depression, there isn't much you can do. I went through it when I was in high school, and there was nothing anyone could do. I slept a lot and was miserable. Maybe patience and understanding is all you can do, but it still may not help. Good luck.
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    sorry to hear that. My FI lost his brother in December and is kind of the same and I feel the same as you. I suggested grief counseling and he said no, so II offered to go to counseling with him whenever he is ready if he wants. I think being there to listen and taking cues from how he is feeling is the best you can do. Being there as a strong person for him helps more than you know.
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    Just listen to him and don't bug him about it too much.  He'll decide on his own when he's ready for help.  It took me almost 4 years to finally do something about my own depression.  Sorry he (and you) are going through it though, it sucks :(

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    I think just be patient and let him know you are there for him. It's not something that logic can really fix, and unless he's ready to get help he may not take suggestions well. Maybe sit down with him, let him know you're worried about him because of xyz and ask what you can do to help. Other than that just let him have some space.
    I know when I get depressed all I want to do is curl up in the bed and cry. After a few hours I'll be ok, but during that time nothing will make it better.
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    I'm going to PM you in a minute.
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    I would say just support him and try not to pressure him.  Give him a shoulder to lean on or offer to talk with him but pressuring him to go will only cause him more stress.  I should add that I'm not saying that you are pressuring him to do anything, it sounds like you are doing the right things so far :)
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    I'm sorry to hear about that. Depression runs in my family too and it's always so hard watching someone you love struggle with it. In addition to the excellent advice given by pps I would suggest trying to get him exercising more. Sometimes the chemicals in the brain that are out of balance and causing depression can be tempered a bit by the chemicals released by the brain during and after exercise.

    Good luck to you and big hugs.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Thank you for the advice.  It's just a weird place we've never been to before and we've been together for almost 4.5 years.  I feel like I should be able to fix something that doesn't feel very fixable.
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    two years!
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    Good luck.  All I can say is definitely try to be supportive.  I go through some serious episodes myself and my FI just doesn't understand depression or anxiety at all.  He just can't get his mind around the fact that I'm not depressed "about" something and the fact that he can't fix the problem by taking away some stimulus.
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    YGPM, Brie.
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    edited March 2010

    There's some resources on men and depression, and helping loved ones with depression on this site. It's an Australian site, but these resources are really fantastic and I'd recommend you take a read.


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    Night, I'm so sorry. First off, please don't take on the responsibility of "fixing" him. It can definitely be a helpless feeling to not try to "fix," but only he can do the work to get to a point of achieving insight on what's causing this and feeling better. The best thing you can do is be there and be sensitive, which I'm sure you are. Like others have said, let him know that you are aware of how he's feeling and leave yourself open to talking about it when he feels he can, but don't push him to get help. He might feel shut down by that if he's not ready to go, or that he would rather hide his feelings so you don't worry. Your support is and will be a very important part of his getting through this. And hopefully his other supports will maintain and bolster him as well during this time.

    If it gets to a point where he feels like he might benefit from some professional direction on how to get help, most therapists do brief initial consultations to see if it's the kind of help the person needs and/or if they have resources to connect the person to. But if he feels more comfortable talking to his PCP, that's a good place to start as well. Good luck, and keep us posted.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Depression maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good luck.  All I can say is definitely try to be supportive.  I go through some serious episodes myself and my FI just doesn't understand depression or anxiety at all.  He just can't get his mind around the fact that I'm not depressed "about" something and the fact that he can't fix the problem by taking away some stimulus.
    Posted by nhelene[/QUOTE]

    Exactly this. Sometimes the trigger can be getting stuck in traffic or just a random twinge of saddness to set it off. Once you start going to that place it's difficult to come back.
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    Night, YGPM (long and rambling. sorry).
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