Rhode Island

Wedding Nightmares!

Who has them?

I have a lot, my "favorite" so far: my bridesmaids were helping me get ready, and i looked down, there were the invitations - I had never mailed them!!!

More often, I have weird dreams where I seem to forget to go to my own wedding and don't have time to get ready properly...in my dream last night I wasn't wearing my real dress, and my grandmother asked me why I was wearing a mini skirt, lol!

Last week I dreamt our honeymoon was basically at Watchaug Pond, little kids in rafts were splashing water on me and from there it pretty much turned into The Shining.

Please tell me I'm not the only one!!!!
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Re: Wedding Nightmares!

  • edited December 2011
    I had one a few months ago...it was funny to laugh at later....I was getting ready and my bridemaids and family were there and they were all backwood hicks.  I have no idea who there were but in my dream they were familer.  I had let them pick out their dresses (bridesmaids) and they were like metallic pink and black 80's prom dresses....then we went and the groom was late and nothing was setup for the wedding....I have been nightmare free since then!!  Ha ha Im sure theyll get more frequent once I get closer!!
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  • KBinRIKBinRI member
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    edited December 2011
    I had a few: The most involved was one where I realized about an hour or two before the ceremony that we never gotten R.S.V.Ps back from anyone and I called Bryan frantic for him to call his family so we could get a count for the caterer (as if it mattered at that point!) When I went outside to call him, I noticed someone else was still cleaning the stuff up from their wedding that had been the day before and I was like "These things don't go with my colors!" Haha. Then I was getting ready in some room upstairs from our venue (which looked nothing like our actual venue) and I was frustrated because the photographers were hours late so I marched downstairs in my dress and found them just hanging out with guests instead of getting pics of preparation. Man, I remember it so vividly even like six months later!

    They actually got less frequent as I got closer to my date; maybe I felt like everything was under control by then? Funny to think back on it. Bryan even had a couple of weird dreams about the wedding!
    Kristen and Bryan ~ 10-10-10 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • edited December 2011

    i've also had several dreams/nightmares...the recurring theme seems to be that my vendors don't show up... in one, my makeup artist could't find the church (but, hello, you were supposed to do my makeup before church haha), my DOC couldn't make the reception, my DJ was Pauly D, and the latest one was where our wedding was at the Crowne but instead of it being just our wedding, it was me and like 50 other brides, and we were all announced, and 5 million guests were in the ballroom..like a mega wedding.. it was awful, and my hair was a disgrace.

    i think our nightmares are normal :)
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  • i2012doi2012do member
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    edited December 2011
    def! I have the same reoccuring nightmare.

    I am sitting up in the dance floor of the towers- in sweats, all sweaty and a mess-- putting together bouquets. Someone comes in and goes" it 1030, you should start to get ready" but I'm not finished, They walk in again and say "JEn its noon, your wedding is in an hr you have to go". I think I dont end up getting hair or makeup or nails done,a nd I'm sweaty and unshowered in my dress. And one of my bridesmaids (who I've been having issues with)... walks in all done up and goes "sorry I didin't finish working on the bouquets- I couldn't have possibly Not showered or not had my makeup done" cand I wake up angry like so mad at her all the time hahaha.

    Sometimes I have a dream that my fiances entire family doesn't show up either because they got the date wrong.
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • edited December 2011
    So last night I had a dream and we were fostering 3 teenagers - we could not keep up!!!

    I told FI and he laughed, because we are fostering a cat and I think thats enough for now  :)
    September 2011 November Siggy Challenge - Ceremony Location imageimageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • i2012doi2012do member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    haahhah 3 teenagers omg
    i would die

    This am FI told me that last night he had a dream that he was late to teh wedding, and it was at a school playground (awesome!) and he got there, and he was the only one. and everyone else was back at our apt--- getting ready. He forgot to set his watch back.

    I guess us girls aren't the only ones freaking out.
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • edited December 2011

    Awww that's cute  :)

    FI hardly ever remembers his dreams, I always remember mine....he said I was laughing in my sleep the other night, I guess that's better than these stressful ones  :)

    September 2011 November Siggy Challenge - Ceremony Location imageimageWedding Countdown Ticker
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