Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

When to change last name

We're not leaving for our cruise until 2 weeks after our wedding. I have the week of work off after our wedding and was plannning on changing it then. BUT then i thought about my driver's lisence not matching my passport.
Has anyone changed their name to their married name and went on their honeymoon with their passport being their maiden name?

Re: When to change last name

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    I did but we went to Hawaii.  I had such an issue with it all I wish I would have waited until after the honeymoon.  

    In CA they punch a hole in the expiration date of your DL and give you a paper stating that you have your new DL on the way (the paper has your new name on it).  I was fine leaving CA but coming back HI had a difficult time understanding why I didn't have a "valid" ID card (they didn't count the paper as being valid because it was a piece of paper).  I had to take everything out of my wallet to prove I was who I was saying I was.  Just wait until you get back from your honeymoon to change everything.
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    I've heard in the case of leaving of leaving the country shortly after the wedding, it's easier to just wait until you get back to start the name changing process. I mean, socially, you're already "Mrs. FI's last name" at that point, but you do not want mis-matched IDs, God forbid you get stopped by customs or something (Apparently "But I got married" doesn't get you out of there any faster).

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    There's no time limit on how long you have to change your name, so you should probably just wait until you get back.  I have friends who've been married for over 3 years and still haven't gotten around to filling out the paperwork. :)  Enjoy your trip!

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    You can travel with just your passport as id and not use your license, but I agree that you should keep everything in sync and just wait until you get back to change your name.
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    I think if you bring your license, your passport, your social security card or birth certificate AND a copy of your marriage license you should be ok.
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