Catholic Weddings

What to expect at a penance service?

Hello ladies!

Happy Feast of St. Joseph!

I'm going to a penance service tomorrow at a church nearby, and I've never been before.

It's 3 hours long.  I can show up at any time, right?  And I know there will be many priests there to hear confessions, so do I just go in and find a priest, or do I need to do something else during the service?  Just want to make sure I don't do anything wrong.  :)


Re: What to expect at a penance service?

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    The penance service is usually a liturgy of the word and leading through an examination of conscience , then general act of contrition. They have people say it together to lessen the time that people are in confession, so if you go after this part, you can say it on your own.
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    Maybe I'll come in there on time then.  I'd love to hear the examination of conscience. 

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    Different churches do it differently. Three hours is a REALLY long time - I can't believe they'd expect anyone to be there from beginning to end (that would stink to be the last person in line...)! I wouldnt be surprised if that's the kind where there isn't any sort of communal liturgy. Our diocese recently had a 3-hour program where all the priests were required to be in the confessional at their own churches, but there was nothing communal about it, but of course I've seen that too. If the wording of the (I assume) bulletin announcement is kind of vague, there's no harm in calling the church office and asking if there is a liturgy at the beginning or if it's just "show up whenever you want."
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    The ones I have been to usually have a liturgy of the word at the beginning, so I would show up on time or call and ask. Maybe it is just scheduled for 3 hours to ensure everyone has time to confess?

    After the liturgy of the word I have been to services where the priests sit in side pews and everyone goes to confession pew by pew (like your lining up for ashes or communion) or I have also been to ones where the priests are set up at various confessionals or areas around the church and everyone just kind of gets in line or goes to a particular priest when they are ready. Sometimes there is a choir and music is played while while everyone confesses which helps you feel like your confession is not being overheard if priests are sitting in the open.

    Sometimes everyone just leaves after they confess, other times they ask people to stick around and pray and then do a group act of contrition and dismissal around the 1 hour mark so everyone isn't stuck there forever. But they of course will continue to hear confessions for anyone who hasn't had a chance to go yet.

    I think that if you show up on time they will likely give an overview of how the service is to go. Also I recommend sitting near the front (in case they do go row by row) if you aren't planning to be there a long time.
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    Sounds like "penance service" is an ambiguous term!  At my parish, there isn't any liturgy of the hours or communal prayer.  It's just like 30 priests setting up all around the church, school, parish hall, etc.  You come at whatever time during the 3 hours, and get in whatever line you choose.  Usually the sacristan is there to tell people where other lines are forming, etc.  And then you leave when you're done.  Not sure what you can expect at your parish!


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    Thanks for all the advice... but I didn't get to go.

    I got really sick on Tuesday night, and I've been sick ever since.  I can't tell if it's the flu or some weird bug.  Maybe I'll go to one next year!  :)

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