June 2012 Weddings

My crazy wedding week! Recap with PIP!

2 weeks ago I left you ladies so I could fly home and get married!!  Apologize in advance for any grammatical errors, a bit jet-lagged..

Arrived in Houston. Met up with FI so we could obtain our marriage license ($72 here in Texas!!). My mom DIY'd our programs which were lovely, she (up to this point) had completed ~110 out of 180. Until.. FI looked at them and found that one of his two middle names was SPELLED INCORRECTLY!! OMG! So now we had 3 days to make 180 programs! My mom also made my dress, my 5 BMs dresses, my 3 FGs dresses, and her dress. So I was stressed cause I knew she was..

We worked like crazy through the night trying to get through these programs, we were up to about 75 at this point. Family starts to arrive in town. Got a call from the limo company stating the car we ordered to pick me up from the hotel and take us to the hotel at the end of the night was in a CAR WRECK!! Unable to be restored and they would refund our money and were "really sorry!" So now, we're 2 days from the wedding with NO transportation. My dad stepped up BIG and took care of this blemish for us though! Also made the menus. Bachelorette party was this night, too much fun!!

Again, working through these programs; probably up to about 150 at this point. Mani/pedi day as well. Rehearsal and reheasal dinner turned out to be great! Everyone came by the house to try on their dresses again, my mom did last minute alterations.

Friday: (Wedding Day)
MUA arrived at my parents house around 10:30. We were on schedule the WHOLE day. I was so happy! Finished MU around 2:30pm, went to pick up the flowers from the florist, then went to the hotel downtown to finish up prep. Photographer showed up at the hotel, limo showed up on time. 7pm-ceremony start.. from there it all was kind of a blur, I just remember my dad crying when he gave me away! I don't think I cried, but definitely teared up! The rest of night flew by (just as everyone states)!! Reception was great, great dancing! Only thing that kind of bugged me: we had a sweetheart table when we were served we couldn't eat! People kept coming up taking pics of us, talking with us. So we just decided to get up and greet everyone at this point, and when everyone started to eat we sat down and ate..

Wake up next to my husband in our hotel, previous night in the hotel was spectacular! LOL My mom was throwing a brunch at my parent's house. Our flight for Amsterdam left for 3:30pm, so husband and I agreed to meet at the airport for noon. I arrived at my parent's house to the smell of wonderful breakfast, I didn't eat much at the reception so I was STARVING!! Started eating then get a text from husband, "my little brother got in a car wreck after the wedding last night he's in ICU at Ben Taub". My heart skipped a beat. And for a minute I was torn: I had family and friends over my parent's house, we're eating and enjoying each other, then my husband's little brother in ICU. Of course, I went to be with my husband. Thankfully his brother was stable, just a little out of it. We did go on our HM, reluctantly though!

In sum, the week was crazy. I was so stressed I lost about 5 pounds.. my dress was larger because of this! I'm so grateful for my mom who worked her butt off, my dad, everyone involved. Especially everyone who kept me sane! Here are some of the pics:

LOVE our photographer! Love the little compilation pics she did. These are some prep pics.

Reception ballroom. His groom's cake!

Candid shots of us.

Pic taken by my cousin. Everyone is right, SO many people want to take pics of you and be in pics with you! Is this how it feels to be a celebrity??

Our first kiss : )

Being introduced as Lt. and Mrs. George!!

First dance!
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