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Bad back acne scars/tanning

I've had bad acne scars on my back for years, and was wondering what the best bet would be for me to help disguise them? I was considering tanning, but I'm not sure if that will make them worse. I've been told to just try tanning and see how my skin reacts to it, but I also don't want to be spending the money on it either since I am saving for my wedding. Any ideas?

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Re: Bad back acne scars/tanning

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:80a24403-6a81-4c6a-aca9-c9bb5bf395b3Post:43ff1123-9ec9-490e-b28e-8181a090d31d">Bad back acne scars/tanning</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've had bad acne scars on my back for years, and was wondering what the best bet would be for me to help disguise them? I was considering tanning, but I'm not sure if that will make them worse. I've been told to just try tanning and see how my skin reacts to it, but I also don't want to be spending the money on it either since I am saving for my wedding. Any ideas?
    Posted by karlipregler[/QUOTE]

    Tanning may make you break out more if you're still acne prone--it dries your skin out so your skin overcompensates by producing more oil.  You should try washes with salicylic acid and glycolic or other ahas that exfoliate some.  I warn against scrubs though b/c they seem to make my skin worse.  I still break out some and have some scars. Honestly, I am wearing my hair down which is a few inches longer than my shoulders, and then I have my veil which you could wear the whole time if you'd like (some girls do!).  I know I'm not going to be perfect but I'm going to try not to make that the focus aside from covering as best I can.  Best of luck--I feel your pain! I have some scarring on my face as well which bugs me.  Remember your great attributes though and put your best foot forward!  Everyone has something their self conscious about and I think weddings bring it out in women
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    If you are getting your make up air brushed on for your wedding, have them airbrush your back as well.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:80a24403-6a81-4c6a-aca9-c9bb5bf395b3Post:0bbfb3df-6ccc-480b-949d-c731dc29942c">Re: Bad back acne scars/tanning</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you are getting your make up air brushed on for your wedding, have them airbrush your back as well.
    Posted by KatWAG[/QUOTE]

    I have to disagree with that idea b/c what happens if you start to sweat a lot and it starts rubbing off on your white or ivory dress? Not good.  You probably could dot some waterproof concealer here and there on anything majorly noticeable.
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    Have you ever tried an airbrush tan? If you have it done a couple days before it's well blended and won't come off on your dress. My daughter does beauty pageants and she gets tanned all the time. She has eczema.You could always do a trial and see what you think. They are cheap. Like $30
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    I had some acne scarring on my back years ago... My doctor perscribed a benzoyl peroxide treatment. Every 2 days I would dab the benzoyl peroxide onto my scars, and in between those 2 days I had a heavy-duty medicated moisturizer that I would dab on. After about a month my scars were MUCH less obvious. Today (7 years later) they are completely gone.

    I do not necessarily know if this is the right solution for you... but it may be worth asking your doctor about :) Good luck! Smile
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