
Embassy Suites Airport information?

Does anyone have the menu/price list from the Embassy Suites that they can private message to me?
FI and I went to a wedding there 1-2 years ago and thought the food was fantastic.  It was in stations though so we aren't sure what their typical sit down selections are.


Re: Embassy Suites Airport information?

  • i went to a wedding there and fell in love with the venue! i got engaged august 2012, we wanted to get married july 2013 so i called about november 2012 and they were already booked for the entire summer! i got a price list when i called saying i was interested, pretty sure they emailed it to me, but we had to go somewhere else since they were booked!  i remember their prices being quite reasonable!
  • In Response to Embassy Suites Airport information?:
    [QUOTE]Does anyone have the menu/price list from the Embassy Suites that they can private message to me? FI and I went to a wedding there 1-2 years ago and thought the food was fantastic.  It was in stations though so we aren't sure what their typical sit down selections are. Thanks!
    Posted by csuave[/QUOTE]

    I have the 2014 pricing list, but it's in PDF form, and I don't know how to upload it as an attachment in a private message.  If there's some other way you'd like me to send it to you, PM me and I'd be happy to!

  • csuavecsuave member
    Third Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    In Response to Re: Embassy Suites Airport information?:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Embassy Suites Airport information? : I have the 2014 pricing list, but it's in PDF form, and I don't know how to upload it as an attachment in a private message.  If there's some other way you'd like me to send it to you, PM me and I'd be happy to!
    Posted by elysec217[/QUOTE]

    Thanks, private message sent.
  • csuavecsuave member
    Third Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    In Response to Re: Embassy Suites Airport information?:
    [QUOTE]i went to a wedding there and fell in love with the venue! i got engaged august 2012, we wanted to get married july 2013 so i called about november 2012 and they were already booked for the entire summer! i got a price list when i called saying i was interested, pretty sure they emailed it to me, but we had to go somewhere else since they were booked!  i remember their prices being quite reasonable!
    Posted by thekorsans[/QUOTE]

    The wedding FI and I went to was on a Friday night because that was the only way the bride and groom could get in during the months they wanted!
  • In Response to Re: Embassy Suites Airport information?:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Embassy Suites Airport information? : Thanks, private message sent.
    Posted by csuave[/QUOTE]

    Just sent the pricing to you! 
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