July 2013 Weddings


Whos writting their own?? 

Wanna share inspiration? I need to finish mine this weekend, and Ive only got a blank page on word

Re: vows?

  • edited June 2013
    I am!!!! It took me 2 weeks to finally have the final draft. eeeekkkk...I just wrote from the heart (something that I would say everyday if I had to!) .. GOOD LUCK.
    Soon to be MR. & MRS. ANTHONY PRICE JR! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • TWO WEEKS?! we have like.. tonight haha maybe itll be  rough draft.. 
  • I'm scared to even start writing mine and my wedding is in two weeks. Sigh.
  • Good luck ladies!! We thought about writing our own and failed miserably. Instead we are writing letters to each other to read before our first look.
  • I finished mine quite a while ago... I jumped the gun I guess.  It took me 2 solid sessions.  The first draft I pretty much had to scrap!  I'm worried that FI hasn't started his yet.  He keeps talking about how hard it will be.  I'm worried that it will get to late, and I'll have to scrap mine so we can write something together.  Here are mine for inspiration:

    Todd, my love, my partner in life: A great person once said "Not all who wander are lost". Today, as I stand here with you, those words have never been more true to me. Through all my travels and experiences, every journey I've taken and decision I’ve made has led me here to you. When you came into my life I knew I'd found something special, something different. You are someone who makes me feel at home - someone who reminds me that no matter where I may wander, I will never be lost: we will forever have each other. With you I am home. And today I make these promises to you as we start this journey:

    I promise to support you and help to build a strong foundation for our family

    I will cherish and value you for the wonderful and loving man that you are

    I vow to always fight fair and never give up on our marriage

    I will be your partner, standing strong with you, as life unfolds before us

    I vow to take the tough times along with the good, and continue to learn as we grow as a couple

    I promise to move forward in life, no longer just as you or me, but as us.

    Where there are storms, we will weather them together; where there are troubles, I will stand with you

    I love you now, forever, and for all time.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • awww I love those!!!! that actually helps me alot!!! thanks! ( not like taking your words, but a little lovey intro , then the vows!! ) 
  • This has given me inspiration to pick up a pen and start writing mine now.
  • Okay this is what I have. I started writing it like an hour ago:

    Ola,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    There are no words that explain the emotion that I feel today.

    You continue to make me happy everyday.

    I am amazed at how far the Lord has brought us.

    8 and half years ago we were young, passing love notes back and forth in class, instead of paying attention.

    Now we stand here in front of our children, family and friends.

    I always had hope that this day would come

    I always had hope that you are my forever

    Today, I have faith.

    No more wishing and hoping

    I have faith that forever starts now


    Faith that with God on our side forever WILL be GREAT!

    I promise to be patients and kind even during times when we may disagree

    I will continue to work on managing my emotions and expressing them appropriately

    I vow to have good listening ears. I am here to listen to your worries, sorrows and fears.

    I promise to trust you because you ARE trustworthy

    I vow to support you in everything you do.

    I will continue  to be your biggest cheerleader as you climb the ladder of success

    I promise to faithful and honest

    Most importantly I promise to learn more about football and watch 1 game, only 1, every week

    I love you bae. So excited to have the same last name as the 3 most important men in my life.

  • drg424drg424 member
    25 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper

    Love these! I told James from day one we were doing traditional vows, then fast forward six months to the only serious fight we've ever had (and it was a big one) and I get an email from him with his vows, which he had secretly written :(

    So now two and half weeks away, I've got to come up with some! Thanks for sharing these, ladies! I'll post what I come up with just as soon as I do.

  • These are so sweet!  Now I wish we were able to write our own!  (Catholic rules, we can't...)
  • I have 9 days to write mine - no pressure :-p
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • herrrres mine.. 

    Were still gonna do the with this ring.. sickness/health etc..etcc..

    Eric, you have shown me love I never thought I would feel.

    I cherish the memories we have made so far, and can’t wait to spend a lifetime creating more.

    With your love, you have made me a better person.

    Today, I take you for all that you are and will be.

    I promise to be your best friend and stand by your side for all the days of my life.

    I promise to always be your biggest supporter and encourage all of your dreams

    I promise to be honest and faithful for all the days of my life. 

  • drg424drg424 member
    25 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2013

    These will probably change some but here is my first attempt (FYI Stewart is my cat):

    James, I could not possibly find all the words needed to describe how I feel today, on our wedding day.

    So instead, I want to thank you. In front of our families and loved ones, I want to thank you for being the kindest, most patient, loving man I have ever met in my life.

    James you are amazing in every sense of the word; the work you do with kids, the way you live your life with such stability and character, the love and respect you show for your family – these are just a few of the countless things that make you such an amazing man.

    And you picked me! J And I thank you for that, too. For taking such good care of me (and Stewart) and for being the man I didn’t even realize I needed until I met you.

    Thank you so much, James, for asking me to marry you and become your wife.

    Marrying you is an honor and a blessing that I promise to never, ever take for granted. And in exchange, I promise you today that I will always strive to be as good to you as you are to me, to take care of you when you need it, to never leave, even if it gets rough, and to be your partner and supporter in everything you do, for as long as I’m on this earth.  

    I love you.

  • I loove yours DRg!
  • drg424drg424 member
    25 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    Thank you! His are so sweet and thoughful - I'm going to keep working on them so he doesn't outshine LOL.
  • pam, I love yours! Gave me a little inspiration for mine. Thanks. :) 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • pam, I love yours! Gave me a little inspiration for mine. Thanks. :) 

    Thanks. I'm glad it was some inspiration.
    Drg424 I like that you thanked him. I think I might add some thanking in mine as well.

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