Wedding Woes

Good Morning!

How was the weekend?

Things were pretty darn good here.  Friday we stuffed our faces with soft pretzel and bratwurst.  Then I got cake and presents.

Sat: We putzed around then did lunch with the ILs.  They took the kids for the night and DH and I putzed around some more.  (TMI: but I think I FINALLY got my mojo back.  It's been sparse around here).

Sunday: Was church, grocery, errands, and dinner when the ILS brought the kids back. 

Re: Good Morning!

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    Our weekend was pretty darn good as well.

    Friday night the ILs took the girls because DH and I were going to do some shopping on Saturday.  We were invited to a cookout with some new friends.  It was scary and unfamiliar, seeing as how we haven't made new friends in 10 years, but we had a great time*.  We got home just after 1am, which is unheard of for us.

    Saturday we did our outlet shopping and then went to a different mall to shop.  We didn't buy much at all but it was nice to be out and about by ourselves.  We picked up the girls on the way home in the afternoon.

    Yesterday we just hung out at home, mostly.

    * I'll make a separate post.

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    mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited July 2013
    I'm about to go nuclear on Comcast.   They arbitrarily raised our bill by $100.  The fuck?  And my modem has been randomly resetting itself at least 2 times a day.  I'm about to start researching other Internet providers and I think we may just ditch cable all together.  We have Amazon Prime and will pick up hulu and/or netflix.  All of that is cheaper than this mess.  Grr.

    Also, this weekend was kind of annoying.  I was supposed to work on Saturday.  The network was having issues and IT was being an asshole about helping me (supposedly, my issue needed to be fixed by a 'senior' tech...WTFever).  So I spent half the day farting around with work stuff and never actually getting on to work.   We salvaged part of the day by going to a local state park and having a picnic and a hike.   After we got back home,  I finally got on with an IT guy who could help me.  But it was the end of the day, so my boss scheduled me into yesterday.  We went to the IL's for dinner so we could hang out with SIL and my nieces.

    Yesterday, I worked.  After that, I ran to the store for a few odds and ends.  We had dinner, watched Big Brother, and then I taught DH some simple yoga moves.  Which was utterly hilarious to watch. 
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    GBCKGBCK member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    Friday we had a cluser-of-a-day that culminated w/ leaving the diaper-bag on the kitchen table as we left to drive Buffy to her eye appt...and me leaving my migraine meds in said diaper bag.  On the plus side, the eye appointment went well and we dont' have to look at surgery probably for anything, yay.

    Saturday, we did mostly nothing.  I was post/pre-migrainey, the Mr' was coming down with something.  Other than me making a grocery run to meijer, I didn't do anything at all constructive.

    The Mr's Sis is in town w/ the kiddos, so, after church yesterday, I spent yesterday over there (and the Mr. went back to work yesterday and got stuck w/ OT)
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    Saturday was game day.  There's a sad story contained w/in that day.  I might share later.  Anyway, it was fun and we had some good games.

    Sunday I cleaned the damn house all damn day.  Then did laundry.  We did go get a new TV b/c of a nice sale at Best Buy.  It's brilliant and I can finally see the screen clearly again.

    That's really about it.
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    Weekend was good.

    Saturday I played tour guide for my friend's 15 yr old and had a nice time with her. She's a really good kid.

    Sunday we spent it at home cleaning and working on projects. Took DD to the local park to swing and then went to dinner with friends who are moving to IL.
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    Friday was my day off - got a massage, saw the new Wolverine movie and played some video games. gave DK the evening off and played more games/got caught up on TV - was planning on wine tasting, but decided to skip it. 

    Saturday: we went to a dual 1st and 3rd birthday party for the sons of one of the moms in my group. it was a pool party and they got a bounce house, so Wolverine had a blast. DK and I went out for a date night - melting pot (gift card was a Christmas present from my sister) and then to DSW, at DK's suggestion. I think he was going for husband of the year actually saying we could stop before we went home. I got 2 pairs of shoes (on sale!) and I'm wearing the purple/green ones today. 

    Sunday: We took Wolverine to her first circus. I didn't realize they were in town until DK mentioned on Saturday that they would be here until the 28th, and the theme was "Dragons" - perfect for our dragon-obsessed toddler. She LOVED the show - the animals and dragons were her favorite parts. 

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    I basically laid on the couch all weekend high on vicodin :/
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Weekend was tons of fun.

    Picked up H on friday, hobbled home.

    Had race on saturday, made a 3+ minute PR.  Awesome weather, and coolest Bix ever...loved it.  I ran without my Garmin and was THRILLED with my time.  Now it'll be hard to top.  Traveled back to town.  Made some lunch and then went for a quick bike ride to see how H likes the handcrank bike.  Came home, rushed around then went to a movie (Pacific Rim) with H.  Then picked up dinner and let H just rest and ice his knee.  He was in some pretty good pain.

    Sunday I got up and ran errands, then made breakfast and picked up around the house.  Then had a long bike ride with brother and dad.  New rider + windy as heck + mileage=super tired Oface. I got home and then just sat around the rest of the night.  H actually picked up dinner on his way home, and we laid low. 

    It was a good weekend, but my body is tired...and I still want to run.  *shakes fist*
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    Oh man, you will learn to despise the wind on your bike.  It's bad enough while running, but when you're on your bike and enjoy that freedom of doing all of that pedal work so that you can enjoy the coasting with the wind in your hair and it's so wonderful...and then the big ass gust comes along and you can feel the immediate slow down.  It's maddening.
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    Yes, and (nearly) being run off the road by a truck driver was fun too, "sorry mr. truck driver, you had to wait 4.2 seconds while oncoming traffic passed us".
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    That is why I want one of these:

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    And this one:


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    Awesome.  I almost read that as "skeet".  Don't brain is strange.

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    I suppose it's afternoon everywhere else, but morning! We had a good weekend. Friday I was so tired but managed to get through it. Went to bed and then got up with DS and we saw Despicable Me 2. It was good- what we did see of it because DS ended up having to potty like 4 times in the middle of the movie. We got lunch, then came home and both took naps. Sunday I went grocery shopping and stopped off at the mall to check out Motherhood Maternity. I feel like I have barely enough clothes to get me through a week so I ended up with some new stuff. We went swimming that night and DS was a little fish. He's doing good- can swim about 2 feet on his own. He loves the water and we had to drag him home.

    Today I'm heading out for a trip to San Antonio. I sort of need this trip- I really need to get out of the house.
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    GBCKGBCK member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    I hope the vicoden helps Ali--I"m sorry that they suck.
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