Wedding Woes

Fashion question

When did it become acceptable to pair light shoes with dark stockings?

There are two women here, younger than me, that are always wearing black stocking with white person nude shoes.  It's HORRIBLE.  I remember the black stockings/white shoe phase of the 80s and I hated that too.

Re: Fashion question

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    i thought the point of wearing nude shoes was to make your legs look longer. i can't imagine this ^^^ is attractive. 
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    It is not.  At all. But THEY must think it's attractive, right?  I can't imagine that, so I just keep thinking there must be some famous person, probably on drugs, declaring this is an awesome look that everyone should do.
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    That picture is actually a couple years old, but there you go.
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    VarunaTT said:
    It is not.  At all. But THEY must think it's attractive, right?  I can't imagine that, so I just keep thinking there must be some famous person, probably on drugs, declaring this is an awesome look that everyone should do.

    I think it's Miley's fault.  It's the year of 'Blame Miley'. 
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    I'm thinking it's the "quirky" fashion set.  Like...if I do things so out of expected and normal, it has to then be cute, right?
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    Just no to that.
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    i never, ever wear black tights with anything but black shoes.  Ever.  I also never wear grey tights with anything but grey shoes.  the above sounds terrible...not to mention that nude shoes and tights belong in two totally separate seasons.
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