
Silk Flowers/Bouquets

Hi All! This might seem like a silly question, but do most florists work with silk flowers for weddings or is that more a DIY thing? If you have any recommendations for florists who do work with silk flowers, I'd love to hear them! Thank you so much! You girls are awesome!

Re: Silk Flowers/Bouquets

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    I think most florist deal with just real flowers. But I know that stores like Pat Catan's and Michaels will do silk bridal bouquet arrangements in their floral departments and you can get them done to order.

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    I used Forest Woods in Cuyahoga Falls for our florist. Vince, the owner, does a lot with silk and beads, centerpieces....just out of the ordinary if you aren't using fresh flowers. I can't speak to the price, since we used fresh flowers, but he's worth contacting if you don't want to DIY!
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    Thanks for the information! I'll look into Forest Woods!
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