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Vent/ Fi on eggshells

So, before I start I want to thank novella for encouraging me to vent. I see all the support the community gives and it's very uplifting. I want to preface this by saying that I'm not always the best at expressing my feelings through words, so I hope I'm understood correctly. 

Two years ago my father passed away from 7 years of battling stage 4 stomach cancer. It still gets to me, but I know the fact that he was able to get married to the love of his life, open his own business and see his first grandchild be born is something most with stage 4 cancer will not see. Cancer is a bitch and I miss him everyday, but I'm grateful for the memories I have. My stepmother is a great woman who has been nothing short of supportive both emotionally and financially during my wedding planning process.

That same year, my mother had a horrible stroke that should have killed her. She was in ICU for a week through Christmas, and because my mom and stepfather never had health insurance (he owned his own small company and she worked for him), she never got the proper rehab she should have. Her entire right side is paralyzed, she doesn't know how to talk (she knows a couple words and can say them if you help her) and gets "yes" and "no" switched frequently. For awhile she didn't know who anyone was, but her memory has come back a little bit over the past couple of years. She was the total Martha Stewart type, hostess with the mostest, insanely crafty and giving person, loved to dance. Her stroke was directly caused by her refusal to take medication for her a fib. She would live in a world of, "if I don't think about it, it won't happen to me" kind of mentality. I still hold a little bit of resentment (is that the right word?) towards her because I know if she would have just taken her warfarin/coumadin she would still be the same person she was. In many ways we have "lost" her. My step dad has no intention on getting her back in rehab but does do exercises with her, both physical and mental. My cousin is a PT and gave them insight and suggestions on what to do.

The past few weeks I have been getting emotional over the fact that I know my dad won't be there and my mom will not be the person I envisioned her to be all these years. My family and I are and continue to be very close, though I live about 4 hours from them. I went to a grief counselor and thought I was good to go, but the holidays + wedding planning has brought a lot of emotions up to the surface again. I know I should be grateful my mother is still around and I still have a very strong support group, as many brides I see here do not have. 

I also feel for my Fi, as I know he's my #1 supporter but recently feels hopeless. He asked me about my first fitting for my dress and I burst out crying because I don't think anyone will be available (in person or over facetime) to be there with me. The last time I wore the gown was before my dad passed and we taped our father daughter dance. I don't know how I will react when I put the dress on again. I have been getting a lot of questions from vendors about my parents and it's like a tiny stab in my heart every time I have to explain. 

Though, I did just start BCP again, so my hormones are totally out of wack and may be the major cause of my over emotional self. For brides that are planning or remember planning and would get emotional, what would you do? I think I need to get stock in alcohol and just cry it out.

Thank you for those who read this short novel & happy Monday.


Re: Vent/ Fi on eggshells

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    I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hugs. Tons and tons of hugs. 

    You might want to consider going back to the counselor just to help get you through this rough patch because you obviously have a ton of stuff to deal with that is not easy. And yes, cry it out. Crying can be a great release, so don't hold back if you feel like you need to cry. 

    And also, I'm so glad to hear that I encouraged you to vent. When you're going through something like this, I think it's important to talk about it and have as much support as you need, and you know we're always here to support you! 
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    I really have no advice because I've never been through what you've been dealing with, but I have lots of internet hugs for you.
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    I don't have any advice, either, but I wanted to offer you internet hugs b/c it sounds like a lot on your plate.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    dolewhipperdolewhipper member
    First Comment 5 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited December 2014
    Thank you novella and loveislouder 

    ETA and Addie <3


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    internet hugs, and vent away!  We're here for you
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    I will say that when I'm doing wedding stuff and it starts making me sad that the person I lost can't be with me for yet another milestone, I leave wedding stuff alone for a while and either relax with a good book or go out with friends or have a nice dinner with FI. Whatever will cheer me up and help take my mind off the sad stuff. 

    I think it's important to remember the people you lost, but it's also important to step away and give yourself a break from the grief. 
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    Big hugs. I think you're going through a ton that would make anyone emotional.

    I will say, I had to get off the BCP because of the emotional mess I was.
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    I'm sorry. I don't have any advice but I am sending you the most internet hugs.
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    So many hugs.

    My mom had a stroke about 3 years ago. She was in the hospital for about a month and had to re-learn to do a lot of things. By all accounts she has recovered really well...but she's not the person that she was before. I 100% understand how that feels. My mom's anxiety issues have really increased since her stroke and wedding planning has made them way more apparent.

    I can't offer advice about your dad not being there for this, but I full understand how hard it is to be going through wedding planning with a parent who is not the same as they used to be.Weddings and wedding planning bring out so many emotions, and adding the emotional effects of a parent who isn't the same can really take a toll. Lots of support here <3



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    I'm so sorry. All of the internet hugs.

    It does really sound like having someone to talk it out with would be really helpful. Even short term. Someone who can listen and be there for you. And honestly, this is the time of year where everything makes me cry. And it's not just the BCP. I get so sentimental and teary over the strangest things. So I wouldn't be afraid to cry it out at home if that's how your feeling. Expressing those emotions is often a great relief.
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    Gah! My heart just broke in two for you. Many many hugs to you during these times!

    image   image   image

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    I think you are quite articulate, OP!

    *hugs* My best advice is to just take things one day at a time and to be patient with yourself. Do the best you can to set yourself up so that you are as healthy as can be like get good rest, work out and eat well, etc so that you can take out some factors that can make you feel unstable that you actually have control over. again *so many hugs*

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    *Hugs*  You are handling a lot.  I think talking to a grief counselor might still be a good course of action.  I'm so sorry all of this is happening.  Sending you happy thoughts and hugs.

    Also, your siggy is amazing.  I don't care if Christmas is over in a few days, it should be your siggy forever.  

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    I'm so sorry. Many internet hugs and t/ps.
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    Thank you everyone.

    I feel so bad for Fi because usually I'm the happy go lucky one but I can only push away/bottle up emotions for so long :(


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    Thank you everyone.

    I feel so bad for Fi because usually I'm the happy go lucky one but I can only push away/bottle up emotions for so long :(
    I know what you mean with this. I feel like FI has been put through a lot with my moods, me crying, venting, getting upset a lot, being on edge and then snapping at him when things aren't his fault, etc. because of all the crap I've been dealing with recently. Luckily he's really understanding and supportive. I just tell him I love him several extra times and do things to make him feel special too (like surprising him with his favorite beer). 

    That's all you can really do. It's ok to lean on your FI for support; that's what a good relationship is about. Supporting each other, even when things are shitty (Sorry, I do realize how horribly cheesey that sounds). You shouldn't be bottling up emotions. Everyone goes through a hard time once in a while, and that's ok. It's just life. You deserve to react however you need to, and be as upset as you need to be. And you deserve to have those people around to lean on and comfort you. Just make sure those people know how much they mean to you, and take care of yourself. 
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